Obama Offends Special Olympians about the bowling joke.

I also happened to say things I either wasn't meant to say, or it just came out the wrong way... I just see it as such... it slipped, he apologized,... whatelse do you want more?

It's not like he was pointing his finger at a disabled person and laughing out loud!

Even President's make mistakes...


Very true. :gpost:
Would those be considered racist like whitey jokes? What about a white President making nappy hair jokes? :hmm:

Probably not a smart move.

Would you consider it as a racsim if Obama make a blond jokes because he is black?

Interesting, we have the people with different races make blond jokes often here in Europe, it doesn´t bother us Europeans because we consider the people with different races as human being, not their skin color.

It doesn´t bother us, too if Obama make a blond joke because we know blond joke is very common... I have seen my blond friends don´t take blond jokes serious but share their laugh with our muslim friends´s blond jokes... :dunno2:

It´s European´s culture shock if the people get offend and call Obama as racist for make blond jokes...
He's a better bowler, than he is a President! :laugh2:

Funny how you can make that kind of judgement when Obama hasn't even been in office for 6 months. :roll: He's certainly doing a better job than former President Bush was at this time during his Presidency.
the real liberal Democrats at work. they take every special groups for granted for their votes...

Just like Sarah Palin did when she spoke to parents of special needs children during her campaign.

Would you consider it as a racsim if Obama make a blond jokes because he is black?

Interesting, we have the people with different races make blond jokes often here in Europe, it doesn´t bother us Europeans because we consider the people with different races as human being, not their skin color.

It doesn´t bother us, too if Obama make a blond joke because we know blond joke is very common... I have seen my blond friends don´t take blond jokes serious but share their laugh with our muslim friends´s blond jokes... :dunno2:

It´s European´s culture shock if the people get offend and call Obama as racist for make blond jokes...

why, do they think every person who have blond hair are stupid? If not, why is it funny? I found the "you might be a redneck...." funny because some of the things he says is true. The crazy things that Rednecks do. My mom really does "recycle" junks around her house because she can't afford the real thing.

I remember when my husband and I was shopping one day, and I turned my back and he was calling me to come back. The Cashier seem peeved and said to him, "what's matter with her, deaf or something?" in a sacastic voice. My husband turn around and looked at her and said "yes, she is" She was speechless. hearing people use deafness to insult other hearing people... kinda like when someone tell another person he act like a black person just to insult him... why, because they want to treat it as bad thing)
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Just like Sarah Palin did when she spoke to parents of special needs children during her campaign.

how insulting. She IS a parent of special need children.

If you ever go in politic, Remind me not to take you seiously if you spoke about your deafness because you are trying to win votes.
how insulting. She IS a parent of special need children.

If you ever go in politic, Remind me not to take you seiously if you spoke about your deafness because you are trying to win votes.

Just because Sarah Palin has a child with special needs doesn't mean she's an expert on other children with special needs.

As for the last sentence in your post, I don't know about you, but I don't use my deafblindness to gain sympathy from others. :)

By the way, I don't plan to enter the world of politics anytime soon, so you don't have to worry about voting for me. :cool2:
no, but it is part of you and who you are. I doubt Palin was trying to gain sympathy, but sharing that she have been there and is on their side. I doubt any parents would just wake up and say, I'm so happy that my child has down syndrome!! no, it is devastating news. When I was pregnant, they told me that one of my blood testing showed my child may have a high risk of down syndrome. And I was very upset (although it turned out he doesn't have it). My cousin was upset when she found out that her son had Autism.
So just leave Palin alone, will ya?
how insulting. She IS a parent of special need children.
a CHILD. and she doesn't even understand the life of special needs person yet! Her special needs child is just a toddler.

If you ever go in politic, Remind me not to take you seiously if you spoke about your deafness because you are trying to win votes.
well - if the deafie has a good cause, he/she's got my vote. IMO - Sarah Palin took advantage of the families with special needs children. All she did is parading her child in front of cameras and acted as if she understands the difficulty and pain that they go thru when she did not.
I think She does understand it fully well. I'm sure she was fully educated from the moment she found out her child have down syndrome.
My cousin found out about her child's problem when he was a toddler. She did what she could for him. Before she found out he has autism, he had other health problems such as heart problems that needed a surgery.

I think you don't understand the pain and difficulty they went through.
I think She does understand it fully well. I'm sure she was fully educated from the moment she found out her child have down syndrome.
My cousin found out about her child's problem when he was a toddler. She did what she could for him. Before she found out he has autism, he had other health problems such as heart problems that needed a surgery.

I think you don't understand the pain and difficulty they went through.

Your cousin understands & knows the pain and difficulty of raising special needs child. Sarah Palin doesn't. You know very well that education and experience are 2 completely different things. Until Sarah experiences it all, then she may talk about it. I can read all the books and attend classes about raising the child but does that make me as qualified as a father who has already raised children?

The way Sarah Palin paraded around her child and telling people what they want to hear..... it's insulting and patronizing to me.
no, she knows the pain and difficulty ahead of her. Why does it matter when it hurts to know that your child will struggle over the years. Sometimes it hurt to see when other people's child are crawling and you are still holding yours.

Sarah is not doing that. She just want the best for her son just like any parents do.
Your cousin understands & knows the pain and difficulty of raising special needs child. Sarah Palin doesn't. You know very well that education and experience are 2 completely different things. Until Sarah experiences it all, then she may talk about it. I can read all the books and attend classes about raising the child but does that make me as qualified as a father who has already raised children?

The way Sarah Palin paraded around her child and telling people what they want to hear..... it's insulting and patronizing to me.

no, but it is part of you and who you are. I doubt Palin was trying to gain sympathy, but sharing that she have been there and is on their side. I doubt any parents would just wake up and say, I'm so happy that my child has down syndrome!! no, it is devastating news. When I was pregnant, they told me that one of my blood testing showed my child may have a high risk of down syndrome. And I was very upset (although it turned out he doesn't have it). My cousin was upset when she found out that her son had Autism.
So just leave Palin alone, will ya?

I have the right to say whatever I want about Sarah Palin. :cool2:

By the way, the first half of your post is irrelevent to this discussion. We are talking about campaigning for votes -- not how parents feel about their child's diagnosis.

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