Obama Offends Special Olympians about the bowling joke.

no, she knows the pain and difficulty ahead of her. Why does it matter when it hurts to know that your child will struggle over the years. Sometimes it hurt to see when other people's child are crawling and you are still holding him.

Sarah is not doing that. She just want the best for her son just like any parents do.

no you're not understanding it.

1. Sarah Palin paraded around her baby for political gain - a cheap ploy to gain votes from families with special needs children/family members.
2. She speaks as if she knows what's it all about and she's been thru it all.
3. What does she know about raising a special needs child when her child is just a toddler?
Conclusion - She hasn't experienced it all yet.

What's even worse is that her political agenda for special needs-related issue is not even comprehensive nor crystal clear. Just a cheap big headline that sounds good but has no details - nothing but hyperbolic rhetoric. In case you didn't remember, her big speech began with introduction of her child and then quickly jumped to accusing Obama wanting to make government bigger and socialistic.

Uh..... Sarah Palin? *knock knock on her head* Did you know that bigger government is good for community with disability? It means stronger & stricter regulations & federal protection for people with disability. It means bigger budget set aside for people with disability. Obama has CLEARLY & FULLY addressed the disability issue and has CLEARLY & FULLY disclosed the plan for disability.
No you don't understand it. And just because she is a republican doesn't mean she don't support gov't funding (republican believe in slow gov't funding with some freedom unless the funding is absolutely neccessary). She'll have to be a libertarian or something like that not to like gov't funding.

And I doubt she was using her child. Sure she want to win, but don't anyone want to win for their cause?

No one wants a communist or heavily socialism country here. Do you?

And I still don't think you understand what it is like to be a parent of down syndrome. You are basically denying Palin or any new parent with down syndrome on how they feel. you think they are only qualify if their child is somewhat grown up or something.
Sure she want to win, but don't anyone want to win for their cause?

Not if they're doing it to win an election.
I didn't even vote for Obama (not that I hate the guy, just hate abortion) and I think this is stupid. When did Americans get sooooooo friggin petty? About everything?
No you don't understand it. And just because she is a republican doesn't mean she don't support gov't funding (republican believe in slow gov't funding with some freedom). She'll have to be a libertarian or something like that not to like gov't funding.
Political Affliction has no bearing in my voting. I wanted to vote for McCain but Sarah Palin just pretty much sank McCain's boat and even GOP didn't like her.

And I doubt she was using her child. Sure she want to win, but don't anyone want to win for their cause?
so you'd support someone using a cheap method to win for their cause by any means? it's OFFENSIVE! PATRONIZING! She walked around with expensive clothes, preached with hypocrisy, and swayed the people with fallacy.

No one wants a communist or heavily socialism country here. Do you?
No ma'am I don't. But is this country becoming a communist or a socialist country as Palin has frequently accused Obama of? Guess she's wrong after all...

And I still don't think you understand what it is like to be a parent of down syndrome. You are basically denying Palin or any new parent with down syndrome on how they feel. you think they are only qualify if their child is somewhat grown up or something.
Calm down. You're getting very emotional... which leads to irrational blanket comment. I don't have anything about parents with a down syndrome child. But do you see them parading their children in front of national tv to gain the political vote? no..... they did not. Sarah Palin did.

The parents of down syndrome children fight for their rights. Sarah Palin fought to win the election. MAJOR DIFFERENCE! What Sarah Palin did was SHAMELESS :nono:
I think She does understand it fully well. I'm sure she was fully educated from the moment she found out her child have down syndrome.
My cousin found out about her child's problem when he was a toddler. She did what she could for him. Before she found out he has autism, he had other health problems such as heart problems that needed a surgery.

I think you don't understand the pain and difficulty they went through.
Sarah Palin's child was an infant during the campaign. All she knew about raising a Down's Syndrome child at that point in time was that he needed to be fed and changed just like any other baby. She had not even reached the point where they would start intervention services for her child. In short, she knew absolutely nothing about raising a child with Down's Syndrome. She hadn't even begun to to that. To imply that she was an expert just because she managed to give birth is offensive.
let me ask you, is that how you treated your child.. oh he is just a baby that need a diaper change.

Nope, I sure every parents have monitor their child milestones. I did. I've seen parents of special need who watched other parents' milestone and realized it will take their child longer to reach that milestone. A friend of mine had a down syndrome baby. Told me that while other babies could hold his neck up, her baby could not and they had to take him for therapy result of that. development delay start at infant especially when they have down syndrome, autism, and even deafness.
I think it's probably a mixture of the two opinions here. On the one hand, I don't think it was right for Ms. Palin to use her child's condition as leverage to gain votes. But...I also think that she loves her baby, that she really does want to do right by him, and that she didn't see what she did as harmful. This doesn't mean she had a right to do what she did. It was wrong for her to use a child, any child, to sway votes if she was conscienly doing so....but let's be careful before we guilt the woman of total disregard for her baby's needs. I would never have dreamed of doing what she did, but, I doubt she did it thinking it would hurt him. You know?
let me ask you, is that how you treated your child.. oh he is just a baby that need a diaper change.

Nope, I sure every parents have monitor their child milestones. I did. I've seen parents of special need who watched other parents' milestone and realized it will take their child longer to reach that milestone. A friend of mine had a down syndrome baby. Told me that while other babies could hold his neck up, her baby could not and they had to take him for therapy result of that. development delay start at infant especially when they have down syndrome, autism, and even deafness.

and do you think she did those? In case you didn't know, she had been very busy campaigning around while her child lacking her full attention & dedication and while her daughter was getting knocked up. oh..... the hilarity ensues.... too bad it's over. Back to reading funny book...... *pout*
and do you think she did those? In case you didn't know, she had been very busy campaigning around while her child lacking her full attention & dedication and while her daughter was getting knocked up. oh..... the hilarity ensues.... too bad it's over. Back to reading funny book...... *pout*

There are plenty of working mothers who travel who have down syndrome babies.
i suppose they don't care about their child either, right?
There are plenty of working mothers who travel who have down syndrome babies.
i suppose they don't care about their child either, right?

We're not talking about those working mothers. We're talking about Sarah Palin as a so-called advocate of those with down syndrome. Like I said - what she did for those with down syndrome was insulting. I'm somewhat surprised that you don't see it that way but.... to each their own.....

Tell me - whose plan is better for disability laws/policy/funding/etc? Obama's or Palin's (even though she didn't run for Presidency but it's the thought that counts)
Palin because she is learning as she go along and yet allow some freedom for the parents if they feel one method does not work for them. Obama will not learn from this. He have a healthy family.
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let me ask you, is that how you treated your child.. oh he is just a baby that need a diaper change.

Nope, I sure every parents have monitor their child milestones. I did. I've seen parents of special need who watched other parents' milestone and realized it will take their child longer to reach that milestone. A friend of mine had a down syndrome baby. Told me that while other babies could hold his neck up, her baby could not and they had to take him for therapy result of that. development delay start at infant especially when they have down syndrome, autism, and even deafness.

A 3 month old infant hasn't gained any milestones yet. In fact, if it were not for the obvious appearance of a Down's Syndrome child, and the fact that genetic testing is available to confirm it, the child would not even be diagnosed until they were around 18 months old. That is the average age that developmental delays are diagnosed. The only reason that Downs Syndrome children start to receive intervention services earlier than other cognitive and developmentally delayed children is because the condition is apparent from the time they are born. As a result, the pediatrician knows to expect certain delays, and can start therapy early to compensate for that.
I think it's probably a mixture of the two opinions here. On the one hand, I don't think it was right for Ms. Palin to use her child's condition as leverage to gain votes. But...I also think that she loves her baby, that she really does want to do right by him, and that she didn't see what she did as harmful. This doesn't mean she had a right to do what she did. It was wrong for her to use a child, any child, to sway votes if she was conscienly doing so....but let's be careful before we guilt the woman of total disregard for her baby's needs. I would never have dreamed of doing what she did, but, I doubt she did it thinking it would hurt him. You know?

I know exactly what you are saying. And I agree.
Palin because she is learning as she go along and yet allow some freedom for the parents if they feel one method does not work for them. Obama will not learn from this. He have a healthy family.

Funny. The Repubs are the ones that severely restricted interpretation of the ADA. It is Obama that is remedying that.
Palin because she is learning as she go along and yet allow some freedom for the parents if they feel one method does not work for them. Obama will not learn from this. He have a healthy family.

then why is Obama's comprehensive disability plan is MUCH MUCH MUCH better than Palin's? I thought Palin would know about it better than Obama???
A 3 month old infant hasn't gained any milestones yet. In fact, if it were not for the obvious appearance of a Down's Syndrome child, and the fact that genetic testing is available to confirm it, the child would not even be diagnosed until they were around 18 months old. That is the average age that developmental delays are diagnosed. The only reason that Downs Syndrome children start to receive intervention services earlier than other cognitive and developmentally delayed children is because the condition is apparent from the time they are born. As a result, the pediatrician knows to expect certain delays, and can start therapy early to compensate for that.

She found out about his down syndrome before his birth. but yes, they do, they learn to suck and if they have a sucking problem that's part of their milestone. And some down syndrome are born with a heart condition.. It really doesn't matter if she found out later if it wasn't for the testing. My mom did find out about my older sister's deafness until her teacher told her (at age 5 years old) but she knew something was different.
She found out about his down syndrome before his birth. but yes, they do, they learn to suck and if they have a sucking problem that's part of their milestone. And some down syndrome are born with a heart condition.. It really doesn't matter if she found out later if it wasn't for the testing. My mom did find out about my older sister's deafness until her teacher told her (at age 5 years old) but she knew something was different.

That sucking problem is the result of palate malformation, and is something that is visable. It is nothing more than a symptom. Many babies without Downs Syndrome also experience sucking diffiulty. The heart condition associated with Down's Syndrome is also a symptom of the disorder. And it doesn't usually begin to cause problems until the child is older. Doctors know to look out for it only because Down's Syndrome can be diagnosed before birth through genetic testing, and after birth by appearance. And it does matter when you find out about a syndrome, because that, in and of itself, determines how soon intervention services are started, and how soon developmental delays are seen as a concern.

And your mom might have known something was different, but she didn't know what was different, so your sister did not recieve intervention services until after she was diagnosed. That is the whole point.