Obama Offends Special Olympians about the bowling joke.

He apologized to the President of the Special Olympics and is forgiven.

Move it along......

no. I will continue to make fun of him just like I did to other Presidents. :nana::wackit:
an occasional blunder, ok, but during the campaign it was almost daily "the candidate mis-spoke" and since he has taken office he accepts no responsibility and counters alsmost everything he says and now he is "mis-speaking" again.

I hope he does so before he rips the lanes out to make his BBall court.
Now, that would be a photo opportunity no one would question or roll their eyes at.

He took responsibility by formally apolgizing. What can he do..go back and undo the remark? He made it and he has to deal with it. IMO, I think he owned up to it.
Eh. Happens to the best of us. People are making a bigger deal out of it than it really is. :roll: Moving forward...
Personally, I'll take a president who's learning the ropes and occasionally makes and then accepts responsibility for his mistakes, over GWB, who can barely form a coherent english sentence, and seems to be completely unaware of it.

But yeah, keep raggin' on Obama, I think he just needs to "make the pie higher"...

I also happened to say things I either wasn't meant to say, or it just came out the wrong way... I just see it as such... it slipped, he apologized,... whatelse do you want more?

It's not like he was pointing his finger at a disabled person and laughing out loud!

Even President's make mistakes...

I keep thinking about this AWFUL joke someone once sent me whenever I think about Obama's bowling joke:

Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

I don't think anyone should put Special Olympic to a low standard even for a joke.
I do not see anything that Obama laughed at disabled person.

I am a disabled person and do not view Obama's comment offensive... :dunno2: because I sometimes make fun myself over my deafness because I can't hear like hearing people... Hearing people laughed becuase they know that I did not put them down... :dunno2: like what Obama made fun of himself because he play bowling bad, not put special needs people down. It's about him, not disabled people...

He do not intend to hurt people's feeling and apoloized them but you can't expect the president of USA to be prefect...

Would you get offend if Obama also made blond jokes as well? Just asking...
If former President Bush had made the same gaff when he was in office, would you all be so understanding?

Just asking.
If former President Bush had made the same gaff when he was in office, would you all be so understanding?

Just asking.

Here is my answer:

I only criticize his policital issues, not his jokes/gaff because I personally understand the jokes and know he has a good sense of humor.

Anyway, let ADers answer your questions themselves
... Would you get offend if Obama also made blond jokes as well? Just asking...
Would those be considered racist like whitey jokes? What about a white President making nappy hair jokes? :hmm:

Probably not a smart move.

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