DeadMoney, your wish is granted but Jurassic Park went chaos and T-Rex ate you.
I wish that i bat homerun tonight for playoff.
Granted, but as you slide home, you break your ankle and can't do any sports for two months.
I wish Alex would remove the eye rolling emoticon from the list!![]()
granted, but there will be another one you dont like
i wish i didnt have class tomorrow.
your wish is granted but your bed is broke.
i wish this page is complete finish.
your wish is granted but you're stuck in time wrap.
i wish that my posts is 10,000 by now.
your wish is granted but your home is having a leak from the roof.
i wish that i can shut up.
Your wish is granted NorCal, but since you can't change time, all you can do is wait for time to pass.
I wish I didn't have to go to class or see my CI audi today.
Your wish is granted, but the tree is made out of Monopoly money, so your best bet if you want to get rich is to play the lottery.
I wish I had a full-time maid who could cook, do my laundry and clean my apartment.
Granted, but you must pay her a king's ransom to do it.
I wish i were 7 pounds lighter.
Your wish is granted, but since you spent too much time eating junk food, you gained it all back.
I wish the sun were out today.
Granted, but the sun's rays are so intense that you get a sunburn.
I wish I were going to see Coldplay in concert.