Your Talents?

I have a passion for filing and data entry and had been doing that for a long time before a move made me lose the job.

I am also very good with numbers, crafting, sewing and baking. As I was telling my daughter today though, I am "Queen of the Unfinished Projects", but I have actually been able to complete a lot of them. My prom dress from 1980 is still pinned to the pattern pieces. A knitted baby dress started 2 years ago is only half done and a knitted shawl is only 1/3 done. I have completed 57 quilts as gifts, made clothing for my family, done all kinds of curtains, slip-covers and place mats on the sewing machine. I have hand sewn Barbie clothes (475 outfits) and baby doll clothes for 6 different sizes (650 outfits).
I was trying to aim for triple entendre...but failed...though I've made few triple entendre statements before and quadruple entendre statement once! ^_^

I once strained my toungue with a quadruple entendre.....Make sure to stretch it out

Lets see that was 1,2,3 ah so close.
I have a passion for filing and data entry and had been doing that for a long time before a move made me lose the job.

I am also very good with numbers, crafting, sewing and baking. As I was telling my daughter today though, I am "Queen of the Unfinished Projects", but I have actually been able to complete a lot of them. My prom dress from 1980 is still pinned to the pattern pieces. A knitted baby dress started 2 years ago is only half done and a knitted shawl is only 1/3 done. I have completed 57 quilts as gifts, made clothing for my family, done all kinds of curtains, slip-covers and place mats on the sewing machine. I have hand sewn Barbie clothes (475 outfits) and baby doll clothes for 6 different sizes (650 outfits).

:shock: Kristina! Don't you have anything better to do with your time? :giggle:
I have eidetic memory. Is that what you mean?

I had to google that...Possibly. I don't know, though. I blank occasionally, but usually I remember stuff I don't expect to remember, and more clearly. I do remember other sensory input as well as visual input. Like I'll picture a page from a book or something and remember about where I was and how I felt and such when I saw it.

I'm hesitant to just up and say that I have eidetic memory, though, since there are some thing's I'm not that good with.

I think I just have really good recall. I used to be able to hear a line from a series of shows I'd watched once or twice, put the line in context with a scene, put that scene in context with an episode, and then give the correct title, season, and number episode with that, but I'm not sure that counts.

It's mostly stuff like that and situations I remember. Lines from books, etc.
I am a bit of a creative renaissance woman, trying a variety of mediums. I used to do graphic design - but not so much the past few years. Now I make and design my own jewelry along with creating my own glass beads. That's been the last 10 years - I sell online and at local art fairs.
We have both of these in common. :h5: Although strangely I don't remember faces very well. But if you remind me how I know the person I can give you their life history and what they wore the last time I saw them. :lol:

I have a problem with faces too...
I have a problem with faces too...

My wife on the other hand could remember a face from a glimpse of a photo....I always told her she should be FBI

True story we were walking through the mall and this girl we pass says hi.....thinking it might be a girl from the past I didn't recognize I just gave a quick "hi" and kept walking. My wife turns to me and says "that was rude" and I tell her "well she was probably trying to sell us something and I didn't want to hear the pitch" My wife stopped and looked at me. "That was your cousin" :lol: And it was. My wife had never met my cousin but had seen her in a family Christmas picture.

Boy was I in trouble with my aunt. :lol
Cooking. i took culinary arts in high school

writing short stories. ONLY when the mood strikes

helping the others

reading people like a book. i can usually tell if someone is good or bad right off the bat
I draw, and read, mostly. Apparently I have a freaky memory, though, according to my friend.

me too. i remember every detail of everything that has happened. i even remember what i ate & wore on my 5th birthday, lol.
My wife on the other hand could remember a face from a glimpse of a photo....I always told her she should be FBI

True story we were walking through the mall and this girl we pass says hi.....thinking it might be a girl from the past I didn't recognize I just gave a quick "hi" and kept walking. My wife turns to me and says "that was rude" and I tell her "well she was probably trying to sell us something and I didn't want to hear the pitch" My wife stopped and looked at me. "That was your cousin" :lol: And it was. My wife had never met my cousin but had seen her in a family Christmas picture.

Boy was I in trouble with my aunt. :lol

major lol right there.
We have both of these in common. :h5: Although strangely I don't remember faces very well. But if you remind me how I know the person I can give you their life history and what they wore the last time I saw them. :lol:

interesting. hmm... I think that means you are more dominant in left side brain than right side. you are not good at pictures but you are good at categorization in logical and sequential order.

I'm the opposite which is why I can't never remember names or numbers well but faces - yes very well. and that's also why most of financial/business concepts elude me. :dizzy:
Specifically I feel my strong personality traits involve noticing something different from the norm. I'm an observer of a kind, and I watch when something is happening.

I'm also one of those dedicated people. When I know I want something, I know I'll get it in the end. :)

I took sociology, CS in college. Sociology helped heaps to open my eyes and see the big picture in the world. Still does, many years later. It's one of the few courses where I feel like the degree wasn't worth much, but the information and skills I picked up were really good. Other classes didn't really benefit me after college. CS sort of helped, but wasn't my interest for a long term job.
interesting. hmm... I think that means you are more dominant in left side brain than right side. you are not good at pictures but you are good at categorization in logical and sequential order.

I'm the opposite which is why I can't never remember names or numbers well but faces - yes very well. and that's also why most of financial/business concepts elude me. :dizzy:

I'm hoping Siri will have facial recognition soon.

"Siri who is this?"

"That's your cousin.......again"

Specifically I feel my strong personality traits involve noticing something different from the norm. I'm an observer of a kind, and I watch when something is happening.

I'm also one of those dedicated people. When I know I want something, I know I'll get it in the end. :)

I took sociology, CS in college. Sociology helped heaps to open my eyes and see the big picture in the world. Still does, many years later. It's one of the few courses where I feel like the degree wasn't worth much, but the information and skills I picked up were really good. Other classes didn't really benefit me after college. CS sort of helped, but wasn't my interest for a long term job.

I am the same way with a couple World Religion courses I took. Didn't make me any money but I use alot of it still. Really hard but really fun classes.
No passions for what talents or i like to do something but wasting people's times. :)