You ever heard of Astrology?

Self knowledge and self awareness have absolutely nothing to do with astrology. Self awareness and self knowledge are the foundation of decision making based on knowledge of self and the ways in which one most effectively interacts with the environment. Astrology is decision making based on the alignment of the stars. One is not deterministic(self awareness) and one is deterministic (astology). Therefore, self awareness is not a superstition. Astrology, however, is a superstition.

Funny, how you claim that my religion is spoiling my mind without even knowing what my religious beliefs are. Put down the crystal ball. It is horribly innacurrate and is giving you a false sense of security in what you know and don't know.

Why don't you explain Cosmic Consciousness to me since I am so lacking in understanding? I'm interested to hear what this catch phrase actually means.

First, I would like to request what is your DOB?(birthday/year)(birth located) because I want to reading your and explain your 'Unique Celestial Identity'.
I do not need crystal ball. I am good at reading your DOB because I m good at astro-psychology.

Do you know what the word UNDER-STAND means? Let me give you an example; for instance if I wanted to build a second story above my house, I would have to go on top of it, walk along the roof well above the ground and with the help of an architect see what it would take to actually build what I envision. Then I would have to go down, UNDER the roof to see if the walls will STAND strong enough to hold the weight of the additional floor, correct? Of course, and this is where the word UNDER - STAND comes from. But many people will not go above into the Universal Mind to see how they STAND - UNDER their stars; they are robots controlled by their UCI and what makes it worse is that; they are totally unaware of it and don't UNDERSTAND the process. :hyper:

Well I am here to help you to build that cosmic consciousness so that you can apply the will of the cosmos in your favor once you know how you stand under the celestial order. This awareness will give you the power needed to stimulate the creative forces of your subconscious in relationships to your UCI (or Unique Celestial Identity). All of us were enslaved at birth by the will of the cosmos to swim back to our birthplace, and as children of the Universe, our birthplace is the stars because this is where we all came from.

First, I would like to request what is your DOB?(birthday/year)(birth located) because I want to reading your and explain your 'Unique Celestial Identity'.
I do not need crystal ball. I am good at reading your DOB because I m good at astro-psychology.

Do you know what the word UNDER-STAND means? Let me give you an example; for instance if I wanted to build a second story above my house, I would have to go on top of it, walk along the roof well above the ground and with the help of an architect see what it would take to actually build what I envision. Then I would have to go down, UNDER the roof to see if the walls will STAND strong enough to hold the weight of the additional floor, correct? Of course, and this is where the word UNDER - STAND comes from. But many people will not go above into the Universal Mind to see how they STAND - UNDER their stars; they are robots controlled by their UCI and what makes it worse is that; they are totally unaware of it and don't UNDERSTAND the process. :hyper:

Well I am here to help you to build that cosmic consciousness so that you can apply the will of the cosmos in your favor once you know how you stand under the celestial order. This awareness will give you the power needed to stimulate the creative forces of your subconscious in relationships to your UCI (or Unique Celestial Identity). All of us were enslaved at birth by the will of the cosmos to swim back to our birthplace, and as children of the Universe, our birthplace is the stars because this is where we all came from.


There is no such thing as astro-psychology. That is not a recognized discipline.

Yes, I know what the word understand means.

I don't need help in building my cosmic consciousness. I already have a very holistic view of life and change, and am not dictated to regarding these processes by the stars, but by my own capabilities and interaction with environmental influence. My life is not pre-determined by the position of the stars at the time of my birth; it is self directed.

The only thing that enslaves any of us is our own ignorance and refusal to act to create the change necessary for improvement of our life across all dimensions.

I am neither a robot, nor am I controlled by the stars.

My creative forces and my subconscious are already stimulated sufficiently.

I do not need to apply the will of the cosmos. I believe in self will.

I am existential in philosophy and Gestalt in practice. I believe in human potential, and refuse to believe that potential is limited through the position of a piece of rock in space at the time of a human's birth.

I am good at psychology (no astro prefix) and have the degrees to substantiate that.

I don't need an astrological reading to tell me that I am unique. Nor do I need such to identify my strengths and my weaknesses. Self awareness has already achieved that for me. I capitalize on my strengths, and seek to improve my weaknesses. They are not set in stone and predetermined by the stars. They can be changed through effort and insight. Who I was yesterday is not the same as who I am today, nor who I will be tomorrow. Such is the nature of humanity.
There is no such thing as astro-psychology. That is not a recognized discipline.

Yes, I know what the word understand means.

I don't need help in building my cosmic consciousness. I already have a very holistic view of life and change, and am not dictated to regarding these processes by the stars, but by my own capabilities and interaction with environmental influence. My life is not pre-determined by the position of the stars at the time of my birth; it is self directed.

The only thing that enslaves any of us is our own ignorance and refusal to act to create the change necessary for improvement of our life across all dimensions.

I am neither a robot, nor am I controlled by the stars.

My creative forces and my subconscious are already stimulated sufficiently.

I do not need to apply the will of the cosmos. I believe in self will.

I am existential in philosophy and Gestalt in practice. I believe in human potential, and refuse to believe that potential is limited through the position of a piece of rock in space at the time of a human's birth.

I am good at psychology (no astro prefix) and have the degrees to substantiate that.

I don't need an astrological reading to tell me that I am unique. Nor do I need such to identify my strengths and my weaknesses. Self awareness has already achieved that for me. I capitalize on my strengths, and seek to improve my weaknesses. They are not set in stone and predetermined by the stars. They can be changed through effort and insight. Who I was yesterday is not the same as who I am today, nor who I will be tomorrow. Such is the nature of humanity.

Again, DON’T ASSUME anything about it because you have total lack Cosmic Consciousness. We are different language of Consciousness like I talked you like chinese language. That's impossible for you understand me unless you willing to expand your knowledge but you do not want to THEN I am not responsible for your ignorance and moron attitude.

Guess what? Kepler College offers a degree in astrology. It's the only program in the United States where students can earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree in astrological studies. Plus there is more offer resources for Courses In Psychological Astrology. will tell you everything but you do it that yourself. Learn new something huh? :deal:

Again, I would suggest that, as a new comer, you NOT ASSUME anything about astrology classes. WAKE UP, young soul!:giggle:

I read few books of Zecharia Sitchin author not all of them. Just try to understand who started the creation of astrology in oldest or ancient I can say archaeological studies in relate between Gods of heaven and Earth. I m beginning to understand and will take time. The languages of Greek, Sumer, and anothers sometime confused me.
Again, DON’T ASSUME anything about it because you have total lack Cosmic Consciousness. We are different language of Consciousness like I talked you like chinese language. That's impossible for you understand me unless you willing to expand your knowledge but you do not want to THEN I am not responsible for your ignorance and moron attitude.

Guess what? Kepler College offers a degree in astrology. It's the only program in the United States where students can earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree in astrological studies. Plus there is more offer resources for Courses In Psychological Astrology. will tell you everything but you do it that yourself. Learn new something huh? :deal:

Again, I would suggest that, as a new comer, you NOT ASSUME anything about astrology classes. WAKE UP, young soul!:giggle:


Keppler College is an unaccredited online "school" that does nothing more than take your money and give you a degree that is not worth the paper it is printed on or the cost of the ink it took to print it. A dgree in astology? Please. That qualifies you do do exactly what?

Once again, there is no such thing as Psychological Astrology. In fact, the premise of astrology is diametrically opposed to the premise of psychological study. The APA does not recognize it, and accredited insitutions do not recognize it as either an elective course, or a dicipline of study.

I have asked you prior to provide an explanation of exactly what Cosmic Consciousness is. You have failed to do so. Don't use catch phrases you can't even define.

Yeah, we speak different languages, all right. I speak the language of logic and speak the language of superstition and unfounded belief systems.

You are welcome to believe that your life and personality are predetermined by the position of a piece of rock in space if you so choose. I personally believe that is the result of a complete failure to take responsibility for yourself, but hey, if you want to live your life in a delusional state, go for it. However, you cannot claim affiliation with any respected dicipline, especially that of psychology. You cannot make up terminology in an attempt to present yourself as credible.

There is a reason that accredited universities do not offer degrees in astrology. It is not a dicipline. Find me a single accredited university that offers a degree in astology. It can't be done. Find me a single governing body that recognizes something you call "Psychological Astology". You can't do that either. There is clincial psychology, there is counseling psychology, there is forensic psychology, there is social psychology, there is organizational psychology, there is educational psychology, and there is developmental psychology. But, nope, no such thing as astrological psychology.

I have yet to see a single job posting that requires the applicant to have a degree in astrology. Just not a big door opener.

Please, if you choose to spend your life consumed by psuedo-science, then by all means, do so. But never, never try to pass yourself off as a member of a respected scientific dicipline.
All science was at one time considered occult/magick. I am leaving this thread as it is losing the respect for differences I had hoped to share here. Peace!
Astrology isn't a science in its early stages. Astronomy thrived at one time until people saw with their own eyes.

About Kepler College of Astrological Arts and Sciences:

Its chair of the board of trustees wrote, "The founding of Kepler College is the most important event in astrology's history in several centuries. We at Kepler believe that bringing astrology back into a college setting is long overdue."

What an understatement! The Copernican theories of the late 1400s were proven beyond doubt by circumnavigation the global seas and the new telescope in the 1500s. By the 1600s, astrology as a “science” was pretty much bebunked by anyone with the ability to look up and think.

But The Flat Earth Society and its conspiracy theory that flights to the moon and pictures sent back by spaceship Galileo are fake is living proof that the gullible are still strong in number and sheep need to be fleeced.

Dr. Alvin Kwiram of the University of Washington calls Kepler "Ludicrous" in The Seattle Post-Intelligencer and wonders if someone will now start “a college of quack medicine?" (as if it didn’t already have several thriving campuses).

Dr. John Silber of Boston University wrote in The Boston Herald, "The promoters of Kepler College have honored [Johannes] Kepler [the astronomer/astrologer of the late 1500s and early 1600s for whom the college is named] not for his strength but for his weakness, as if a society advocating drunkenness named a school for Ernest Hemingway."

Anyway, through a fluke in Washington state law, the college now can legally collect money for degrees in the once again “science” of astrology, and people I know who claim to be gifted in what was reduced for centuries to a shady “art” are flocking to pay the price in order to legitimize their passing the bunco buck on to others.

For shame. P.T. Barnum should have added to “There’s a sucker born every minute”: . . . and there’s a grifter born every other minute to take his sweets and leave him the shaft.
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Astrology is not the truth! Nor the mythology! Astrology are just a prediction!

I was used to thought Astrology as whatever, but till I learn so many thing from my cousin about the Astrology, I was shocked about one of her book that she showed to me, it explain my personality very well and even more than I could've thought to explain my own personality. Even the negative stuff, the Astrology said it honestly.

But, that still doesn't mean that it is all entirely the truth because I will not always be like that. Astrology is very fun and impressive, I don't see any point to reject or neglect against the Astrology while itself is just a prediction.
Astrology isn't a science in its early stages. Astronomy thrived at one time until people saw with their own eyes.

About Kepler College of Astrological Arts and Sciences:

Its chair of the board of trustees wrote, "The founding of Kepler College is the most important event in astrology's history in several centuries. We at Kepler believe that bringing astrology back into a college setting is long overdue."

What an understatement! The Copernican theories of the late 1400s were proven beyond doubt by circumnavigation the global seas and the new telescope in the 1500s. By the 1600s, astrology as a “science” was pretty much bebunked by anyone with the ability to look up and think.

But The Flat Earth Society and its conspiracy theory that flights to the moon and pictures sent back by spaceship Galileo are fake is living proof that the gullible are still strong in number and sheep need to be fleeced.

Dr. Alvin Kwiram of the University of Washington calls Kepler "Ludicrous" in The Seattle Post-Intelligencer and wonders if someone will now start “a college of quack medicine?" (as if it didn’t already have several thriving campuses).

Dr. John Silber of Boston University wrote in The Boston Herald, "The promoters of Kepler College have honored [Johannes] Kepler [the astronomer/astrologer of the late 1500s and early 1600s for whom the college is named] not for his strength but for his weakness, as if a society advocating drunkenness named a school for Ernest Hemingway."

Anyway, through a fluke in Washington state law, the college now can legally collect money for degrees in the once again “science” of astrology, and people I know who claim to be gifted in what was reduced for centuries to a shady “art” are flocking to pay the price in order to legitimize their passing the bunco buck on to others.

For shame. P.T. Barnum should have added to “There’s a sucker born every minute”: . . . and there’s a grifter born every other minute to take his sweets and leave him the shaft.

Keppler College is an unaccredited online "school" that does nothing more than take your money and give you a degree that is not worth the paper it is printed on or the cost of the ink it took to print it. A dgree in astology? Please. That qualifies you do do exactly what?

Once again, there is no such thing as Psychological Astrology. In fact, the premise of astrology is diametrically opposed to the premise of psychological study. The APA does not recognize it, and accredited insitutions do not recognize it as either an elective course, or a dicipline of study.

I have asked you prior to provide an explanation of exactly what Cosmic Consciousness is. You have failed to do so. Don't use catch phrases you can't even define.

Yeah, we speak different languages, all right. I speak the language of logic and speak the language of superstition and unfounded belief systems.

You are welcome to believe that your life and personality are predetermined by the position of a piece of rock in space if you so choose. I personally believe that is the result of a complete failure to take responsibility for yourself, but hey, if you want to live your life in a delusional state, go for it. However, you cannot claim affiliation with any respected dicipline, especially that of psychology. You cannot make up terminology in an attempt to present yourself as credible.

There is a reason that accredited universities do not offer degrees in astrology. It is not a dicipline. Find me a single accredited university that offers a degree in astology. It can't be done. Find me a single governing body that recognizes something you call "Psychological Astology". You can't do that either. There is clincial psychology, there is counseling psychology, there is forensic psychology, there is social psychology, there is organizational psychology, there is educational psychology, and there is developmental psychology. But, nope, no such thing as astrological psychology.

I have yet to see a single job posting that requires the applicant to have a degree in astrology. Just not a big door opener.

Please, if you choose to spend your life consumed by psuedo-science, then by all means, do so. But never, never try to pass yourself off as a member of a respected scientific dicipline.

Again, we speak different languages. you are moron.

psychology and psychiatrist both are old tradition, not including astro-psychology(lost secret knowledge)because you not familiar with history astrology. In ancient, King and priest both destroy important of astrology books.

The Bible is filled with references to astrology. This is because astrology was widely accepted as truth in Biblical times. Christians who believe that astrology is Satanic would be surprised to learn that the Bible is filled with astrology and even Jesus himself made numerous references to astrology.

This live course with highly spiritual people and my teachings will change your entire perception of life while offering a rewarding career that will bring you not only financial rewards but also a sense of accomplishment knowing that you are helping the world and the children. Of course, had science honored the words “investigation” a chance to exceed their deplorable spiritual numbness the very essence of their quest for a plausible answer would become a real possibility that would benefit all children suffering. The traditionally trained rational logic scientific mind not only suffers serious limitations but will never be able to penetrate life’s mysterious spiritual counterpart by rejecting or ignoring its very existence.
There is a total educational imbalance between the spiritual and scientific logical worlds nowadays producing and endless crowd of educated morons (mental snobs) fearing the ridicule or worse souls born with an Inferior UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) and with time, slowly making the situation irreversible. Their logical mind is unable to grasp deeper spiritual meanings and will always bring more questions than real answers.

Thus what make us so different in our perspectives and perceptions is simply induced by the inherited UCI, our early experiences and of course general education and the main problem is this crucial UCI fact (spiritual stuff) is totally foreign to the scientific nerd’s community.

the scientists most of the people in charge of governmental institutions and all accredited institution are very traditional and religious and will condemn the stars, and with it the very essence of what would stop this carnage and save the children's lives. When will the world realize that those kids badly need spiritual food? Mathematics or geography even history wont cut it. It is a spiritual problem and the church has not, cannot, and will not be able to help, because this deadly generation is totally different than their teachers.

keplar college is just growing as baby as re birth in American. Today estimated 3,000 astrologers from 45 countries - plus several hundred locals - the conference, school, or workshop featuring 300 seminars and 170 speakers over the world, not just washington state. Growing and growing....
I think astrology is interesting but not something I would live my life around. :)
Astrology isn't a science in its early stages. Astronomy thrived at one time until people saw with their own eyes.

About Kepler College of Astrological Arts and Sciences:

Its chair of the board of trustees wrote, "The founding of Kepler College is the most important event in astrology's history in several centuries. We at Kepler believe that bringing astrology back into a college setting is long overdue."

What an understatement! The Copernican theories of the late 1400s were proven beyond doubt by circumnavigation the global seas and the new telescope in the 1500s. By the 1600s, astrology as a “science” was pretty much bebunked by anyone with the ability to look up and think.

But The Flat Earth Society and its conspiracy theory that flights to the moon and pictures sent back by spaceship Galileo are fake is living proof that the gullible are still strong in number and sheep need to be fleeced.

Dr. Alvin Kwiram of the University of Washington calls Kepler "Ludicrous" in The Seattle Post-Intelligencer and wonders if someone will now start “a college of quack medicine?" (as if it didn’t already have several thriving campuses).

Dr. John Silber of Boston University wrote in The Boston Herald, "The promoters of Kepler College have honored [Johannes] Kepler [the astronomer/astrologer of the late 1500s and early 1600s for whom the college is named] not for his strength but for his weakness, as if a society advocating drunkenness named a school for Ernest Hemingway."

Anyway, through a fluke in Washington state law, the college now can legally collect money for degrees in the once again “science” of astrology, and people I know who claim to be gifted in what was reduced for centuries to a shady “art” are flocking to pay the price in order to legitimize their passing the bunco buck on to others.

For shame. P.T. Barnum should have added to “There’s a sucker born every minute”: . . . and there’s a grifter born every other minute to take his sweets and leave him the shaft.

like i said before men are NOT born equal in mind, body and spirit, we are all so unique and different. They have own opinion and different view and of course, they are rejected old science. To me, I smell 'mental snob' here.
The babylonian invented astrology and re birth in American. The scientists most of the people in charge of governmental institutions and all accredited institution are very traditional and religious and will condemn the stars. I'm sure they are one of them.

Stop follow some moron people as 'mental snob'. only yourself as person. you have own brain, eyes, then investigate. you think that is all you have answer. oh please.
Astrology is not the truth! Nor the mythology! Astrology are just a prediction!

I was used to thought Astrology as whatever, but till I learn so many thing from my cousin about the Astrology, I was shocked about one of her book that she showed to me, it explain my personality very well and even more than I could've thought to explain my own personality. Even the negative stuff, the Astrology said it honestly.

But, that still doesn't mean that it is all entirely the truth because I will not always be like that. Astrology is very fun and impressive, I don't see any point to reject or neglect against the Astrology while itself is just a prediction.

you do not have to prediction, just reading the person's chart if you can. astrology books filled in book stores over the world even close your home local. check it out.
I read few books of Zecharia Sitchin author not all of them. Just try to understand who started the creation of astrology in oldest or ancient I can say archaeological studies in relate between Gods of heaven and Earth. I m beginning to understand and will take time. The languages of Greek, Sumer, and anothers sometime confused me.

I love Zecharia Stichin books. Amazing books.

if confused, just read over and over. take your time.
you do not have to prediction, just reading the person's chart if you can. astrology books filled in book stores over the world even close your home local. check it out.

Yupp I have a Astrology Bible and 365 Birthdays Interpreted, I have been noticing that I mostly depend on the elements to know other people's personality, like the fire, earth, air, and water.
Again, we speak different languages. you are moron.

psychology and psychiatrist both are old tradition, not including astro-psychology(lost secret knowledge)because you not familiar with history astrology. In ancient, King and priest both destroy important of astrology books.

The Bible is filled with references to astrology. This is because astrology was widely accepted as truth in Biblical times. Christians who believe that astrology is Satanic would be surprised to learn that the Bible is filled with astrology and even Jesus himself made numerous references to astrology.

This live course with highly spiritual people and my teachings will change your entire perception of life while offering a rewarding career that will bring you not only financial rewards but also a sense of accomplishment knowing that you are helping the world and the children. Of course, had science honored the words “investigation” a chance to exceed their deplorable spiritual numbness the very essence of their quest for a plausible answer would become a real possibility that would benefit all children suffering. The traditionally trained rational logic scientific mind not only suffers serious limitations but will never be able to penetrate life’s mysterious spiritual counterpart by rejecting or ignoring its very existence.
There is a total educational imbalance between the spiritual and scientific logical worlds nowadays producing and endless crowd of educated morons (mental snobs) fearing the ridicule or worse souls born with an Inferior UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) and with time, slowly making the situation irreversible. Their logical mind is unable to grasp deeper spiritual meanings and will always bring more questions than real answers.

Thus what make us so different in our perspectives and perceptions is simply induced by the inherited UCI, our early experiences and of course general education and the main problem is this crucial UCI fact (spiritual stuff) is totally foreign to the scientific nerd’s community.

the scientists most of the people in charge of governmental institutions and all accredited institution are very traditional and religious and will condemn the stars, and with it the very essence of what would stop this carnage and save the children's lives. When will the world realize that those kids badly need spiritual food? Mathematics or geography even history wont cut it. It is a spiritual problem and the church has not, cannot, and will not be able to help, because this deadly generation is totally different than their teachers.

keplar college is just growing as baby as re birth in American. Today estimated 3,000 astrologers from 45 countries - plus several hundred locals - the conference, school, or workshop featuring 300 seminars and 170 speakers over the world, not just washington state. Growing and growing....

I find it laughable, indeed, that you, who cannot even string words together to form a comprehensible sentence, would call me a moron. Your ignorance is astounding.

Your references to diciplines that are nonexistent are evidence of either your extreme ignorance or your delusional state. At this point it is difficult to determine if you are indeed as backward as you sound, or if you are truly delusional and in need of intervention.

Keplar College is nothing more than an online attempt to defraud people of their money by purporting to award degrees that are nonexistent. There is no such thing as a degree in astrology. Keplar College is not an accredited university. The reason it is not accredited is because anyone with any degree of common sense and intellegence sees it for the fraud that it is.

If you continue to attempt to represent yourself as affiliated with the dicipline of psychology, it will become necessary to report you to the governing bodies, who will then take the steps necessary to stop your dishonest claim of affilliation. Claiming to practice psychology (even a nonexistent form such as your dreamed up astro-psychology), and not being in possession of the degrees, the license, and the credentialing necessary to do so is a criminal offense. The APA does not take such fraudulent behavior lightly. Therefore, I would suggest that you limit your claims to that which you can actually substantiate: which would be nothing more than blatant marketing of superstition.
like i said before men are NOT born equal in mind, body and spirit, we are all so unique and different. They have own opinion and different view and of course, they are rejected old science. To me, I smell 'mental snob' here.
The babylonian invented astrology and re birth in American. The scientists most of the people in charge of governmental institutions and all accredited institution are very traditional and religious and will condemn the stars. I'm sure they are one of them.

Stop follow some moron people as 'mental snob'. only yourself as person. you have own brain, eyes, then investigate. you think that is all you have answer. oh please.

No men are not born equal in mind, body, and spirit. You are evience that the phylogenetic scale skips a generation or two at unpredictable rates.
Obviously, reading over and over has done nothing to alleviate your confusion.:giggle:

Well why don't you read these books? Reading romance books are too easy. I love archaeology and ancient texts involved with astrology cultures how it affected people 6,000 years ago since. The languages are very curious to me.

Like one Epic of Creation, Enuma Elish was written in Babylonian a dialect of Akkadian the semitic mother language.

Also I like one word Kakkabu that means in zodiacal celestial time from the position and movement of celestial bodies, the Kakkbu of heaven (stars/planets)

Greek, Latin, Mayan, Sumer, and many old languages.

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