worried woman

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But to kill their own born children.
if I have to save my own life yes other wise both of us would be dead. I would leave the decision up to woman's choice not yours or mine. I do not like anyone to tell me what to do with my own body.
They already do. I asked my doctor if I could have a hysterectomy. After all it's MY BODY. My doctor said no so she was telling me what I could do with my own body. Terrible isn't it.

But I'm ok about doctor's telling their patients not to kill their babies. I wish more would do so.
Maybe those doctors should raise those kids if they are against abortion.
Mod's Note:

The thread has been moved to it's proper location. Since this thread is related to 'abortion'; It'd be better to have it on the Ontopic Debate Forum.

I ask for each and every one of you to discuss this issue with respect because we all very well know what happens when a controversial topic comes up in the light.


Throw this topic into the Religion thread.

I know, Byrdie. Pain in the ass it is.

Oh well. Think we should call for a mod to lock the thread since it's gonna get locked, anyway? :giggle:

:lol: I'd give it another 3 pages and it will be locked.

am sorry you went thru, your parents should not force on you to abort but it is also same sense for any parents to force them to keep pregnacy. My daughter in law's friend were forced to carry deformed baby to full term because of her father's religion and the baby died right after the baby was born.

Remember--I think she was a minor when this happend and if that's the case--it's the parents that have the final say.
(Good example for people who support abortion or plans to get abortion.)

A worried woman went to her Gynecologist and said: 'Doctor, I have a serious problem and desperately
need your help! My baby is not even 1 yr. old and I'm pregnant again. I don't want kids so close together.'

So the doctor said: 'Ok, and what do you want me to do?'

She said: 'I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this.'

The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady: 'I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for
you too.'

She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request.

Then he continued: 'You see, in order for you not to have to take care of 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms.'

The lady was horrified and said: 'No doctor! How terrible for you to think of killing my child!ʼ

'I agree', the doctor replied. 'But you seemed to be ok with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution.'

The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point. He convinced the mom that there Is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb. The crime is the same!

She could also have gone to another OB/GYN instead of 'worshipping' the doctor's word. :roll:
I am Pro life. I would never call Cheri a murderer. I've not notice any other Pro lifer do so either. I've only noticed her being attacked on other threads by PRO CHOICERS.

Just for sharing her experience because they want to claim that it's all well and only woman who want abortions get abortions when this is JUST NOT TRUE.
How do u know? my sister had an abortion and she is not sorry. If my mom knew about it she would force my sister to keep this child and she does not want to carry. She is happy unlikely for Cheri which she wanted to keep the child. Every woman is different.
Throw this topic into the Religion thread.

:lol: I'd give it another 3 pages and it will be locked.

Remember--I think she was a minor when this happend and if that's the case--it's the parents that have the final say.
Ur serious about this. That was so cruel of her parents to make the final decision and ruined her for rest of her life. It should be her choice even she was minor. I have a neice whom she got pregnant at 15 and she was give choice to keep the child or abort and she keeps her child. I love my great nephew but she struggle for many years raising him. I wish he was raised in healthy and rich life but instead he lives in poverty and no health insurance. It is still break my heart sometime to see him have to go thru this.
Ur serious about this. That was so cruel of her parents to make the final decision and ruined her for rest of her life. It should be her choice even she was minor. I have a neice whom she got pregnant at 15 and she was give choice to keep the child or abort and she keeps her child. I love my great nephew but she struggle for many years raising him. I wish he was raised in healthy and rich life but instead he lives in poverty and no health insurance. It is still break my heart sometime to see him have to go thru this.

According to the law--a parent is reponsible for the minor until they turn 18.

No if's, and's or but's.
Why NARAL Pro-Choice America Endorsed Barack Obama

Posted May 14, 2008 | 01:19 PM (EST)

I am pleased to announce that today, NARAL Pro-Choice America's political action committee endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for president.
I know that most of you are probably thinking, "Why did you decide to endorse Obama, and why are you doing it now?"

Sen. Obama has been a strong advocate for a woman's right to choose throughout his career in public service. Since joining the Senate in 2005, he has worked to unite Americans on both sides of this debate behind commonsense, common-ground ways to prevent unintended pregnancy. He supports legislation to provide our teens with comprehensive sex education, prevent pharmacies from denying women access to their legal birth-control prescriptions, and increase access for family-planning services.

Sen. Obama has said, "A woman's ability to decide how many children to have and when, without interference from the government, is one of the most fundamental rights we possess. It is not just an issue of choice, but equality and opportunity for all women."

Further, I believe Sen. Obama is going to be the Democratic nominee. He leads in pledged delegates, superdelegates, the popular vote, and cash-on-hand. As a former elected official, I know that having the three "m's" of a campaign - money, message and manpower (or womanpower!) - are how we win elections. Sen. Obama will be our next president.

Now, let's take a look at the opposition. Sen. McCain has been getting a free ride for far too long. As even Dan Balz says, until there is a head-to-head, McCain will continue on as the media-maverick darling. We must show voters how extreme McCain really is and contrast his record with that of Sen. Obama, the candidate for the pro-choice majority. NARAL Pro-Choice America is unique in our ability to reach the crucial voting bloc of Republican and independent pro-choice women. These voters are essential to win the White House and we've seen that Obama can inspire them to vote for him in November.

Finally, NARAL Pro-Choice America, as the political leader of the pro-choice movement, felt it was time to take a leadership role. We have been so fortunate to have two fully pro-choice candidates running for the Democratic nomination and to that end, we've consistently praised both Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama for their leadership in standing up for women's reproductive rights. We continue to look forward to working with them in the future. But, for the sake of the reproductive-rights movement, we need to put any perceived differences behind us, and get to work putting Sen. Obama in the White House. We want to let women know that, no doubt about it, we have trust and confidence in Obama's ability and willingness to fight for a woman's right to choose. He's already proven himself in that regard.

We all know that America is a pro-choice nation, and whether you live in a red state or a blue state, whether you're young or you're old, whether you're black, latino, asian, or white, whether you are a man or a woman, we know that Sen. Obama will represent our interests well in the White House and make sure that reproductive choice is protected.

Sen. Obama is the leader who can unify Americans on both sides of our issue. He has reached new generations and energized young voters, independent voters, and Republican voters. He's the candidate of the future, and today we are proud to put the power of NARAL Pro-Choice America's one million strong members, activists and supporters behind Sen. Barack Obama.

Nancy Keenan is president of NARAL Pro-Choice America.

Nancy Keenan: Why NARAL Pro-Choice America Endorsed Barack Obama


The Unborn Do Feel Pain
Amelia Wigton
December 5, 2006

Concerned Women for America (CWA) strongly supports the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (H.R. 6099), and hopes that the bill passes in the House of Representatives when it is considered today.

This bill brings to light an important issue that many Americans do not know: That unborn children past the 20th week of fertilization feel intense and torturous pain while undergoing an abortion procedure. H.R. 6099 would require all Abortionists to make women aware of that fact and to offer anesthesia for the unborn babies when the mother seeks an abortion past the 20th week.

CWA’s President Wendy Wright said on the issue, “Mothers have the right to be informed about the severe pain their unborn babies will feel from being aborted. By the 20th week of pregnancy, the baby will feel even greater pain than the mother. Sadly, this information is rarely communicated to women who are choosing whether their baby will live. This legislation would help women with the necessary medical knowledge to make a rational decision with lasting consequences.”

“Congressmen have denounced the use of torture against terrorists. They should now denounce the torture inflicted on innocent unborn babies through abortion. The first step is to ensure that mothers are provided with information on what their child will experience and given options,” concluded Wright.

A little over one year ago, Dr. Jean Wright, Professor and Chair of Pediatrics at Mercer University School of Medicine, testified before the House Judiciary Constitution Subcommittee on the issue of unborn pain. She said, “If you came back with me to Savannah tonight and came to our neonatal intensive care unit, we would stand between the bed of a 23-week infant, a 26 week infant, and you would not need a congressional hearing to figure out whether that infant feels pain. We roll back the sheets or the blanket, and you would look to the facial expression, their response to the heel stick, and you would understand…”

Women deserve access to relevant information regarding abortion. The President of the pro-abortion group NARAL Pro-Choice America, Nancy Keenan, announced that the group would not oppose this bill because women should have access to important resources involving abortion.

Clearly, abortion is hot-button issue that involves a great deal of controversy and emotion. Despite the political controversy, Americans must be aware of the procedures and ramifications for the tiniest lives among us. A great deal of suffering goes on each day for unborn children being aborted, and it is time that American women are made aware of the truth.

Concerned Women for America
No. Partial birth abortions are banned. They are also third trimester abortions. If I accidently got pregnant, I'd terminate in the 1st trimester.

I just provided 2 articles, " Why NARAL Pro-Choice America Endorsed Barack Obama " and " The Unborn Do Feel Pain " with their links.

Obama didn't say if, Partial Birth Abortions are banned unless, if you have one to prove with a link that shows it is banned.
They already do. I asked my doctor if I could have a hysterectomy. After all it's MY BODY. My doctor said no so she was telling me what I could do with my own body. Terrible isn't it.

But I'm ok about doctor's telling their patients not to kill their babies. I wish more would do so.

i know they do which is why i'm saying they *shouldn't*.

if your doctor didn't allow you to have a hysterectomy, why didn't you go for a second opinion? i would have. if my doctor ever tried to dictate to me what i can and cannot do with my body, i'd fire them right on the spot -- even my current doctor whom i've seen for the past 14 and a half years.

doctors have no right to tell a mother what she should do with her body. a doctor's job is to give MEDICAL advice -- not ethical advice.
By telling people who get abortions that they are committing crimes is cruel. Here we go again with the whole abortion thing.

If u dont agree with abortion, dont get one but u cant tell others not to get one nor call them criminals.

If you think all women should have their babies, then are u willing to work in homeless shelters where many children are living in the streets, work with children who were born high on crack, and and set up programs to help teenaged parents with raising children? If u are willing to do that, then you are a saint.

I have seen what happens to children who were born to mothers who were high on drugs and it aint pretty.

oh ok..umm but I think it's good example for mother who just had kid then dont want other kid cuz baby havent 1 year old yet. But I saw this post in in facebook and everybody think it's good example so I thought why not I copy it and paste here.
that doctor needs to be stripped of his medical license. :mad2:

I don't know if it's true when doctor say that. I used to think abortion is nothing and it ok for people to abortion till I read that and it touchy me, and it changed my mind.
I wasn't sure where to put in post place. Sorry if I put in wrong place.
No worry, I did not know you saw in facebook and posted there. I did not mean to sound harsh it with you, I just do not know how to say polite way. U know any time any where when it come to abortion issue then we all ended up debate this or there. It has been going on for years now.
According to the law--a parent is reponsible for the minor until they turn 18.

No if's, and's or but's.
Even they forced their daughters to have an abortion or keep it against thier will. I still think it is their bodies not parents.
Melika's here's some interesting quote for you.

Pro-Abortionist says, "The fetus never knows what hits him, so there's no such fetus to miss his life."
Pro-Choicer says, "Oh well, if you'd been aborted, you wouldn't be here today, and you wouldn't know the difference anyway, so what does it matter?" *
Pro-Lifer says, "Somebody kills you today because you would not be here tomorrow, and you would not know the difference anyway. So, what does it matter?"
-- R. Kiessling

I'm still stand on pro-life belief. ;) Melika, I can relate to your feeling on abortion, but I just want to inform you there are actually so many life v. choice threads. I'm already lost interested in crappy abortion threads... For your info, "defend the pro-life belief" subject is pretty weak so you are not able to defend your belief against pro-choice group, cos they will do anything to strike you down. There goes for us, too... =/

Jiro - yeah... I'm not surprise ADers tried to lecture/explain us how awful things are and abortion is the best/only-one-way thing for so many times... That's not much help. I wonder - why not we, pro choice and pro life, share some same opinions and have a discussion, instead of flaming war posts here? I meant, com'on, there are so many bashing posts in each abortion thread! It's no good... =/

Just thought.

PS - I know I tried to fix it so many times cos of stupid sidekick. Curse that device! -_-

Yeah but I am pro-choice. My friend who got pregnant, she wanted to abortion it because of the father is bad person, long story but I do really understand how she feel, I do support her to abortion it nowww before 3 weeks. But after 3 weeks, I wouldn't like it if people get abortion but I can't do anything about it. :-( but myself I would never get abortion ever. Even if I am 15 yrs old and get preg, still won't get abortion. :)
Not if they try to change law by outlaw abortion then mothers will not have a choice.

No way, law won't change. They would always legal abortion because if they change it to illegal. Mothers would kill their babies when after born or they would take too much drugs to try kill baby in stomach, and so much things to risk for mother. So they legal abortion cuz more safe for mothers to get abortion by doctor. Not by theirself at home.
Jolie, while I am inclined to agree with you but in this thread, I was already turned off by the orginal post with the implication that anyone who gets an abortion are comitting a crime. That has already set the tone for a flame-throwing thread cuz in essence, this thread is sorta of bashing those who get or have gotten abortions, doesnt it?

I understand where you're coming from on this, Shel. It may seem like in a sense it is 'bashing' but you know, sometime people say things that are sought out with emotion. That's one of the purpose where they use emotions in a controversial topic like this one. To say one is committing crime could set off a lot of numerous stuffs. In this case, I don't really think that was the OP's intention because as the OP stated, She copied and pasted it from another site.

Still, I do know what you mean by that when it can be viewed as if it were to be on a bashing manner.
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