I'm the one who found her in forest as starving kitten in the forest and take care of her for 3 years now
B-I-N-G-O !!!!
ever since she associates you with safety and survival.
she doesn't need anything else to trust you over anybody else, even with her kittens. that is perfect example of how the cats "feel".
Have you ever read any serious scientific books, or articles that explain about how animals really "think"?
Have you ever read about cat's or dog's behavior, written by animal psychologist?
I suggest read Elizabeth Marshall Thomas "The social life of dogs"
- fascinating read. That will give you an incline what's really going on.
Amazon.ca: The Social Lives of Dogs: Books: Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
Another book I recommend is Stanley Coren: How To Speak Dog and How Dogs Think : Understanding the Canine Mind. Also fantastic read.
Likewise, there is plenty of books explaining about cats, too.
Logical, they as toddlers have no idea when they "overplaying" with her...
Bottom line is kids are inexperienced, period.
That is what I am talking about. also older kids who never had a cat before. Cat will remember that forever.
Oh yes, humans do kill their babies for the different reasons like the animal killed their babies for the different reasons. Example: Eskimos kill newborns for the reasons is because their babies are sick and weak. The depression-suffering mothers killed their babies because they do not feel for them and think the babies are not belongs to them.
Please, come on Liebling, do not go overboard, OK.
First of all I never said humans never kill another human being no matter how old,
but for a human to kill another human being is not a normal thing to do. For animal it is!! That's a HUUUUGE difference!!
A mother that is depressed is mentally sick at the moment, not responsible for her actions, while
the cat is not.
I've never heard of Eskimo killing their sick babies - I don't believe it at all- that probably used to happen long time ago - killing a baby is murder punishable by law -but even if this is true there is a big difference between a cat killing their babies because its smells "bad" while otherwise is being perfectly healthy; and a sick suffering dying baby with no way to survive because of harsh conditions which adults themselves often don't survive.
Try to live at the North Pole with nothing but snow and ice, with the only source of fire being from seal's fat (no wood there, and you have to first hunt the seal), and no amenities like we have here (water, electricity, medicines, etc.) let alone doctors and hospitals.
I am sure to a normal human being to kill any let alone its own baby is a terrible tragedy. An animal doesn't give it second thought.
Come on.!! use your common sense.
Re-read it again, it did not say anything about she did not want them....
I know what you wrote, I understand. The problem is you seem not to understand ME.
I wrote a cat mother kill their own babies, you wrote not quite true. I said yes it is, and gave you links to support my fact.
I wrote "because they not want them" - you think it means cat is like human and she thinks like human "oh I don't wanna go to work today..." "oh, I don't wanna these babies they are needy, they depress me..."
NO, that's not what happens and not what I meant.
- animals don't want their babies sometimes, period,
if they reject, abandon or kill them is for whatever reason but not the feelings of human category.
If the animal mother is taking a great care of their babies it's because the better care the better survival rate - it has nothing to do with love or any other feelings.
Stop thinking of an animal, a cat, as a human being because it is NOT.