That is why I am vegetarian. If I can't kill animals myself then I shouldn't eat meat. I would feel hypocritical if I eat meats.
I don't recall you asking that question before.Exactly! That's why it is hard for meat eaters to answer my question "Would you kill your pet for your dinner tonight?".
I don't recall you asking that question before.
Anyway, why should I kill a pet for dinner when meat is available at the grocery store? I also don't tear up the grass from my lawn to eat because I can get produce from the grocery store.
Ok then answer this - would you let your child die if it needed meat to live? only meat?
Ok then answer this - would you let your child die if it needed meat to live? only meat?
for example you are lost in the wild. is winter. there is no suitable plant food to survive. and plenty of cutest white rabbits hopping about.
and your child is about to die from starvation.
I don't know. Where is this free range for all the domestic animals?
Certainly not the farmers and ranchers. They either will be converting their land for crop growing, or they will become bankrupt because they've lost their means of income.
Who, pray tell, would pay for that? Do you know how much that would cost? Remember, the bigger the animal, the more it costs. It will cost a lot more than neutering dogs
No child needs meat. That's a complete myth.
I'm at a complete loss as why you think I didn't answer your question![]()
Most children in USA are eat meats everyday, though.![]()
If all raising of animals for meat were outlawed tomorrow, where would all the domestic farm animals go, free range or not?I was refering to 'free range' animals that are alowed to roam outdoors as apposed to factory farmed meat.
Without hunters, the deer population would begin a cycle of population explosion, and then starvation. Ducks and geese would overwhelm public fresh water areas. (I've already seen it happen on a small scale in our local protected areas.)Wild animals always generally look after themselves.
Are they big enough to handle ALL the animals?Farm animal sancturies already exist.
Government farm subsidies are not provided for charitable reasons but for economic control reasons. The money is for the farmer, not the animals. If anything, the government would have to provide subsidies for the farmers to convert their land from animal support to growing people crops.They are currently funded on a charity bases. But then the government does provide a lot of money for farmers anyway so some of that money could be put towards helping the animal sancturies.
Wow, that's a generality!After all the problem has only arrision from our greed of wanting cheap meat 3 times a day.
That's really convoluted logic, and absolutely not a solution.Often they get bankcropt anyway as meat production is not very cost affective even with new cruel farming methods to save money.
I thought we were discussing a scenario of all meat production being shut down. If that's the case, then all the animals would be set free with no one responsible for taking care of them, just like wild animals. They wouldn't be the equivalent to "pets". They wouldn't be "kept" in any kind of standards because they would be "free".If you want to eat animal corpses you should at least be willing to pay the FULL cost of humane animal husbandry. That means alowing them to express natural animal behavior, no routine drug use, and only having them spayed or neutered under anesthetic. In other words farm animals should be kept to the same standards as 'pet' animals and if someone had their dog neutered without the use of anesthetics the person would be done for animal cruelty. Also if they were left covered in sores or in filthy conditions which is often the case with factory farming.
Meat animals don't "love" us, and they don't "know" that they will be eaten by people. They don't stand around worrying about that or discussing it with each other....They love you, but eating their body that they do not understand.
No child needs meat. That's a complete myth.
I'm at a complete loss as why you think I didn't answer your question
Have you never heard of spaying or neutering animals whose numbers are increasing too rapidly?
may I add it was before Reba mentioned about bulls castrated. I had in mind castration WITH anesthesia.Yes I've heard of castration. A lot of people feel it's inhuman, and unafir for animals. They consider it a barbarian act of cruelty.
And killing them isn't
As my past posts, I already said if I was lost in the desert of nowhere and only have the meat, then I would.
Meat animals don't "love" us, and they don't "know" that they will be eaten by people. They don't stand around worrying about that or discussing it with each other.
Audiofuzzy said:To Puyo Piyo:
Right, I forgot that, sorry.
Will you let me challenge you further?
Would you kill your beloved pet if your child's life depended on it?
Notice I said "meat animals", not pets.Yes they do. If they don't love us, then....
why one of your dog run to you when you come back to home?
Why that dog barking at you all the way to express how that dog miss you? See that dog's tail wagging as exicting to see you?
Why did that dog pesting you to patting, holding, loving that dog?
Once you push that dog away, why did that dog have frown face?
Once you got mad at that dog, why did that dog have the qulity look?
Once you told that dog to sit down, why did that dog do it?
Animals do have feelings too.
Well it sounds you are just trying to make me wrong,
A herd of cows doesn't care one hoot about you or me.
Notice I said "meat animals", not pets.
A herd of cows doesn't care one hoot about you or me.
Oh, Reba and don't forgot to check in your backyard.
Pets are part of animal, also would be idiot if anyone want kill dogs or cats for meat, not just for you.
I know that you won't, never happen.
I can see that one doll is crying at you, I guess that they love you.
no, I am just trying to show how in certain circumstances even the most dedicated vegan would be forced to eat meat.
And a bit of meat would go much farther than a bucket of berries in a harsh situation.
Creating a good nutritious vegeterian meal takes a lot more than creating one with meat. The above example just illustrates how much easier to get, and more nutritious is meat.
that is right.
Reba said:Notice I said "meat animals", not pets.
A herd of cows doesn't care one hoot about you or me.