Wish for 2011

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haters gonna hate

Wait...don't they already have their own forum? What the heck; did CI circle close down?

When I first joined, this was a forum for the Deaf, of the Deaf, and by the Deaf. I propose we go back to that. There's one of my wishes for 2011. A second one would be to eradicate all of the audist views spewed out in this forum that get the fights started. The third wish I have for 2011 is that hearing parents stop coming on here and playing the victim. Don't want feedback on what you post in a public forum the responsible thing to do is not to post there. When you do, you accept the consequences of your decision. Oh, well. My fourth wish is that people get off of their overly defensive high horses and realize that criticism of a perspective is not a personal attack.

Second the proposition.
Sorry, rick, I was just being giddy. What you are asking for is impossible, since the moderators will never present only one side of an argument. We have nothing against cochlear implants. We have issues with WHY they are used. Just so you know.

He has failed to understand that over the years. Chances of it being grasped is slim to none at this time. If I had a nickle for every time that particular parent has called me "anti-CI", a lazy parent, and numerous other names I could pay off my student loans. If I had a nickle for everytime he has insulted a Deaf person's intelligence, their culture, their language, their right to voice and share their experience as a deaf child or a Deaf adult, I would never have to work another day in my life. The history is there. These are the same people that blatantly refuse to see what everyone here is advocating is a full toolbox approach and what they object to is not the CI itself, but the fact that is, more often than not, used as an excuse to place a child in an oral only environment both educationally and socially and to force children to adapt to the parent's needs rather than parent's being responsible and adapting to their children's needs.

Of course, the above paragraph won't lead to understanding of the difference, either. It will just get me called "anti-CI" and be accused of attacking children. Some things never change.
I'm truly confused. The support thread for late deafened members is 31 pages long, and has posters that visit there on a consistent basis. It is located in "Our World Our Culture", which is the logical place to put a social support and adjustment issue group thread. How can it be "hidden". And, how, if one knows of it's existence, can they claim it to be "hidden"?

That thread was started because the late deafened needed somewhere to discuss the particular issues that go along with loosing their hearing. Those that use that thread have expressed gratitude for it being there. Those that don't use it complain that there is no where on this forum for them. It would appear that nothing is ever enough for some. Now they want to start censoring threads. I just don't get it.
You don't get it, jillio? *gasp*


We all know of the OP's need to control. It warms the cockles of our hearts. :giggle:
You don't get it, jillio? *gasp*


We all know of the OP's need to control. It warms the cockles of our hearts. :giggle:

Yeah, but if I mentioned it, I would be accused of diagnosing someone I have never met and practicing in the forum.:lol: But thanks for saying it for me!:giggle:
Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man. [Benjamin Franklin]

Would be nice to find this a place that welcomed even those new to Deafness with warm hearts and open arms rather than a punch to the solar plexus and poke to the eye. The journey has to start somewhere and I've heard too much about being shut out of society from those here to think that you don't realize that's exactly what you are doing to late-aware, late-deafened, and parents of deaf children.

So, what if first contact happens to be about CIs, a discussion about something many in the deaf world have in common, and a relationship is forged with the community, growing from there? Why is that a bad thing? Why would it be a bad thing to have a vibrant community of those with an interest in CIs, which reflects the deaf community in the real world, and begin exposing these people to Deaf Culture, to ASL, positively. This section of the site could be a bridge, a feeder line that brings in those unfamiliar with Deaf Culture. Rather than a "Keep Out" or "No Trespassing" sign.
I do think that with the popularity of the late-deafened thread that there could certainly be an entire subsection for them, not just one thread. I agree that is a good idea.

I also second what Jillio said about this be a Deaf forum for the Deaf community. I think the bottom line is that you may all do as you wish, we support people with CI's, hearing aids, or no amplification what-so-ever. We all also have our own opinions rooted in a long history of oppression and being a minoritized community. The hearing members need to respect that and understand where we are coming from.
Would be nice to find this a place that welcomed even those new to Deafness with warm hearts and open arms rather than a punch to the solar plexus and poke to the eye. The journey has to start somewhere and I've heard too much about being shut out of society from those here to think that you don't realize that's exactly what you are doing to late-aware, late-deafened, and parents of deaf children.

So, what if first contact happens to be about CIs, a discussion about something many in the deaf world have in common, and a relationship is forged with the community, growing from there? Why is that a bad thing? Why would it be a bad thing to have a vibrant community of those with an interest in CIs, which reflects the deaf community in the real world, and begin exposing these people to Deaf Culture, to ASL, positively. This section of the site could be a bridge, a feeder line that brings in those unfamiliar with Deaf Culture. Rather than a "Keep Out" or "No Trespassing" sign.

You must have missed the incredibly nasty little boy.
Would be nice to find this a place that welcomed even those new to Deafness with warm hearts and open arms rather than a punch to the solar plexus and poke to the eye. The journey has to start somewhere and I've heard too much about being shut out of society from those here to think that you don't realize that's exactly what you are doing to late-aware, late-deafened, and parents of deaf children.

So, what if first contact happens to be about CIs, a discussion about something many in the deaf world have in common, and a relationship is forged with the community, growing from there? Why is that a bad thing? Why would it be a bad thing to have a vibrant community of those with an interest in CIs, which reflects the deaf community in the real world, and begin exposing these people to Deaf Culture, to ASL, positively. This section of the site could be a bridge, a feeder line that brings in those unfamiliar with Deaf Culture. Rather than a "Keep Out" or "No Trespassing" sign.
Grendel - Do I really need to repeat?
I do think that with the popularity of the late-deafened thread that there could certainly be an entire subsection for them, not just one thread. I agree that is a good idea.

I also second what Jillio said about this be a Deaf forum for the Deaf community. I think the bottom line is that you may all do as you wish, we support people with CI's, hearing aids, or no amplification what-so-ever. We all also have our own opinions rooted in a long history of oppression and being a minoritized community. The hearing members need to respect that and understand where we are coming from.

Right. When I enter into a different cultural environment other than my own, I abide by their cultural traditions, rules, and values. I do not go into their homes and institutions, and attempt to impose my culture on them. When they come to my house, it is reversed. That is how is should be.

It isn't that anyone is not welcomed at AD. Everyone has been welcomed. Until they attempt to impose hearing cultural views and standards, and are corrected for their errors. Then they become unwelcome because instead of learning from the correction, they become defensive and agressive.

This is a Deaf house. Hearing people have entered into a different culture. It is not up to AD members to adjust to the cultural differences. It is up to the hearing that make the choice to visit here.
Si, mi casa es su casa up to a point.....
Right. When I enter into a different cultural environment other than my own, I abide by their cultural traditions, rules, and values. I do not go into their homes and institutions, and attempt to impose my culture on them. When they come to my house, it is reversed. That is how is should be.

It isn't that anyone is not welcomed at AD. Everyone has been welcomed. Until they attempt to impose hearing cultural views and standards, and are corrected for their errors. Then they become unwelcome because instead of learning from the correction, they become defensive and agressive.

This is a Deaf house. Hearing people have entered into a different culture. It is not up to AD members to adjust to the cultural differences. It is up to the hearing that make the choice to visit here.

Very well said!
Right. When I enter into a different cultural environment other than my own, I abide by their cultural traditions, rules, and values. I do not go into their homes and institutions, and attempt to impose my culture on them. When they come to my house, it is reversed. That is how is should be.

It isn't that anyone is not welcomed at AD. Everyone has been welcomed. Until they attempt to impose hearing cultural views and standards, and are corrected for their errors. Then they become unwelcome because instead of learning from the correction, they become defensive and agressive.

This is a Deaf house. Hearing people have entered into a different culture. It is not up to AD members to adjust to the cultural differences. It is up to the hearing that make the choice to visit here.

Good point about the late deafened forum. I was simply pointing out that it certainly wasn't being hidden. But, you're right, it probably could be expanded based on the popularity.
Well Moderators--are you going to Moderate or just allow the status quo?

This thread is a perfect example of what takes place daily in the cochlear implant forums. It is no longer a place for discussion but the exclusive province for a few posters to spread their "us v. them" agenda.

Nothing to moderate. The only one being agressive and exclusionary is the OP. Perhaps you would be more comfortable in your own hearing house. **shrug**
You know, I have always believed if you have a wish, you take action to make that wish a reality. If one wants to post in an online forum that says nothing but positive things about oral only environments and refuses to let any drawbacks of the use of CI for purposes other than which it was intended be mentioned, then one has the freedom to start such a forum. However, that freedom does not extend to attempting to force change on another forum. Wishing for such a place? Create one. But don't assume you can take someone else's away.
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