Wild Wing Cafe Kicks Out 25 African Americans After White Customer Felt 'Threatened'

Canadians are far worse.
I am wondering what isn't being told in this story? I hate the media. They NEVER tell the whole truth...or any real truth for that matter. It always seems like they got to put a racist spin on everything if a black person or persons is involved. I noticed they call a Caucasian person a 'white person'...but they will use the term 'African-American' instead of the term 'black people'. I have had several friends who actually emigrated here from Africa. REAL African Americans. I have been told by ALL of them they find it an insult that the black folks born and raised here call themselves 'african-american'. They will inevitably say that these people haven't the foggiest idea what it really means to be African.

I am from GA. I have NEVER in my life used a derogatory term towards anyone of any race. But my hubby and I was on the receiving end of racial bigotry. Nothing like walking down the street and suddenly having a carload of blacks screaming shit at you like, "White honky whore!" "Filthy white bitch!" And they threw trash at us. I didn't hear them, but my hubby did. he told me what they said. We were both really upset. We were just out walking our little dog and bothering no one.

So, I have to really wonder what the real deal with this sitch was?
You know who I feel bad for? The waiter or waitress who was serving them. I don't have a prejudiced bone in my body but after about 6 months to a year I discovered something I never would have guessed. Black people are horrible tippers. That's not a racists statement that's just 3 years experience if service industry, I mentioned to some other therapists, and some if them had been wait staff before, and same thing, terrible tippers. Sooooo that huge group was there for 2 hours, probably a huge bill, and they would have given them a measles tip probably but I bet after that they left nothing. And the waitress or waiter isn't even the one to ask them to leave. Bummer guaranteed they got jipped.

My daughter is Black and was a waitress and got a lot of bad tips from White people . My daughter always leave a good tip because she know what is like to get lousy tips. It can work both way.
My daughter is Black and was a waitress and got a lot of bad tips from White people . My daughter always leave a good tip because she know what is like to get lousy tips. It can work both way.

I completely agree. The worst tippers I have ever had to deal with were church people. I utterly, absolutely HATED working on Sundays when I worked at a Shoney's years ago for a little while.

They wanna sit and tell you about what a sinner you are for working on a Sunday, but they sure as hell don't mind sitting there stuffing their fat asses while you're serving them. Usually they come waddling into the restaurant great huge groups too...and not a single one of them buggers would leave a tip.
I completely agree. The worst tippers I have ever had to deal with were church people. I utterly, absolutely HATED working on Sundays when I worked at a Shoney's years ago for a little while.

They wanna sit and tell you about what a sinner you are for working on a Sunday, but they sure as hell don't mind sitting there stuffing their fat asses while you're serving them. Usually they come waddling into the restaurant great huge groups too...and not a single one of them buggers would leave a tip.

My daughter is Black and was a waitress and got a lot of bad tips from White people . My daughter always leave a good tip because she know what is like to get lousy tips. It can work both way.

Sure, there are some, but it's really truly not a both ways thing all the time, I worked for 3 years doing massage at massage envy and can count on one hand how many times I got a $20 tip from a black person. On the other hand, I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many times a black person left me $0, yes no tip, to $5. Did I get crappy tips from white people? Sure sometimes, but the ratio isn't a both ways deal, your chances of getting a crappy, or no tip, from a black person is much much larger than a white a person. I'm not making that up or being racist that's just how it is, and all of us therapists knew it. Sometimes large groups of them would come on, you can almost always tell by their names, and we'd know days ahead time and just cringe knowing we were going to get shafted. Old people are also notorious bad tippers, but they're on a fixed income so it's a little more understandable.
You know who I feel bad for? The waiter or waitress who was serving them. I don't have a prejudiced bone in my body but after about 6 months to a year of doing massage therapy I discovered something I never would have guessed. Black people are horrible tippers. That's not a racists statement that's just 3 years experience if service industry, I mentioned to some other therapists, and some if them had been wait staff before, and same thing, terrible tippers. Sooooo that huge group was there for 2 hours, probably a huge bill, and they would have given them a measles tip probably but I bet after that they left nothing. And the waitress or waiter isn't even the one to ask them to leave. Bummer guaranteed they got jipped.
They were waiting for two hours; they were refused service, according to the posting.
Sure, there are some, but it's really truly not a both ways thing all the time, I worked for 3 years doing massage at massage envy and can count on one hand how many times I got a $20 tip from a black person. On the other hand, I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many times a black person left me $0, yes no tip, to $5. Did I get crappy tips from white people? Sure sometimes, but the ratio isn't a both ways deal, your chances of getting a crappy, or no tip, from a black person is much much larger than a white a person. I'm not making that up or being racist that's just how it is, and all of us therapists knew it. Sometimes large groups of them would come on, you can almost always tell by their names, and we'd know days ahead time and just cringe knowing we were going to get shafted. Old people are also notorious bad tippers, but they're on a fixed income so it's a little more understandable.

I have a feeling that those that don't tip at all think it is something where a tip is not expected. I have never gotten a massage but was surprised at the combination of the amount of fee and then wanting a tip. I am beginning to wonder who doesn't want a tip these days. Where is there a rate and you just pay that rate?
I completely agree. The worst tippers I have ever had to deal with were church people. I utterly, absolutely HATED working on Sundays when I worked at a Shoney's years ago for a little while.

They wanna sit and tell you about what a sinner you are for working on a Sunday, but they sure as hell don't mind sitting there stuffing their fat asses while you're serving them. Usually they come waddling into the restaurant great huge groups too...and not a single one of them buggers would leave a tip.
That's sad and bad.

We're Christians, and we never leave less than a 20% tip. If tipping is mentioned at church the pastor always stresses that Christians should be generous tippers, and that it's dishonoring to Christ to be cheap tippers.
They were waiting for two hours; they were refused service, according to the posting.

On my mistake, I only read the first half of it, I bet the wait staff was much relieved :D But that is bad, but I also have a feeling we're not getting the whole story. I trust very little of media now a days, they all spin to agendas.
BTW, isn't a gratuity automatically included on the bill for a large group? So, tipping would not be an issue for a group of 25.
Denny's refuse to service Black people and I had a friend who was Black and his wife White not get waited on at a Denny's this happen about 15 years ago and Denny's is well know for refusing to service Black people or made then wait longer that White people . My daughter is Black , one of my brother in law is Black and my other brother in law is an Indian from Trinidad and if my family can't eat at a restaurant I will go there myself.

I'm sure that Denny's apologized for racial mistreatment.

Wild Wing Cafe issued an apology as well.

With apology, it is silly to boycott the companies.
BTW, isn't a gratuity automatically included on the bill for a large group? So, tipping would not be an issue for a group of 25.

I have no idea Whenever I've gone out with a large group we all had our own bills.
I am wondering what isn't being told in this story? I hate the media. They NEVER tell the whole truth...or any real truth for that matter. It always seems like they got to put a racist spin on everything if a black person or persons is involved. I noticed they call a Caucasian person a 'white person'...but they will use the term 'African-American' instead of the term 'black people'. I have had several friends who actually emigrated here from Africa. REAL African Americans. I have been told by ALL of them they find it an insult that the black folks born and raised here call themselves 'african-american'. They will inevitably say that these people haven't the foggiest idea what it really means to be African.

I am from GA. I have NEVER in my life used a derogatory term towards anyone of any race. But my hubby and I was on the receiving end of racial bigotry. Nothing like walking down the street and suddenly having a carload of blacks screaming shit at you like, "White honky whore!" "Filthy white bitch!" And they threw trash at us. I didn't hear them, but my hubby did. he told me what they said. We were both really upset. We were just out walking our little dog and bothering no one.

So, I have to really wonder what the real deal with this sitch was?

Oh wow, all racial derogatory words are unacceptable and I will be upset if blacks exchange the racist word against me, however I will ignore them rather than make confrontation.
Obviously there is more to the story. If they truly did have to wait 2 hours for a table there is a pretty good chance there were heated words exchanged. Just like HuffPo to put out an article with only one side of the story. They do this far too often, most likely to stir up trouble.

As for Wild Wing Cafe, the place is awesome. It is my favorite hangout when in SC.
Oh but all media outlets do it, they package news for the effect they're looking for. They are all spawns of Satan ;)

Okay, I read it, and it's still one sided. They didn't talk to the other person, we just have them claiming they didn't do anything. How do we know one of the group hasn't been sitting there staring at the person for an hour, or anything. Someone could have been doing something like that and the others have been to busy yapping with each ither to even notice. it could have been anything really. They weren't actually asked to leave until someone started video taping. We are absolutely not getting the whole story here, just the half they want you to hear.