Wikileaks leak 250,000 classified files

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Mark Stephens is an attorney for George Soros.

He is representing Julian Assange and Bradley Manning.

So the nazi collaborator who wants a NWO is financing wikileaks?

interesting .....
look like the soil who regain the rules... is no longer welcome him stay on soil but hey... Sea is welcome him since no regain the rules..

It seems interesting about him and it appear he already inspire people... reform as we are the ONE.... - WikiLeaks Ready to Release Giant 'Insurance' File if Shut Down

So, the child molester will "expose" your secrets if he is made to answer for his crimes?

When was he ever given permission or clearance to read classified documents from any government? Seems no one wants him.

Lets go ahead and add blackmail to the list of crimes of this vermin.

that's ridiculous. I know you have a tendency to brew up some conspiracy theory but what you just said is just way out there.
Ya know...the course curriculum for the Doctorate I want to obtain includes Conspiracy Theory/Conspiratorial Studies....this wikileaks thing could be a good dissertation subject...:hmm:
Ya know...the course curriculum for the Doctorate I want to obtain includes Conspiracy Theory/Conspiratorial Studies....this wikileaks thing could be a good dissertation subject...:hmm:

exactly what's so conspiracy theory about wikileaks? they are leaking actual document.. not accusations.
Now Obama can run almost unopposed in 2012:

Hillary Clinton: Secretary of State is "My Last Public Position" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

social engineering at its finest

(hint: when it looks like manipulation, feels like manipulation, its definitely manipulation. Don't trust the motives or intentions of wikileaks)

in this case? no it's not social engineering. it's more like..... extortion?

I don't see how this is social engineering. Did wikileaks or hacker manipulate Obama or Clinton into divulging classified information?
exactly what's so conspiracy theory about wikileaks? they are leaking actual document.. not accusations.

Dunno...which is why I am checking it out. Up until 3-4 days ago I had never even heard of wikileaks. LOL:D

Just from what I have read here it sounds like a lot of what was leaked has been considered "conspiracy theory" for years.:cool:
Dunno...which is why I am checking it out. Up until 3-4 days ago I had never even heard of wikileaks. LOL:D
oh lol ok.

Just from what I have read here it sounds like a lot of what was leaked has been considered "conspiracy theory" for years.:cool:
true. now we can see which conspiracy theories are true or not.
oh lol ok.

true. now we can see which conspiracy theories are true or not.

That was my thought. :D Sounds like this dude stepped in it big time though. Looks like his ass is in one hell of a sling.:shock:
I have more of a serious problem with how dirty and crooked our government is and how thoroughly and utterly non-ethical they are in the way they deal with the people of this country. Seems to me wikileaks just corroborated what conspiracy theorists have been telling us for years.

The politicians and the diplomats are clearly a bunch of traitors; more so than this guy is being made out to be. Traitors to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the people of this country as well as America herself. Deals with a devil are never for the greater good. You deal with evil you become evil. There are no grey areas, just white that's gotten really grubby. Such deals are made for the purposes of self-gain. In this case it seems the truth was finally being made known to the people of this country who have a right to know exactly what these "leaders" are doing. With the truth out there maybe the people of this country will take the information and make some serious changes. That might too much to hope many people seem to be way to content being sheeple and letting big brother do their thinking for them. But we can hope.
I have more of a serious problem with how dirty and crooked our government is and how thoroughly and utterly non-ethical they are in the way they deal with the people of this country. Seems to me wikileaks just corroborated what conspiracy theorists have been telling us for years.

The politicians and the diplomats are clearly a bunch of traitors; more so than this guy is being made out to be. Traitors to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the people of this country as well as America herself. Deals with a devil are never for the greater good. You deal with evil you become evil. There are no grey areas, just white that's gotten really grubby. Such deals are made for the purposes of self-gain. In this case it seems the truth was finally being made known to the people of this country who have a right to know exactly what these "leaders" are doing. With the truth out there maybe the people of this country will take the information and make some serious changes. That might too much to hope many people seem to be way to content being sheeple and letting big brother do their thinking for them. But we can hope.


and Let's SAVE WIKILEAKS !!! its for our good, i couldnt careless about those wankers politicians because they are professional :liar:s next down are lawyers, you could put it this way, the formers operates in the pubic sector while the later operates at the private level while they both share four common features which are, they are well-dressed, have high ridiculously status in society, extremely greedy and they do very little, in fact, nothing at all, but bullshit and more bullshit.
Thanks Grummer.:ty: Frankly, I really loathe politics. It's a shitty game played by people who were either corrupt to start with or were easily corrupted by having a lot of money flashed in their face. They are all political whores. Follow the money folks.
what conspiracy theories are confirmed by wikileak?
and Let's SAVE WIKILEAKS !!! its for our good...
How so? What good have the Wikileaks revelations done for anyone?

Seriously, I haven't read all the "leaks" so I don't know what good things they have done for anyone. I've heard about the bad things (such as endangering the lives of people) but I haven't heard about the good things. Can you please give some examples of the positive good things that have resulted from the leaks?
what conspiracy theories are confirmed by wikileak?
I, too, would like to know.

I don't want to wait for Jesse Ventura to investigate it. :lol:
Thanks Grummer.:ty: Frankly, I really loathe politics. It's a shitty game played by people who were either corrupt to start with or were easily corrupted by having a lot of money flashed in their face. They are all political whores. Follow the money folks.
What is your solution for governing our country?
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