Wikileaks leak 250,000 classified files

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i dont care if wkileak has obtain info legally or not, they are great because they strive to inform us of what each (not only US govt) governments are up to, not onyl governments, also independent agencies, hell i know i guy i went to school with was in the SAS now working for a private company as security in Iraq - he told me they have ridiculous amounts of gold over they as they claim to be poor - BULLSHIT!!....anyway.. id say PROTECT WIKILEAKS it is fantastic for govts shouldnt be lying...

an advise would be cease being a conformists moron, and start getting critical let information have freedom...dammit because ultimately peope should have freedom!

Power to the people, and information belongs to the people not the few wankers up at the top...
my name isn't in any of the leaks... im not that important.

why you guys so worried, you shouldnt trust any govt, wikileaks is for US, not the power freaks
This whole time I was reading about Assange I was thinking to myself, I bet he is a guy that doesn't respect privacy like "normal" people do. He is probably a child molester or rapist ....

seriously, that was what I was thinking.

He is being charged with those very crimes ....
The hard evidence that Manning leaked the documents, or the is the guy behind this is pretty weak.

It's plausible that those documents have been leaked severeal times by several sources, and known to wikileaks for a while, because a whopping 3 million of people had access to them. It would be a surprise if the documents didn't leak at all with that many readers.

FBI/CIA behave a bit too focused on Manning, and keep on telling everyone he is the guy to blame.

The cases of rapes in Sweden is also strange. Assange is charged of two or three cases of sexual crimes in Sweden, and none in the rest of the world. It does not match up, because if he was this kind of guy, we should expect similar charges in the past and in other countries, too.

I don't know anything for sure, btw.

Agree with Grummer that information should be free! I am sure we can handle it.

Now, look forward to the leaks about banks and the economy :)
I have a serious problem with the way Assange wants to portray my government. He is intentionally giving false information about our diplomats.

Did you know that when foreign diplomats are in our country, they have to give personal information so they can pass through security? Asking our diplomats to gather that information is NOT spying. Our diplomats are asked to provide the same information to foreign embassies.

The man is a disgusting pus filled boil and he needs to rot in a jail cell.
omg... Manning is only 5'2"! that's like a midget! I thought military doesn't allow anyone who is under 5'4"?!
I think it's 5' unless it's changed. Some specialties have additional requirements.
I think it's 5' unless it's changed. Some specialties have additional requirements.

My dad was only 5'2" and he was a Marine. I am only 5' and the recruiters didn't seem to be put off by it when I was in high school. Don't know the stated limit, though.
My dad was only 5'2" and he was a Marine. I am only 5' and the recruiters didn't seem to be put off by it when I was in high school. Don't know the stated limit, though.
I think the height minimum for women is even shorter, like 4' 8" or 4' 10".

There's height maximums, too, but I don't remember them.

I do remember one young lady in my recruit company who was very tall. They had to custom tailor her uniforms, and have a cobbler custom make her uniform shoes. Poor thing, while she was waiting for the custom uniform and shoes, she had to wear her civilian clothing and the uniform issued white gym sneakers. She was so glad when her items were ready, especially as we graduated up to our dress uniforms. (Recruits, "boots," start out with athletic/work uniforms and earn they way up to full dress uniforms.)
I think the height minimum for women is even shorter, like 4' 8" or 4' 10".

There's height maximums, too, but I don't remember them.

I do remember one young lady in my recruit company who was very tall. They had to custom tailor her uniforms, and have a cobbler custom make her uniform shoes. Poor thing, while she was waiting for the custom uniform and shoes, she had to wear her civilian clothing and the uniform issued white gym sneakers. She was so glad when her items were ready, especially as we graduated up to our dress uniforms. (Recruits, "boots," start out with athletic/work uniforms and earn they way up to full dress uniforms.)

Wow! I didn't realize that there were height maximums.

I have 3 female cousins who are all over 6', and they complain all the time about having to have everything either custom made or tailored.
Wow! I didn't realize that there were height maximums.

I have 3 female cousins who are all over 6', and they complain all the time about having to have everything either custom made or tailored.
As you know, being on either end of the spectrum of height can be a pain. :lol:

Depending on specialties, military requirements can be even more restrictive.


submarine service; limited overhead height

bunks on ships; limited lengths

fighter aircraft cockpits, early astronaut capsules

Minimum 54" height for Avenger team member
Army Enlisted Job Descriptions -- MOS 14S -- Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Crewmember
As you know, being on either end of the spectrum of height can be a pain. :lol:

Depending on specialties, military requirements can be even more restrictive.


submarine service; limited overhead height

bunks on ships; limited lengths

fighter aircraft cockpits, early astronaut capsules

Minimum 54" height for Avenger team member
Army Enlisted Job Descriptions -- MOS 14S -- Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Crewmember

Thanks for that. This is interesting, and something I had never really thought about before. Learning something new today. Its a good day.
Thanks for that. This is interesting, and something I had never really thought about before. Learning something new today. Its a good day.
You're welcome. Happy to share. :)
I can see the rationale for height maxes; just picture yourself at 7 feet and in a machine gun nest....
Thanks for that. This is interesting, and something I had never really thought about before. Learning something new today. Its a good day.

even CIA prefers average or shorter height for a spy because a taller person stands out like a sore thumb :lol:
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