Why the World Hates the US?

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dear god that doesn't even warrant a response, are you serious, or just serioulsy misguided? I can only assume you are very very young, but you couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

First...never assume anything.

Secondly..yes I am being serious. When I lived and travelled overseas, many people expressed gratitude and appreciation for Americans regardless of who is in power at the time. Many wished that their country was the same as the US.

Don't like our country? Then leave.
did any of you watch Fahrenhit 911 that Michael Moore made?

Its about Bush, Laden, etc.

Did you know that Bush and Laden both are partners in Oil?

After 9/11 Bush ordered Laden's Family to be flown out of USA for their safety.

so many.. Watch the movie... and comment on this...
First...never assume anything.

Secondly..yes I am being serious. When I lived and travelled overseas, many people expressed gratitude and appreciation for Americans regardless of who is in power at the time. Many wished that their country was the same as the US.

Don't like our country? Then leave.

Please follow your first advice. Macian does not live in the USA.
First...never assume anything.

Secondly..yes I am being serious. When I lived and travelled overseas, many people expressed gratitude and appreciation for Americans regardless of who is in power at the time. Many wished that their country was the same as the US.

Don't like our country? Then leave.

byrdie if I lived in your country then maybe I could leave, I am from scotland, part of UK, 4 generations of my family have fought alongside the US,
as hard as it is, i am an ally of the US, its just the US ignonrance of world opinion, like your own makes it very difficult at times to support, i cant recall one country who wants to be like the US, like the UK, YES, but not a country who sits like they rule the world and think they always know best, one thing you can never deny, the US has caused more trouble worldwide with interference than any other country in the world, and like I said before you are now having to sleep in the bed you made for yourself. if any of you stopped for one second and considered for example israel and the middle east, ignored your own interests,try to see it from the arab point of view you might, and i say MIGHT begin to understand why the world hates you, they as far as I have seen never want to be like you, quite the opposite.
did any of you watch Fahrenhit 911 that Michael Moore made?

Its about Bush, Laden, etc.

Did you know that Bush and Laden both are partners in Oil?

After 9/11 Bush ordered Laden's Family to be flown out of USA for their safety.

so many.. Watch the movie... and comment on this...

bin laden is from an oil rich family, thats where he got his money from, and his family are saudis, although they pretend to disown him they continue to bankroll him.
byrdie if I lived in your country then maybe I could leave, I am from scotland, part of UK, 4 generations of my family have fought alongside the US,
as hard as it is, i am an ally of the US, its just the US ignonrance of world opinion, like your own makes it very difficult at times to support, i cant recall one country who wants to be like the US, like the UK, YES, but not a country who sits like they rule the world and think they always know best, one thing you can never deny, the US has caused more trouble worldwide with interference than any other country in the world, and like I said before you are now having to sleep in the bed you made for yourself. if any of you stopped for one second and considered for example israel and the middle east, ignored your own interests,try to see it from the arab point of view you might, and i say MIGHT begin to understand why the world hates you, they as far as I have seen never want to be like you, quite the opposite.

Sometimes we have to take the unpopular stand against other's viewpoint as it's morally right.

Secondly, the world comes to us to solve their problems when they can't resolve it themselves. Remember that the British came to us during WWII to help win the Battle of Britain, if not, you would be speaking German.

It seems that we have caused more trouble when in fact, we have liberated many countries from their tyrants.

By including Israel into the debate, just remember that the UK was also in bed with us inregards to the formation of Israel.
bin laden is from an oil rich family, thats where he got his money from, and his family are saudis, although they pretend to disown him they continue to bankroll him.

yeah i know that he is a saudi and is from rich family in Saudi Arabia. I read about that. but its interesting that his family said they disowned him but still bankrolled him? this doesnt make sense. sigh.
Please follow your first advice. Macian does not live in the USA.

No offense but Macian has never said anything about being from Scotland on this particular thread.

So how am I suppose to know that he/she is Scottish?

Remember, not everyone follows every particular thread. :)
Sometimes we have to take the unpopular stand against other's viewpoint as it's morally right.

Secondly, the world comes to us to solve their problems when they can't resolve it themselves. Remember that the British came to us during WWII to help win the Battle of Britain, if not, you would be speaking German.

It seems that we have caused more trouble when in fact, we have liberated many countries from their tyrants.

By including Israel into the debate, just remember that the UK was also in bed with us inregards to the formation of Israel.

thank you byrdie, I didn't want top say it myself . incase of offending any intelligent Americans, your comments echo the feeling worldwide, if you lot hadn't drgagged your feet and didnt look out purely for your own self intrests the war could have been over many years before it was, saving countless thousands if not millions of lives, yes America protecting her own self intrests saves europe, we have no doubt about that, but we thank japan, not the US, if japan didnt pull you in through pearl harbour, then germany would have defeated europe, strengthend then defeated the US, but the US never look further than their own self intrests, so to speak, you have Japan to thank you are not speaking german or japanese now too. but I am not stupid enough to think the vast majority of americans have the same small minded view.
No offense but Macian has never said anything about being from Scotland on this particular thread.

So how am I suppose to know that he/she is Scottish?

Remember, not everyone follows every particular thread. :)
why should I ? does it matter? or don't you thin k anyone outside the US has a worthy opionion
Why the World ENVIES the US?

Actually the most caustic hate is borne of envy. Look how Mark David Chapman couldn't be John Lennon, so he destroyed what he couldn't be.
Actually the most caustic hate is borne of envy. Look how Mark David Chapman couldn't be John Lennon, so he destroyed what he couldn't be.

well that puts this debate into context chase mate:topic:
if you are still seriously misguided in thinking the world is envious of the US, then I admit you lot are scaring me with your delusions
What happened on December 7, 1941 sparked off the final decision for the country to become an ally of the UK. The fact is, at least 80% of Americans were against going to war before the Japanese military orchestrated an air raid on Pearl Harbour.

The USA was much more isolated and focused on their own country back then. All it took was an air raid to change everything.

After 9/11 occurred, it didn't take Bush long to get the troops into Afghanistan and Iraq. I have observed that It's quite easy to get the approval during a period of grievance and when a lot of people would be angry at the terrorists for doing so.

The reason why I was against the invasion of Iraq from the very beginning was because there were already rumours that the CIA report was heavily flawed and full of inaccurate facts. I just cannot approve of a war where the president largely used the "weapons of mass destruction" argument as the pitch. To this day, it cannot be justified because of that.

Politics, it's a sick game.
well that puts this debate into context chase mate:topic:
if you are still seriously misguided in thinking the world is envious of the US, then I admit you lot are scaring me with your delusions

If I could understand what was written here, I might have a concern or two, but not having a clue makes "whatever" the perfect rebuttal.
What happened on December 7, 1941 sparked off the final decision for the country to become an ally of the UK. The fact is, at least 80% of Americans were against going to war before the Japanese military orchestrated an air raid on Pearl Harbour.

The USA was much more isolated and focused on their own country back then. All it took was an air raid to change everything.

After 9/11 occurred, it didn't take Bush long to get the troops into Afghanistan and Iraq. I have observed that It's quite easy to get the approval during a period of grievance and when a lot of people would be angry at the terrorists for doing so.

The reason why I was against the invasion of Iraq from the very beginning was because there were already rumours that the CIA report was heavily flawed and full of inaccurate facts. I just cannot approve of a war where the president largely used the "weapons of mass destruction" argument as the pitch. To this day, it cannot be justified because of that.

Politics, it's a sick game.

yes I agree with that Banjo, whilst I was 100% behind us going to war with Iraq, i knew thee were lying, personally I would have supported the real reasons, the lying was done to pull in the people who couldn't decide, and that is totlally wrong and undemocratic, so heads should roll, but I stand by my opinion, we can't stand by and let our enemies get stronger by the day and do us more damage in the future, we have to snuff out future threats against our way of life.

but it pains me to be honest that it has to hit home(pearl harbour,9/11) for the US to act, it seems to be all self intrest and not a global policy. the Uk went in totlally behind you without hesitation after (9/11) something the US has never done for any other country.
If I could understand what was written here, I might have a concern or two, but not having a clue makes "whatever" the perfect rebuttal.

Hmm, you know... I should mention that I am a Canadian. However, I cannot say that I am envious of the USA. I'm happy with what I have here in Canada.

Anybody should be proud of their own country and not envious of the others. If you aren't happy with the government, either vote them out or push for a revolution.
If I could understand what was written here, I might have a concern or two, but not having a clue makes "whatever" the perfect rebuttal.

then if in doubt you might want to clarify the connection of your comments to this topic, if I have got it wrong then I will rectify it.
You do understand that the movie was not a factual documentary? It is full of intentional deceits.

Of course it wasn't a factual documentary. Many experts debunked the so-called facts in these documentaries. People should be careful about believing whatever they see in documentaries. However, I haven't heard too much about Sicko being debunked like we did with both F 9/11 and Columbine.

However... I must say that his recent documentary, Sicko is a change for the better. Unlikely Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11, it focuses on how countries run their healthcare and the problems surrounding them. Though it does leave out some of the facts about Canada, UK and France.

I have noticed that Michael Moore is particularly sensitive to criticisms of the USA by people who are not Americans. He showed this in his recent documentary where a French doctor, I think he was French... he kept on badmouthing the USA. Moore had to leave because he was getting angry with the doctor.

Still, it's better than his last few documentaries, which were wildly inaccurate in many places. It's nowhere perfect, but should be enough to give people the basic idea of how they run healthcare systems in some countries.
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