why some deaf people are staying home whom not going to work?

Sadly, a lot of deaf people consider their SSI/SSDI as their main source of income and wouldn't dare to find a job because they do not want to lose their benefits nor their health insurance such as Medicaid. No matter how often it has been explained to them how having a job will generate more funding than what SSI normally pay out monthly. I understand for some deaf people with secondary severe, significant disability that is making it difficult to work but for those who are able-bodied, come on!

Someone I knew from long ago once wrote on Facebook that she was quitting her job to not lose SSI. I thought any full time job would pay more in a month than SSI.

I know that. I did follow the SSA Rules. I know my friend's friend was stupid for not report. He didn't get any enough responsible. When He got back on SSD again. Because He have a babies. SSA found it out he owe 30,000 dollars. If he get a job. He will have to pay 30,000 for fine. He is scare to get a new job. He is staying at home be dad for kids. His gf have a job. They are afraid to get marry because SSD will cut their money. They're worrying about money too much.
I am on SSDAC because I lost my dad and plus military. He died when I was 15.
Someone I knew from long ago once wrote on Facebook that she was quitting her job to not lose SSI. I thought any full time job would pay more in a month than SSI.

I think the highest amount that SSI would give in the state of Illinois is 637 dollars. Tell me a full-time job that pay less? Nada.
I work for a an independent living agency (disability services agency), and almost every day I hear complaints about VR services in our area. I know our VR agency (like almost any state agency because of continuous cutbacks) is overwhelmed with cases; there is a wait for new cases. They just (finally) found and hired a Deaf counselor, which I hope will be helpful. State agencies are in a sad state, and it's not all their fault.

The other problem is that hearing people and Deaf are competing in the same sparse job market. There are sooooo few jobs available as it is, and it's so frustrating. There's the matter of education deficit, lack of transportation (if the person has no D.L.), lack of experience, etc.

It's a complex problem that is not easily solved. My heart breaks often.
But then, there are a few Deaf folks in the area who have a good education, great jobs, and are very savvy about navigating the world.

It just seems that the odds and circumstances are weighed against some of the Deaf community in this society.
Most all people have a choice.

I will say for someone who WANTS to work they don’t need VR.

If the person has good work skills like showing up on time and not missing days of work bec they just didn’t feel like going they will find a job. If they work as hard as they can at what ever is asked of them they will always find a job and have one. I see lots of the older generation who all had jobs doing something. They were around when there was no SSI and such and had to work. I miss that generation which is now in their 70s,80s and sadly many are leaving us everyday. That was the hardest working group. They worked for everything and didn’t expect a hand out from anyone. They took pride in the work they did. Today you just don’t see it in this generation.

People look for reasons not to work. They don’t treat me right. They made me do this. They made me do that. They don’t like deaf people...the list goes on and on.

If you don’t want to work you can find 1000s of reasons not to.

If you want to work a 1000 reasons wont stop you from working.

You wont convince a lazy person to overlook the 1000s of reasons we all don’t want to work. They simply pick one reason or a list of reasons or excuses why they can’t work. I know lots of people who would never let any reason or excuse stop them from working. I knew a guy who lived in an iron lung and could only move his lips and eyes...guy had a job for a real estate company. Used his lips to move a pencil like thing with his mouth to do stuff. He would read and use that to move the pages. He would type with that also...If he could work anyone could.

Life is life. It’s hard...Either you have enough self pride to overcome any reason not to work..... or you don’t.

If you can read this post you are capable of working if you want to. Nothing can stop you but you.
It's parents fault for not encourage and protect their children from the real world.
I find it strange when someone says "deafness is not a disability!" but then they collect social security. If you are collecting social security, you are saying that you are disabled. You can't say you aren't disabled and also collect SSI.

When I got a job with PO, SSA offered me VR and I turned it down. I don't see why I need VR if I already have a job. It was same with library I applied for and they wanted me to go to VR then they will hire me. I said what! What for? I knew how VR work and I don't agree with VR on something. I went thru VR twice and why do I need to go thru third time.
What was their reason of having you going through VR so that they can hire you through it? Is there something in the funding about getting hired through VR? What state are you in?
What was their reason of having you going through VR so that they can hire you through it? Is there something in the funding about getting hired through VR? What state are you in?
I live in California. I used to collect SSA from our government not state of California. Umm from what I understnad VR pay company to hire you and conitune to pay them some for next 5 years. I was surprised when I got a letter from SSA and asked me if I wanted VR for my present job. I send the letter back and told them I do not need it.
It's very disturbed me...I knew few old friends who were women are living with their parents. Ever they were about early 20s, after college, did not go work yet, do nothing and around at home every day. Ever they did not have boyfriend, stay single for a while.

I was thought nothing wrong but I am realized what my hearing friend concerned about it. She did not like some people do nothing and call her most times, find why some of them that do not have a job, stay home every day. She told me one of them who graduated from university then not find a job yet. Same thing as my friend does because she is one who to be happening in somewhere then end up in not find work yet for more than a year.

I was disappointed and I do not want some deaf people to do nothing and bother other people if they did not have any or get a job. I encourage deaf people to find something or go to work, do not have depended by parents. If they want have the future, they have to learn how to be and better life instead of being alone and stay home.

I used to collect SSA for 18 years. I made a choice to stay home mom for my kids. My old job did not cover daycare for my two kids, so I rather to stay home and take care of my kids till they reach 18. During the time, I did alot of volunteering at school for my boys and involved in alot of activites at schools. Anyway, I am not against anyone who collect SSI, SSA and go on and on. I got this job because it was all from I worked for a contractor few years and Postmaster saw how good I was. When I took PO test and I passed no problem and she wanted to hire me while no other postmasters were willing to hire me because of my deafness. Do u think it is easy for any deaf to find a job without discrimination against them? Honeslty I am very lucky to get this job. Many at center were rooting for me to get this job cuz it is not many deaf to do this kind of work. So I do not feel bad for anyone who sit home and collect SSI or SSDI because we are still second class citizens.
Someone I knew from long ago once wrote on Facebook that she was quitting her job to not lose SSI. I thought any full time job would pay more in a month than SSI.
It depends on the pay of the full-time job.

There is one rule for SSI... you can't make more than a specific amount of money a month. I think it's $800 or $1,000... not sure.

Let's suppose it's $800 a month. Some people get $800 a month for SSI.

Now, do the math... $800 a month at work and $800 a month from SSI... that's $1,600 a month.

For a normal job like at McDonalds, Target, Toys-R-Us, etc... the pay is between $6 and $9 per hour. Some jobs pay more depending on the position.

Now, I could work part-time for $9 per hour... 20 hours a week... and make less than $800 a month and get $800 free from SSI or I could work full-time and still get the same amount of money.

With good-paying jobs being harder to get, deaf people may find it easier to just work part-time since they know they would make the same amount or more money than if they worked full-time.
It depends on the pay of the full-time job.

There is one rule for SSI... you can't make more than a specific amount of money a month. I think it's $800 or $1,000... not sure.

Let's suppose it's $800 a month. Some people get $800 a month for SSI.

Now, do the math... $800 a month at work and $800 a month from SSI... that's $1,600 a month.

For a normal job like at McDonalds, Target, Toys-R-Us, etc... the pay is between $6 and $9 per hour. Some jobs pay more depending on the position.

Now, I could work part-time for $9 per hour... 20 hours a week... and make less than $800 a month and get $800 free from SSI or I could work full-time and still get the same amount of money.

With good-paying jobs being harder to get, deaf people may find it easier to just work part-time since they know they would make the same amount or more money than if they worked full-time.

Yes, true! I think it's $900 a month limit for the SSI/SSDI receipents who work to earn part-time this time. I think SSI has a limit of time period that one cannot exceed that either... unlike those collecting SSDI could exceed more time with the same earning limit.
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They decide to live with their parents due to gas prices. They can't find any jobs too. A lots of unemployment in the USA.
I do not know, it could be any numbers of reasons, why don't you just ask them...:dunno:
They decide to live with their parents due to gas prices. They can't find any jobs too. A lots of unemployment in the USA.

Current it's 4.9% are unemployment in US in Jan 2008, that's about 7.6 millions out of 304 millions.

Bright side, it been improve than 3 years ago which was more than 6.1%

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