I find it strange when someone says "deafness is not a disability!" but then they collect social security. If you are collecting social security, you are saying that you are disabled. You can't say you aren't disabled and also collect SSI.
Many deafs dont see it as a disability because it does not limit their functioning in any way. We are not like people in wheel chairs who are limited as far as walking or whatever. We can do nearly everything hearing people can we just sometimes do things in different ways.
I use VR before but they don't do a good job to help anyone, so I did it all on my own without the help of VR service. VR used to be great 20 years ago. But now they don't have enough people to help handicap to find jobs. That why so many people complian about VR here in Virginia.
That's not what I'm saying though. I understand why deafness is not a disability, I have been of that mindset myself for a long time. But saying "it's not a disability" and then collecting disability money...well, that is what confuses me.
like others said there are many reasons why some do not have a job or living with their parents..
Like myself.. I live with my mom for good reason. I have Meniere's Disease so I do have good and bad days. I dont know when it hit me cuz it can hit me out of blue. another reason is that mom is sick and use oxygen full times. She have COPD. she is 70 years old. so I do cook foods for her and take care of her. saving state's money to send caregiver to come here and take care of my mom.
Econmoy is not doing good.. lot of businesses are closing.. high gas prices and food prices shot higher ... so it look like we are going in a depression.![]()
You do realize there are 1000's upon 1000's of people on disability who are not disabled? As to why when they dont consider deafness a disability and disablity is for the disabled? Why not, its free money and its easier then working.
But once you get full time job, you still have to pay back the money own to the soical security service.
I don't think that's true. If they overpay you due to that you don't report your income from any jobs you have on time, then you have to pay back the money that they do should not have owed you.
Agree with you. I am on SSDAC. If anyone get a new job and must report to SSA. If not report to SSA about get a new job or married. It will get into trouble. Like my friend's boyfriend owed to SSA about 30,000 because he never report to SSA that he got a new job.
I don't think that's true. If they overpay you due to that you don't report your income from any jobs you have on time, then you have to pay back the money that they do should not have owed you.
I use VR before but they don't do a good job to help anyone, so I did it all on my own without the help of VR service. VR used to be great 20 years ago. But now they don't have enough people to help handicap to find jobs. That why so many people complian about VR here in Virginia.
Deafness is still a disablity, but money is not free, people whom are on SSA, SSI, or SSDI is on "fixed" income is not a lot of money. But once you get full time job, you still have to pay back the money own to the soical security service. But deaf people don't work the system. maybe some of them do, but not all of them are that way. I know it hard for lot of deaf people to get real good job on a low wages.![]()
I do see that for some deaf people that I know or have heard of. Interesting statement you just made.Deafies really know how to work the system.
Its only free to the one receiving it. Everyone else pays into and funds it. Of course its a fixed ... its suppose to supplement other income not be your primary source of income.