Why CI is bad for kids under 6 yrs.

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Why, yes, loml, I did read the link. But you failed to reference YOUR citation.

You are correct, I didn't reference back to your link.:kiss:
jillio -So what? If you had never posted a comment off topic, then perhaps you may feel you have the priviledge to make such a comment. It read disparaging to me.

Your opinion. You are entitled to it.
There are some people on here that believe only they have the right go off topic. Just like you Loml, I think Vallee comment was very valuable. This could happen to anyone not just people who have implants.

Hence the phrase "increased risk".
The Risk among hearing children and teenager from K to college level are greater than those with CI.

Are you a college student? if so, it is highly recommended that you get a vaccine to prevent bacterial meningitis which students can contract from others...

This will open your frakking eyes!
Health Education-General Health

oh by the way.. see this google results of various news on death of HEARING elementary students in usa as result of meningitis.
bacterial - Google Search

In human with CI populations, the percents are smaller than hearing populations.

I agree but it doesn't minimize deaf children's risk of having meningitis. Also there are other complications than just meningitis. Like any other surgeries, things can go wrong and scar deaf kids for the life. Do they ask for it? Hell no.
:ty: it really sucks that people that know this stuff have to keep repeating the same thing over and over, yet anti-ci will keep bringing this up...even if they're the same person. It just doesn't get through their skull. No comment about that. :roll:

Who said I am anti-ci ? I am in favor for kids to make the decision rather than having their parents to force implant on them. Beside, most likely deaf child will be able to think for themselves when they acquire language at least by 5 or 6 years old. Why not wait until they are capable to decide for themselves?
Instead of advocating for the right of the child to make his own decision to get an implant, how about you stress the importance of the vaccine that is used to prevent Bacterial Meningitis?

Another thing is that this vaccine has to be taken every five years.

I agree every parents should know better to have their deaf kids to get vaccine. But it doesn't stop them by forcing their deaf kids to have CI without kids' consent.
Ok, I used to be strongly anti-CI for entire of deaf people at first time but not anymore, after I had read about all debate on CI, that make so interesting to read it then start gain to be neutral on CI issue and accept other people to get CI if they want too, that's their choice.

You have choice to get or not but children are just other story, if their parent want implant on children then that's their choice, not mine but when children are getting become older then they can have decision to keep CI or not.

Don't let to bug at hearing parents if they want implant on their child, just be accept and let them to do it, as long as to make hearing people to be happy but some children does love CI, some are hate it.

I'm not anti or pro on CI.
Actually, for your edification, the NAD supports a parent's right to choose a cochlear implant for their child. Guess you will have to call them NADBAD from now on.

The rest of your rant and rave warrants no comment.

Hmm.. I just went to NAD webiste and type in their search feature - cochlear implant and I can't find anything that they support what you said.
Beside, most likely deaf child will be able to think for themselves when they acquire language at least by 5 or 6 years old. Why not wait until they are capable to decide for themselves?

Do you truly feel that children of 5 or 6 years old should make their own decisions on important issues?
Who said I am anti-ci ? I am in favor for kids to make the decision rather than having their parents to force implant on them. Beside, most likely deaf child will be able to think for themselves when they acquire language at least by 5 or 6 years old. Why not wait until they are capable to decide for themselves?

Where did I specifically said YOU are anti-ci? I never mentioned your name at all.
I had a long post written up to reply to GalaxyAngel's post...but obviously after she's been on this forum for a few years, she won't listen. So...I've deleted my post. Sorry mods.
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Nor could I.

Well I guess both of your research skills are not up to par for if you had gone to the NAD's Advocacy section, you would have found this:

Cochlear Implants
NAD Position Statement
Approved by the NAD Board of Directors on October 6, 2000

To refer others to this page, please use:
Position Statement - National Association of the Deaf

The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) ...

...The NAD recognizes all technological advancements with the potential to foster, enhance, and improve the quality of life of all deaf and hard of hearing persons...

...The NAD recognizes the rights of parents to make informed choices for their deaf and hard of hearing children, respects their choice to use cochlear implants and all other assistive devices...."

I have been out of school over 25 years but was able to find this on their website in less than two minutes.

Sounds like the NAD agrees with us ci parents, maybe there is hope for them after all! LOL
Hmm.. I just went to NAD webiste and type in their search feature - cochlear implant and I can't find anything that they support what you said.

Feel free to admit you were wrong whenever you want.
Well I guess both of your research skills are not up to par for if you had gone to the NAD's Advocacy section, you would have found this:

Cochlear Implants
NAD Position Statement
Approved by the NAD Board of Directors on October 6, 2000

To refer others to this page, please use:
Position Statement - National Association of the Deaf

The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) ...

...The NAD recognizes all technological advancements with the potential to foster, enhance, and improve the quality of life of all deaf and hard of hearing persons...

...The NAD recognizes the rights of parents to make informed choices for their deaf and hard of hearing children, respects their choice to use cochlear implants and all other assistive devices...."

I have been out of school over 25 years but was able to find this on their website in less than two minutes.

Sounds like the NAD agrees with us ci parents, maybe there is hope for them after all! LOL

The NAD does not agree with oralists. You must have them confused with AGBad. Which is, BTW, an acronym for A.G. Bell Association for the Deaf. With their oralist philsosophy, it is coincidental indeed that their acronym reads the way it does. And perhaps you should quote the whole position statement. Or perhaps read their statement on technological advances, and you will see that they are not talking about ALD or CIs alone.
You might know about being Deaf..... you are truly clueless about CI..!
"Parents are evil".., "grow up with side-effects".., "easy way out".., "want the child to be perfect"
....... anything you can say that actually makes sense??

No it's truth.. ton ton ton deaf people who have ci.. and angry about their side effects and apporach angry at their parents.. why can't they listen their feelings expression due HELL HEADACHE or pain their head due numbness and so many many..
You have not seen CI teenagers and adult who was implanted when so young... by parent force child..

You don't know! I feel sorry for you... you have no clue!
Why don't you research more find it out about ugly truth about CI..
Good Luck!
Where would we be without technology? One of the things that the deaf and hard of hearing community all agree on is that technology has the power to provide greater accessibility, to level the playing field, and to maximize the quality of life.

Oh, the changes in the past few years! Instant messaging, pagers the size of your palm that provide access to deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing alike, the Internet that provides answers to just about anything and relay service that is almost like a real-time conversation!

NAD, National Association of the Deaf, home page, home, deaf - National Association of the Deaf
Actually, for your edification, the NAD supports a parent's right to choose a cochlear implant for their child. Guess you will have to call them NADBAD from now on.

The rest of your rant and rave warrants no comment.

Bring on.. HARD PROOF.. ?
show me.. show me.. NAD is support CI.. ???

Nope.. I'm not call NADBAD.. I'm 100% support NAD.. way to go.. NAD appoarch angry to AGBAD..

Why change to Agbell ??? Suppose be AGBAD!!! check it out google.. help yourself.. you'll learned something..

you cannot accept it.. :bye:
Do you really think, and before you answer read your post. Do you really think us hearing parents of deaf children are going to listen to someone like you? Remember that 95% of deaf babies are born to us hearing parents.

Just because my children have implants does not mean that I do not accept them for being deaf.

Do you really think that you know my child better then I do. Just because maybe you and others have had a bad experience does not mean that everybody has.

I accept my child as being people in the Deaf community need to accept my children now as being deaf with implants.

A cochlear is not a fix it is a tool that allows my children access to sound.

Again neither you nor anyone else in the Deaf community can prevent nor stop us hearing parents from implanting OUR deaf children.

How would you like it if deaf babies being born to deaf parents are made to hear. It your child andyou have the right to make the decisions for your child as long as they are informed decisions.

Let me set you straight my children were born, they are deaf, and they will dies deaf. This does not take away from them having implanting or being able to be oral.

Okay.. you want your child hear... "sound"

for example..
I want my baby remove cochlear and want my baby DEAF..
How hearing people feel and think I'm ABUSE?

spill your bean?

You're forcing your child Oral?

I've been there oral for many many many years.. really fusterated for me..
Tired of Teacher kept spitting squirting my face.. not enough education learn English and reading.. The Teacher are focus children LEARN LISTEN AND TALK.. important... I'm glad, I was transfered to Deaf School.. and felt much better and happy learned it LOT education... I recognized who am I identity's.. I accept, I'm Deaf. I'm very happy..

but you want have your child implanted.. What if your child not happy their ci.. what will you do ? Ignore your child's feelings?
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