Why CI is bad for kids under 6 yrs.

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I discovered and learned it lot from agbell..

Made me puke!

Agbad using Parent's rights instead child's rights!

NAD: respect to Child's rights their choice: ASL or others.. but agbad not using this one reason agbad is seek for pressure on Parent and change their heart and decide cochlear implant their child.

Nowhere protection Child's right???
I'm happy NAD is very supportive issues respect Child's rights making their choice.. ASL or others.. fine by then..
Stupid agbad really bad community for monopolized toward to people.

Agbad's preferences placement you attend hearing school and not allowed placement you at Deaf School or mainstream or others.. only Hearing school! Made me sick!

If suppose the child goes through patience and for sake parent happy! Is that good health?
Heck no..

CI NEEDS TO STOP monopolized! (Not even think twice about side effects) Doctor think about money comes first than their health!
*gawd, made me sick* Pete sake , where children's health comes first than CI! Look serious case: Cochlear Implants and Bacterial Meningitis. That worst awful one!
**edit** add: why Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval CI first place?? Not even think twice about Bacterial Meningitis!!
Is children are guinea pigs as experiment?

I do not care about ci people think , Deaf Community are WRONG! Heck no.. reason why you're protection CI'ers community all want take over DEAF community and push them out of cliff.. Rest of Deaf Community are not going giving up and keep stand up and will fight for that!
Look young children are very innocent and don't know what going on.. without their rights! Geez! Parent are power control on the child.. Parent are evil and doing everything their own rights want child is perfect! Oh please isn't solution "fix". You seek for solution way easy out!

Why can't you accept your Child is DEAF.. why not learn sign languages?
Sign Languages is beautiful..
Your child will grown up and complain about their side effects.. Parent will say that, aw, stop that, Just normal for headache.. you don't know about your child really turmoil emotion feelings expression really painful. Why can't you listen and respect your child come first, if your child don't want CI.. respect.. DON'T FORCE YOUR CHILD HAVE COCHLEAR IMPLANT!

Get it..
Throw 2 cents into the wish well! Please stop ci monopolized.
You might know about being Deaf..... you are truly clueless about CI..!
"Parents are evil".., "grow up with side-effects".., "easy way out".., "want the child to be perfect"
....... anything you can say that actually makes sense??
I discovered and learned it lot from agbell..

NAD: respect to Child's rights their choice: ASL or others.. but agbad not using this one reason agbad is seek for pressure on Parent and change their heart and decide cochlear implant their child.

Nowhere protection Child's right???
I'm happy NAD is very supportive issues respect Child's rights making their choice.. ASL or others.. fine by then..

Actually, for your edification, the NAD supports a parent's right to choose a cochlear implant for their child. Guess you will have to call them NADBAD from now on.

The rest of your rant and rave warrants no comment.
Children with Cochlear implants are at a higher risk for developing bacterial meningitis, a potentially deadly infection, and must be fully immunized against the disease. That warning came from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) after it learned that two children with Cochlear implants had recently died from bacterial meningitis.

Children with a cochlear implant to treat hearing loss have a greater risk of developing bacterial meningitis compared to children in the general population, according to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration, and state and local health departments.
Cochlear Implants and Bacterial Meningitis

Quite obviously the risk is there. The question is, are the medical professionals insuring that the vaccine has been taken prior to the surgical procedure.

An elementary student in Nashville died this week of meningitis. He was hearing.
I'm not jumping into another ci-is-evil debate, but seriously: NO VACCINATION is EVER 100% or even NEARLY so. Please don't use the vaccination as the "fix" to make this problem seem insignificant. People who have been vaccinated can still get it!

But what is the chance of getting it if you have been vaccinated, it is .5% well, then I have higher chance of getting killed in my car so I better lock myself up in my closet.
Tragically, last week a student in our area was taking his midterms, and after studying went to bed saying that he did not feel so good. His mother found him dead the next morning from meninningitis. Very sad.

So this is not related to meningitis but we live in an unsafe world. It is has been in the news everywhere out here in southern CA. A middle school boy was shot and killed in class. In a middle of road neighborhood. We take a chance every morning sending our children out there to an unsafe world.
Children with Cochlear implants are at a higher risk for developing bacterial meningitis, a potentially deadly infection, and must be fully immunized against the disease. That warning came from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) after it learned that two children with Cochlear implants had recently died from bacterial meningitis.

Children with a cochlear implant to treat hearing loss have a greater risk of developing bacterial meningitis compared to children in the general population, according to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration, and state and local health departments.
Cochlear Implants and Bacterial Meningitis

Quite obviously the risk is there. The question is, are the medical professionals insuring that the vaccine has been taken prior to the surgical procedure.

I am not sure about all surgeons but I know that in CA they are.
I discovered and learned it lot from agbell..

Made me puke!

Agbad using Parent's rights instead child's rights!

NAD: respect to Child's rights their choice: ASL or others.. but agbad not using this one reason agbad is seek for pressure on Parent and change their heart and decide cochlear implant their child.

Nowhere protection Child's right???
I'm happy NAD is very supportive issues respect Child's rights making their choice.. ASL or others.. fine by then..
Stupid agbad really bad community for monopolized toward to people.

Agbad's preferences placement you attend hearing school and not allowed placement you at Deaf School or mainstream or others.. only Hearing school! Made me sick!

If suppose the child goes through patience and for sake parent happy! Is that good health?
Heck no..

CI NEEDS TO STOP monopolized! (Not even think twice about side effects) Doctor think about money comes first than their health!
*gawd, made me sick* Pete sake , where children's health comes first than CI! Look serious case: Cochlear Implants and Bacterial Meningitis. That worst awful one!
**edit** add: why Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval CI first place?? Not even think twice about Bacterial Meningitis!!
Is children are guinea pigs as experiment?

I do not care about ci people think , Deaf Community are WRONG! Heck no.. reason why you're protection CI'ers community all want take over DEAF community and push them out of cliff.. Rest of Deaf Community are not going giving up and keep stand up and will fight for that!
Look young children are very innocent and don't know what going on.. without their rights! Geez! Parent are power control on the child.. Parent are evil and doing everything their own rights want child is perfect! Oh please isn't solution "fix". You seek for solution way easy out!

Why can't you accept your Child is DEAF.. why not learn sign languages?
Sign Languages is beautiful..
Your child will grown up and complain about their side effects.. Parent will say that, aw, stop that, Just normal for headache.. you don't know about your child really turmoil emotion feelings expression really painful. Why can't you listen and respect your child come first, if your child don't want CI.. respect.. DON'T FORCE YOUR CHILD HAVE COCHLEAR IMPLANT!

Get it..
Throw 2 cents into the wish well! Please stop ci monopolized.

Do you really think, and before you answer read your post. Do you really think us hearing parents of deaf children are going to listen to someone like you? Remember that 95% of deaf babies are born to us hearing parents.

Just because my children have implants does not mean that I do not accept them for being deaf.

Do you really think that you know my child better then I do. Just because maybe you and others have had a bad experience does not mean that everybody has.

I accept my child as being people in the Deaf community need to accept my children now as being deaf with implants.

A cochlear is not a fix it is a tool that allows my children access to sound.

Again neither you nor anyone else in the Deaf community can prevent nor stop us hearing parents from implanting OUR deaf children.

How would you like it if deaf babies being born to deaf parents are made to hear. It your child andyou have the right to make the decisions for your child as long as they are informed decisions.

Let me set you straight my children were born, they are deaf, and they will dies deaf. This does not take away from them having implanting or being able to be oral.
You might know about being Deaf..... you are truly clueless about CI..!
"Parents are evil".., "grow up with side-effects".., "easy way out".., "want the child to be perfect"
....... anything you can say that actually makes sense??

So right Cloggy what do some these people know about CI:run::run::run:
An elementary student in Nashville died this week of meningitis. He was hearing.

And what exactly does that have to do with FDA findings that children implanted with CI are at greater risk? "Greater risk" implies that the risk is greater than for hearing children. It does not, in any way say that hearing children are at no risk.
I am not sure about all surgeons but I know that in CA they are.

Not all surgeons are. There was a thread not long ago about a child who had not been vaccinated prior to her procedure. She contracted meningitis and died. The surgeon failed to insure that the child had been vaccinated before performing surgery.
The study, published in the July 31, 2003, issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, also found that children with a specific type of cochlear implant that had an extra piece called a "positioner" had 4.5 times the risk of developing meningitis compared to those who had other cochlear implant types. However, the study authors note that individuals who are candidates for cochlear implants may have factors that increase their risk of meningitis compared to the general population even prior to being implanted with the device. The study was not able to determine whether the implant, the pre-existing risk factors, or perhaps a combination of both caused the increased occurrence of meningitis in the cochlear implant population studied.

And then there is this part of the statement.
And what exactly does that have to do with FDA findings that children implanted with CI are at greater risk? "Greater risk" implies that the risk is greater than for hearing children. It does not, in any way say that hearing children are at no risk.

Vallees' comment may not exactly fit into what reaction you need people to take, that does not mean that it is not valid or that it should be disparaged.
Vallees' comment may not exactly fit into what reaction you need people to take, that does not mean that it is not valid or that it should be disparaged.

It wasn't dispargment in the least. A hearing child dying of meningitis is unrelated to the topic of children with implants being at increased risk. Non-smokers die of lung cancer, too. What does that have to do with the fact that smokers are at increased risk?
And then there is this part of the statement.

But the meningitis still develops after the implant in these cases. And if the candidates are known to be at increased risk, no matter the etiology of that risk, why are surgeons performing surgery without insuring that the vaccination has been given?
Children with Cochlear implants are at a higher risk for developing bacterial meningitis, a potentially deadly infection, and must be fully immunized against the disease. That warning came from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) after it learned that two children with Cochlear implants had recently died from bacterial meningitis.

Children with a cochlear implant to treat hearing loss have a greater risk of developing bacterial meningitis compared to children in the general population, according to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration, and state and local health departments.
Cochlear Implants and Bacterial Meningitis

Quite obviously the risk is there. The question is, are the medical professionals insuring that the vaccine has been taken prior to the surgical procedure.

jillio - Click on the link that YOU provided. Did you even read the link?
jillio - Click on the link that YOU provided. Did you even read the link?

Why, yes, loml, I did read the link. But you failed to reference YOUR citation.
It wasn't dispargment in the least. A hearing child dying of meningitis is unrelated to the topic of children with implants being at increased risk. Non-smokers die of lung cancer, too. What does that have to do with the fact that smokers are at increased risk?

jillio -So what? If you had never posted a comment off topic, then perhaps you may feel you have the priviledge to make such a comment. It read disparaging to me.
Vallees' comment may not exactly fit into what reaction you need people to take, that does not mean that it is not valid or that it should be disparaged.

There are some people on here that believe only they have the right go off topic. Just like you Loml, I think Vallee comment was very valuable. This could happen to anyone not just people who have implants.
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