Your English is fine, TechBill. I would not consider hip replacement surgery to be strictly elective, because it is used to correct disease such as damage from rhuematoid arthritis or to correct an injury. I am takling about elective surgeries such as liposuction, stomach stapling, rhinoplasty to change the shape or your nose so you look more like the majority, etc.
I don't know about the surgery to restore eyesight. I happen to have as of them a professor that I am in contact with on a daily basis...who would not choose to have the surgery and have no desire to become sighted. They have many valid reasons for their position.
Feel free to continue asking me questions. I don't have a problem with explaining at all.
Then I don't understand what your trying to say?
Surgery that can change a person look? or make them thinner? or to hide their uglness? what does it have to do with assistance devices or CI? You think we deaf people thinking deaf is ugly and we have to hide it by having CI?
You said hip surgery is a surgery to fix hip joint reason damaged by disease and I still don't understand what the difference between surgery for childern that have their hearing damage from sickness disease when they were young?
I still don't get your point at all sorry.
That is your professor choice because he/her is an adult but if he/she was a child and he/she became blind by reason of disease took his/her eyesight away and this new sight implant thing become common practice like CI which can restore partial sight to where it can assist him/her around the real world without using a cane then do you think his/her parents will elect to have this surgery on him/her knowing there a risk attached to it?