Why California?

Miss*Pinocchio said:
I just hate to see people suffer.

Misery, Misery, Misery.....

What is wrong with Mississippi, Land is land.

I think they stay in California, because of
Hollywood and Disney.

I can't believe Meg got upset with this innocent little silly statement.
RavenSteven, you are right. They don't have any sense of humor
Why California?

I love California because it has everything, ocean, mountain, desert, weathers and many more. I love rains today and I am so grateful for it.

You ask us to live in Mississippi. No thank after I spend summers in the south, too hot, too humid, too many bugs, too flat there and many more.

Remembering Robert Johnson from Mississippi.
Mississippi got river and Gulf of Mexico, we live close to Florida
so we can go to the beach and Disney...

We got mountains too. We got desert

Just Miles Down the road is Clarks Creek Natural area, a Mississippi State Park which offers bicycling, hiking and 14 beautiful waterfalls. Also about 4 miles from Desert is Fort Adams, Mississippi, which is a historic Civil War battle site with remnants of the old fort high up on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River. In October there `s the Angola Prison Rodeo, a day full of fun and excitement.

We don't have cold weather like in the north, snow once or twice.
Good weather during the summer, not like Hot like fire weather in California.


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zesty said:
i love NORTHERN CALIFORNIA cuz of the weather which is dry, less humid and warmer.... SF is also breath taking as well.. meg would agree with me on this.. sheesh!!
:werd: I currently live somewhere in NOR CAL.. Bay area is more prefect climate (as balance of four seasons).. Valley of sacramento, others are more heat, mild humid, dry, sometime warmer.

Miss*P, I am live in Calif, not because of hollywood and disneyland.. How comes? I grew up here then breed my childern live here in northern calif.. what is your speific?
I heard nice things about California. I would like to visit there one day.
ckfarbes move to southern texas. You pay no liberal state or property taxes. You can own acres of farm land. You dont get hurricanes,Earthquakes and mudslides and you can grow your own food there.
Well because...
nobody cares about Mississippi or Tennessee weather... not even Montana weather...
seem like... maybe our weather isn't as bad, never make news.

we got so many news about California weather
and even Florida weather....

We always hear about Forest Fire, Hurricanes, Mudslides, unusual rain,
Earthquakes and so on..... every year and everyday.

So that is why I asked.
Separate slides kill an elderly man and a teenager while sinkhole claims city worker. Power outages, road closures affect wide area.

A Studio City house collapses as a result of soil erosion.


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ravensteve1961 said:
ckfarbes move to southern texas. You pay no liberal state or property taxes. You can own acres of farm land. You dont get hurricanes,Earthquakes and mudslides and you can grow your own food there.
RS61, Actually, I did visited there thirdtimes.. I like that state has beatiful cities and places, But I loathed that WORST CLIMATE ARE HEAVY HUMIDY AND MOIST..........
damn right EVERY states or countries in the world has their own weather diasters. So here is the simple message That you should KNOW better ------> There is nowhere in world is safe for you. <------
Psssttt...Shiva, a bomb shelter??? Heh heh...wellll...it's ONE place surely you won't find a hurricane, tornado, volcano, lightening storm, ice/snow-storm...but then again...a mud slide might cover up the door? :laugh2:
Westren Pa doesnt have diasters.Ohio doesnt have diasters. Michigan doesnt have diasters.Indiana doesnt have diasters.Minnesota doesnt have diasters. Nebraska doesnt have diasters. Nouth Dakota doesnt have diasters. montana doesnt have diasters.and washington doesnt have diasters.
raven that bs I am sure they do....

RR laughing yeah that true even flood may go over the door as well lol
ravensteve1961 said:
Westren Pa doesnt have diasters.Ohio doesnt have diasters. Michigan doesnt have diasters.Indiana doesnt have diasters.Minnesota doesnt have diasters. Nebraska doesnt have diasters. Nouth Dakota doesnt have diasters. montana doesnt have diasters.and washington doesnt have diasters.
Tooooooooo cold to live there. Many people died from cold weather.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Separate slides kill an elderly man and a teenager while sinkhole claims city worker. Power outages, road closures affect wide area.

A Studio City house collapses as a result of soil erosion.

Yeah, people die in storm. My brother worked for gas co back in 70's and the mudslide hit him when he turned gas off. Lucky he survived. It is nothing new esp if we have hills and mountain. We get all kind of diasters. Anyway I love rain cuz we usually don't get much rain.
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ravensteve1961 said:
ckfarbes move to southern texas. You pay no liberal state or property taxes. You can own acres of farm land. You dont get hurricanes,Earthquakes and mudslides and you can grow your own food there.
Texas has tornadoes and big hails. Hate big bugs there. Yuck. Every state has its own diaster.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
Well because...
nobody cares about Mississippi or Tennessee weather... not even Montana weather...
seem like... maybe our weather isn't as bad, never make news.

we got so many news about California weather
and even Florida weather....

We always hear about Forest Fire, Hurricanes, Mudslides, unusual rain,
Earthquakes and so on..... every year and everyday.

So that is why I asked.

Not true, I remember Hurricane Camilla back in 1969 destroyed south of Mississppi. My good friend's home was destroyed by that hurricane.

I do not know why Ca get too much news about weather, honestly I am sick of watch news over again and again about homes being destroyed.
ravensteve1961 said:
ckfarbes move to southern texas. You pay no liberal state or property taxes. You can own acres of farm land. You dont get hurricanes,Earthquakes and mudslides and you can grow your own food there.

I've lived in South TX for 25 years. You are right about earthquakes, and mudslides. The coast will occasionally get hit by hurricanes.

The BIG problem here is that summer lasts nine months (temp 80 degree plus and humid). There are years when we will have temp 100 for day after day, so electric bill can be $200-300/month for house. I'd rather live somewhere that I don't need to run AC 24/7 for months.