whoopi is sick ....

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A lot of your opinions are out there, but you still have the freedom to express them.
Yes, my father fought for that freedom. When people post a lot, there is always something, somewhere, that might come back to haunt.
I didn't even finish watching it. It was too disturbing for me.
I read the novel before seeing the movie, so I was kind of prepared for it.

Then why is everyone saying the victim has to go to trial again? When she does not.

She will be able to show up to speak her part in the sentencing. But she will not be made to doso. Another words. She does not have to be present.
Chris Rock, comedian, recognized what rape is in the Polanski's case.

Chris Rock on Roman Polanski: "It's Rape!" - Today's News: Our Take | TVGuide.com

Smart, SWK, because this has nothing to do with race but about Whoopi's inane belief that this wasn't a rape. Chris Rock made it abundantly clear, "It's rape!" Rape!" How can it not be a rape?
Chris Rock on Roman Polanski: "It's Rape!" - Today's News: Our Take | TVGuide.com

lemme guess - you've never seen Chris Rock's show, right?

And notice how he likes to lump Hollywood with liberal politics.

I can think of at least two Hollywood actors who aren't liberal and I don't follow celebrities very closely.
kokonut...you should have changed the name of the topic. It says "whoopi is sick...", I thought whoopi gotten sick and ended up in the hospital but when I came in here to read it, all I read is about Polaski case. And now it gotten me to read about the case for nothing. You need to get your words right for the topic name....damn...Making me think Whoopi gotten sick....grrrr :mad:

You should have wrote, "Whoopi made comments about Polaski case" then I would have ignored your thread because I am not interested in this case. It is not because I support Polaski or rape, I don't want to hear it. If he committed the crime, then he got to "man up" and face jail time. Statutory rape is still rape, no matter if they forced to have sex, with or without consent, it is still illegal. That is the way the law made. I think Whoopi is entitled to her opinion because she was describing the word statutory rape whether it was rape-rape which it mean not forcibly raped in some way but it was with consent. I think she was describing the definition of it.
What is really sad is she is being "raped" all over again via the media and the news and now even more so with Whoopi's idiotic statement adding more attention and more attraction to this poor woman's ordeal. She didn't ask to be raped let alone by someone famous and now even though she has forgiven him and moved on, this is going to end up being another deep and ugly scar. Whoopi's statement along with other "media" statements such as a petition are essentially raping her all over again. He was found guilty, so it DID happen and comments such as Whoopi's have to cut right to the bone. I feel so badly for her and my thoughts and prayers are with her as well as with Whoopi, because obviously Whoopi has not taken into consideration what this woman had to and has to endure because of this evil man, famous or not. Whoopi needs prayer if she cannot see how badly this must hurt that woman! If this were an unknown man that made the news because of the rape, Whoopi would of said put his butt in jail. So would the rest of the world. Just the other day a couple was in the news because they took pictures of their children bathing and lost their kids for a month due to a Wal Mart employee reporting the pictures as porn! They were innocent pictures. If the people of this world can get so upset over innocent pictures, why is it so hard to see that in this case it was rape? Rape shouldn't even be the issue, because he has already been found guilty for that. He was too much of a coward to do his time in jail, that's the real issue.

He raped her again when he fled and got caught in a way because now she has to relive it, but this time with the whole world watching, and famous people saying he should be free. What a messed up world we live in.
Actually, it could very well prove to be an assest for Polanski.
How so? The only thing Polanski had was a prosecutor admitting on a documentary that he had an inappropriate conversation with the judge. Now the prosecutor's saying he lied about that just to spice things up. That certainly doesn't help Polanski.

You're already blue. Stop for a minute... we need you alive. Oh wait.. scratch that.

But seriously... it gets tiring when people argue until their faces are blue.

:gpost: :gpost:

Yes, it is getting tiring when people like me argue with him until I get blue in my face. Oh, he really pissssed me off. What is with him? Is he more hearing and more conservative than all the rest put together? His words put a bad taste to my tongue. :ugh:
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Posts are all over the place... and thread has served it's purpose and it is time to close this.

Therefore thread is :locked:
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