Who Created God?

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Who created God? My answer is :dunno:
Human made gods called idols. Like gods of the Niles for the Egyptians. During the time when Moses were up on the mountain in the presence of God. Many hebrews were complaining and wondering how much more longer Moses will come down and that is when people created image of golden calf and worshipped. That's when wrath of God poured up them, should not worship images. Even like today, some humanist believes we humans are god. Who created God? No one and God is eternal. He is Omni Presence, means everywhere, He is not "the man upstairs' as some believe. Our mind is so futile and finite. God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours. This is why jews has their Torah which christians also have but been written in the Bible. Even btwn the timeof Malachi and Jesus times God was silence, till angel of the Lord appear John the Baptist's dad and also appear before Mary, when John will be a speaker for Jesus and Mary will concieve Emmanuel. As all thru the old testaments has prophesied. During the time of Jesus death, many jewish of religious taking lots of old testaments that prophesied about the Messiah away but few had hidden for the protection to keep the Gospel alive. And even jewish leaders paid and bribe andblackmail to not say a word to anyone what really happen and decieved many.
Creationist are not ignorance, those who follows man's idea to unbelief of God is ignorance.

No, they are IGNORANT. I am willing to stake my life on a simple bet - evolution occurred and no creation occurred. Creationists are no different from losers who believed that Earth was flat because the Bible says so or those losers who believed that the Earth is the center of the universe.

If you believe such a creation occurred, you are IGNORANT, pure and simple. That's why I don't socialize with stupid people who believe in non-sense. Creationists are either intellectually dishonest or intellectually inferior. They have NO proof that Creation occurred; no SINGLE evidence to support their creationist theory.
netrox said:
No, they are IGNORANT. I am willing to stake my life on a simple bet - evolution occurred and no creation occurred. Creationists are no different from losers who believed that Earth was flat because the Bible says so or those losers who believed that the Earth is the center of the universe.

If you believe such a creation occurred, you are IGNORANT, pure and simple. That's why I don't socialize with stupid people who believe in non-sense. Creationists are either intellectually dishonest or intellectually inferior. They have NO proof that Creation occurred; no SINGLE evidence to support their creationist theory.
No Bible did nt say the world is flat. You think its pure and simple, but its not at all in one bit. You just let it out of hates and anger for some reason and very wrong view of Bible and christians.
netrox said:
because the Bible says so
Please show me a verse saying the earth is flat. If not, you are a false storyteller.
Creationists are either intellectually dishonest or intellectually inferior. They have NO proof that Creation occurred; no SINGLE evidence to support their creationist theory.
If the creation occured, the Bible occured. If the evolution occured, no Bible occured. You have ONE choice. You saw the Bible anywhere, but you deny it. The Bible warned that you are inexcuseable. If you reject the creation, the evolution is your problem because the evolution is purely nonsense.
netrox said:
Creationists are no different from losers who believed that Earth was flat because the Bible says so or those losers who believed that the Earth is the center of the universe.

The Wikipedia article Flat Earth discusses the subject in detail... Indeed, the idea that the Earth was flat died out a long time ago, though the myth persists in America that people still thought the world was flat in this last millenium.

The complaint that the Church thought the Earth was the center of the universe, however, is a legitimate complaint.

Askjo said:
If the creation occured, the Bible occured.

Not necessarily.

Askjo said:
If the evolution occured, no Bible occured.

Only to a simpleton who does not critically and seriously study scripture. It's easy to take everything at face value and not think about it, but being able to not think about it doesn't make you knowledgable.

You don't know anything about scripture or its meaning if you don't examine it critically and try to learn from it.
If the creation occured, the Bible occured. If the evolution occured, no Bible occured. You have ONE choice. You saw the Bible anywhere, but you deny it. The Bible warned that you are inexcuseable. If you reject the creation, the evolution is your problem because the evolution is purely nonsense.

Thanks for your wisdom, not! You aren't that bright, apparently.

Many Christians believe in evolution but I am not a Christian. So you want to lump those Christians with me? I tell you not to.

I am not a Christian because I reject the divinity of the Bible. I agree with Jesus's teachings but I reject him as the "Savior."
Who created God? I am no idea but we will die then go to heaven and God will explain us. We will understand it I guess but I am no idea I sorry. :dunno:
The idea that humans created God certainly does make a lot of sense.

But in theory, I believe it was the Creator who created everything including all the Gods of the galaxies of the huge solar systems our little planet abides in, and there's a God for each different system! (or so we think)!

And Jesus or Allah or Buddha (maybe one and the same in different times) is like the mentor of the Earth Planet, almost like the lords on the Stargate show!

I don't believe he cares about what religion we have, or what he's called because in the end, we are all connected anyway - this is what I read from people who've experienced death and came back!
Teresh :That's assuming a literal interpretation of scripture that I personally don't hold to be valid. I don't trust your scripture or your interpretations of it because it suggests things that are nonsense to a rational mind. I am one of the people who posesses such a mind.

Don't trust my scripture or my interpretations of it ? I experienced God to understand His Scripture through His Light. The question is : Have you experienced God to understand His Scripture through His Light ?

Science, reason and learning explain a lot of things that scripture do not--The two are not mutually exclusive, but you're taught to believe that are because your religion opposes learning if it makes it more difficult to control the adherents.

FYI, I don't believe in science. Science by man don't have all the answers. A scientist don't have the same mind as God's. God's Mind is supreme ... really beyond than any man's mind and God's Answers are always accurate. His Word is very crystal and His Word is not distoration or blur as you would say. His Word is more than glass itself and it reflects to kill anythin' that are sin/or dirt. And, His Word can tremble you with all your mind, soul and heart, because His Word can find your sins without wastin' a single second. I do understand God in some ways. He is not playin' head games.

If Jesus actually healed anyone, it was through medicine and science, not through magic or superstition and certainly not because he was a superhero.

Through medicine and science ? It's M I R A C L E, not medicine and science. Jesus is LIFE and He brings forth somethin' to live. Life has its own cells to move and it has its own " electronic " ( maybe, that is not the right word, but it gives you an idea how it works ) to heal -- just like His Word can wipe out the diseases, because He is HOLY. His Word is more than just fire. It's why there's NO sins in Heaven.

God has the power to heal people but it is far more common for man to heal another man, which is why we study the world and the environment in which we live--To fulfill God's directive and emulate the divine.

Life developed through natural processes as a result of God's providence. That has always been and will always be the most rational explanation or the existence of the universe.
CyberRed said:
Don't trust my scripture or my interpretations of it ? I experienced God to understand His Scripture through His Light. The question is : Have you experienced God to understand His Scripture through His Light ?
Yes. I'm still not a Christian. Actually, experiencing God was one of the main reasons I stopped following the religion I was born with (Catholicism).

CyberRed said:
FYI, I don't believe in science.
I know. That's typical for a Conservative Christian who is opposed to all manner of reasonand logic.

CyberRed said:
Science by man don't have all the answers. A scientist don't have the same mind as God's. God's Mind is supreme ... really beyond than any man's mind and God's Answers are always accurate.
I know this won't mean anything to you, but one interpretation of Genesis is that because humans ate from the Tree of Knowledge, humans can (and indeed, should), work to emulate the Divine, to learn more of God's ways and come to a higher level of understanding about the universe.

That idea is the core tenet of science. That we are looking to understand more about the world and the Divine Presence. You wish instead to reject your existence as an intelligent being, deny yourself of the truth of your human existence and become instead a simpleton. You wish to be nothing more than the animals in the field.

God gave you a brain for a reason--Use it!

CyberRed said:
His Word is very crystal and His Word is not distoration or blur as you would say.
I didn't say that it was, just that taking scripture at face value is a silly way of looking at it. There's so many other things you can learn when you read between the lines and interpret it in different ways. Ever read any Midrashim? Biblical commentaries? Ever gone to Bible study?

CyberRed said:
Through medicine and science ? It's M I R A C L E, not medicine and science.
Do you have a headache? Go take a Tylenol. When you feel better, ask yourself, did Teresh just make a miracle?

No. I gave sound advice based on understood medical facts (unless you're allergic to aceitaminophen).
Ummm, you can't agree and believe Jesus teaching, but He's not a Savior at the same time. Bec Jesus been pointing out to the religious leaders who He really is. Also about Bible and science, umm, there are scientists believes that atom, protons, and billion other things that been created by God. That is some scientist. There are many different christian views of broad ways. But all has same perspective, that is Jesus is the Messiah, Savior, Lord. Each person has different gifts. Many doesn't understand what the Bible is saying and they fall on man's idea and misquote verses to make apper is contradictions, but it isn't. Problem is, many based on intellectuals, not Holy Spirit enlighten them to see and percieve what the Word of God is saying. That's the problem. Seeing so much wrong idea of lot of things about christians and Bible. Each of us learn different ways and each of us has different gifts or abilities. Thru the history many christians has different view of surrounding like earth is round or flat, other said earth in middle of universe, and other christian thinks differently. Can't take out one side and think ALL christian believes certain things. And christian doesn't start in western world. Start in Israel, but at first it called the followers of Jesus, then later have named christian is in Greece, then start spreading.
netrox said:
... I agree with Jesus's teachings but I reject him as the "Savior."
Then you don't really agree with Jesus's teachings because He taught that He is God and Savior, and that He is the way, the truth and the life.
Teresh said:
...If Jesus actually healed anyone, it was through medicine and science, not through magic or superstition and certainly not because he was a superhero.
There was no medicine or science available at the time that Jesus lived that could perform the healings that He did, including raising someone from the dead. So, Jesus didn't use medicine or science for healing.

Jesus didn't use magic or superstition, and He wasn't a "superhero". Jesus healed people thru His power as God. It wasn't superstition--it was supernatural.

Jesus healed people instantly and completely. There were no slow stages of healing, or stages of healing. The blind man could see immediately, and the lame man could walk (no physical therapy required, no residual limp).
The creation of the unvierse.. I guess so.. GOD is possibly older than us. Who created us? It's GOD I think? Because DNA is within us. Who knows?

The creation-evolution controversy (also termed the creation vs. evolution debate or the origins debate) is a recurring dispute in the popular arena about the origins of the Earth, humanity, life, and the universe. The debate is most prevalent and visible in certain regions of the United States, where it is often portrayed in the mass media in the broader context of the culture wars or a supposed dispute between religion and science. The main opposing positions are held by those who espouse religious origin beliefs and those who support naturalistic or scientific accounts provided by astrophysics, geology and biology.

The conflict centers primarily around the defensibility of creationism (especially the forms of creationism derived from fundamentalist or religiously conservative Abrahamic accounts of origins) that holds the scientific explanations of origins to be antithetical to creation theology, and oftentimes, more specifically, Creation according to Genesis. The key contention of such creationists is that only a supernatural miracle and not "unguided evolution" can account for origins.

As a means of naming the controversy, the term evolution is inappropriately used in an overarching sense to represent the sum total of the scientific theories and observational implications that creationists see as being in conflict with their worldview. The proponents of "evolution" therefore are generally those who hold that natural laws alone are sufficient to account for observations in nature and that supernatural origins are beyond the scope of the scientific method. Which specific scientific ideas conflict with creationism, and would therefore comprise "evolution", can vary from creationist to creationist. It should be noted that many people believe that scientific ideas including biological evolution need not contradict religious beliefs although it does contradict certain specific religious beliefs. (For more on this see sections on defining evolution and spectrum of creationist beliefs.)

The controversy is not occurring within the scientific community or academia, whose members overwhelmingly tend to oppose creationism.[1] Nor is it considered of great importance to most religious groups, even those that tend to support creationism. Rather, the controversy is promoted by vocal creationists who characterize the controversy as an important battle between good and evil[2] and those who actively dispute creationism who characterize the controversy as an important battle between truth and falsehood.[3]

A new school of creationism that has become well known as part of the controversy in schools is the Intelligent Design movement and its associated arguments. Intelligent Design proponents assert that science inappropriately excludes the idea that origins of the biological and physical worlds could derive from an intelligent designer and have advocated a program named Teach the Controversy.
Reba said:
Then you don't really agree with Jesus's teachings because He taught that He is God and Savior, and that He is the way, the truth and the life.

Your bible says that Jesus is a God but my bible say Jesus is son of God.

That's why I realized that it's different Religion Author who wrotes different Bibles.
Reba said:
There was no medicine or science available at the time that Jesus lived that could perform the healings that He did, including raising someone from the dead. So, Jesus didn't use medicine or science for healing.

Jesus didn't use magic or superstition, and He wasn't a "superhero". Jesus healed people thru His power as God. It wasn't superstition--it was supernatural.

Jesus healed people instantly and completely. There were no slow stages of healing, or stages of healing. The blind man could see immediately, and the lame man could walk (no physical therapy required, no residual limp).

The bible says that Jesus healed people thru his Father.

I doubt either it's true or not since I realized that it's bible autors who wrote the bibles, not God. We don't know either it's God's word or not.
Reba said:
There was no medicine or science available at the time that Jesus lived that could perform the healings that He did, including raising someone from the dead. So, Jesus didn't use medicine or science for healing.

That's making the assumption that he actually did half of the things that he did...

Reba said:
Jesus healed people instantly and completely. There were no slow stages of healing, or stages of healing. The blind man could see immediately, and the lame man could walk (no physical therapy required, no residual limp).

...and that they occurred exactly as it was written...
CyberRed said:
Teresh said:
Science, reason and learning explain a lot of things that scripture do not--The two are not mutually exclusive, but you're taught to believe that are because your religion opposes learning if it makes it more difficult to control the adherents.

FYI, I don't believe in science. Science by man don't have all the answers. A scientist don't have the same mind as God's. God's Mind is supreme ... really beyond than any man's mind and God's Answers are always accurate. His Word is very crystal and His Word is not distoration or blur as you would say. His Word is more than glass itself and it reflects to kill anythin' that are sin/or dirt. And, His Word can tremble you with all your mind, soul and heart, because His Word can find your sins without wastin' a single second. I do understand God in some ways. He is not playin' head games.


That's funny. If you do not believe in science, did God not create his own species: plants, animals, and Adam & Eve?
starrygaze said:
The creation of the unvierse.. I guess so.. GOD is possibly older than us. Who created us? It's GOD I think? Because DNA is within us. Who knows?

The creation-evolution controversy (also termed the creation vs. evolution debate or the origins debate) is a recurring dispute in the popular arena about the origins of the Earth, humanity, life, and the universe. The debate is most prevalent and visible in certain regions of the United States, where it is often portrayed in the mass media in the broader context of the culture wars or a supposed dispute between religion and science. The main opposing positions are held by those who espouse religious origin beliefs and those who support naturalistic or scientific accounts provided by astrophysics, geology and biology.

How do you know if the creation of the unverise is alone? Are there another Gods far far far away from our galaxy? Maybe our God is the youngest one of the God Family so that He created the perfect species on Earth.

Maybe God had to leave for a reason for the new journay: Our Earth.

Maybe God did not want to share his experience so that he swore his serect oath in the name of the Gods. Maybe I am wrong...
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