But that's just it. DC wrote a post accusing FJ of exposing her child to unnecessary risk. That's cruel and unnecessary when the risk of CIs are infinitesimal compared with the risks every parent exposes his or her child to daily. Peanut butter is more dangerous than CIs. Letting a child ride a bike: far, far more dangerous.
I wouldn't write a post condemning a parent for exposing his or her child to risk because they let their child ride a bike, ride in a car, enter school. That's absurd and nasty. I'd advise caution to parents: have your children wear seat belts if you ride in a car, wear helmets if you bike, get vaccinated for meningitis if your child is deaf, whether or not you choose CIs (deaf/HOH kids have a significantly higher incidence of meningitis than hearing kids, without CIs), and so on. You can't keep your child wrapped in cotton at home -- even that is probably dangerous
