This has been a weird week for me. I had a mini-episode on Thursday shortly after first break. I wasnt back out on the line 20 mins til I was out, only this time I went out about the time a huge guy scooped me up, I wake up to him screaming in the breakroom for the nurse then he sits me in the chair in the nurses station.

Yes I was rescued by a prince charming wearing a brown smock, lemon colored apron, a white hair net, and green rubber gloves, and a really bad beard. Seriously.
They made me sit down and eat a peanut butter cracker, then I was like alright I'm awake now let me go back to the line, my main boss came in and sat me back down in the chair and said 'Not til you get you some orange juice or something.' I was like fine - whatever. So they bought me an OJ out of the vending machine (expensive too! $2.00 USD for 16 ounces) and they are like - you're not eating, your not taking care of yourself. I just gave them a sarcastic look.
Then the plant manager came in and asked how I was - I said I'm alive, now let me go back to work. He said not until I've eaten something and drank the OJ, the nurse popped her head in and said I already had some PB. Then he was like OK - just finish the juice. So I finished it up, got up and went back to work although I've felt exhausted and drained since.
Then I went into the production area this morning and my main boss stopped me and asked if I had breakfast this morning - I said no - at 4:30am the last thing on my mind is breakfast. Besides I woke up too late for breakfast anyway. Then she was like - you need to eat. I'm like Im not anorexic - my BGLs are just out of whack.
Then she's like you don't need to be any skinnier. I was like my falling out has nothing do with me losing weight! I told her that according to the CDC - I was overweight as my BMI is 26.5 the last time I checked. She said if I got any thinner I was going to hurt myself. HUH?!?! This woman is WAY overweight (I swear she outweighs me 3 or 4 times.) I just told her to plan on seeing me lose 25 more pouns then I'd be happy. Then she was like well R----- may not let you change shifts if you keep falling out. This is twice in a month and we just want to keep you around a little longer. UGH. I wasnt sure how to end that conversation. I finally just told her if thats the way they want to do it then, lets just have a 3-way meeting as soon as R----- gets the chance. Needless to say it did not happen today, so fingers crossed for Monday.