Yup another weekend has nearly passed. UGH I dread having to get up on Monday morning but ah well, I'm downloading some new music to my iPod for work. I just pop in my headphones, blare it up to full blast then work. Makes life SOOOO much easier without having to listen to the babble-babble bullshit of the line.
I thought about buying those cereal bars but the last time I ate one I was left with a very bloated feeling, I hate that. So I'm still trying to come up with a win-win situation where I keep from passing out and my bosses can let go of this stupid eating disorder idea they've got sprouted from their rearends.
I know I'm losing and I get complimented - I'm telling ya I feel like a million bucks when they ask me what is my secret. I just tell them lots of rabbit food and a hamster wheel. (Lord I feel like I'm on one when I go to work, neverending I tell ya!)
Today I saw an old school mate - OMG he's nuffin but skin n bones! He used to be the biggest guy on the football field with lots of mass. Now he's SKINNY!! Turns out he was diagnosed with Type II diabetes not too long ago and it's caused him to lose all that weight. He weighs 190, but his doctors want him to weigh 210. He says its hard for him to put on weight now, when I remember running endless laps around the track with him to help him lose weight, now it is like we have traded places where I'm trying to lose weight, and he's trying to gain it. He said he's been taking those weight gain shakes to help maintain his current weight. I am telling you I never would have recognized him on the street if he had not come out and talked to me directly. Im *almost* jealous - but I don't want the health complications he's got.
I bought some new clothes today and guess what - Im now a 31x30!!! It feels damn good to be that small again. just 25 more pounds and I'm one happy camper! (FYI - another 25 pounds lost means I weigh what I did during my senior year of high school - not dangerously thin, but thin enough to be hated.)
FC - I am sorry to hear about the passing away of your friend, my thoughts and prayers are being sent to you and his family who are dealing with the grief.
Jake - I love the new signature - CLASSIC!