guess what??? Our 1st annv is today!!!! i am so excite and still love my wonderful hubby so much!!!so i already bought 5 balloons so they will deivery to his work today at 11am.. grin.. he dont know..
guess what??? Our 1st annv is today!!!! i am so excite and still love my wonderful hubby so much!!!so i already bought 5 balloons so they will deivery to his work today at 11am.. grin.. he dont know..
guess what??? Our 1st annv is today!!!! i am so excite and still love my wonderful hubby so much!!!so i already bought 5 balloons so they will deivery to his work today at 11am.. grin.. he dont know..
DAMN! Poor our tree!!! The strong wind or the thunder killed our tree!There are other neighbors have same problem too...I will post few pictures later... And our internet was down for like 12 hours....damn! Now It is back on whoo whoo!
Have a good day everyone!
Here is the link.
Rochester Storm 6-6-08
Yes, JClarke and's been rough. LOL. I have to laugh to stop from crying sometimes. Today I was trying to get the kids their lunches when the kids decided it would be fun to get under the table! So they all got under the table, of course a couple of them bump heads and start crying. I'm like, WTF! Why are you kids under the damn table for. Then the principal walks in, and her face was saying, "OMG." I quickly replied with lunch trays in my hands, "We're practicing for a tornado drill!" (This is how you know I'm from Arkansas). The woman was like, "Oh, that's good...except...we don't get that's good...never know. Might happen one day." Then she left. Pffft.
Watch out, this newspaper girl is coming on bike. "Newspaper, 30 cents! 30 cents! Come buy a newspaper! I used to be a teacher but I quit! Now come buy a newspaper!"