Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part VII

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Don't worry - your summer break is coming up, eh? ;)

Yea but since I am such a workolic, I am working at a public school teaching summer school. Good pay...I need the extra money.
umm, i am cooking dinner and watch Deal or No Deal same time LOL!
Jclarke --

Which one is you on that avatar of yours?
Sorry, for you, Shel90

Thanks....my personality is really goofy and laid back but at my job, I am very very anal and very very serious. Many of my friends who ended up working at my workplace saw how different of a person I am at work. They said that I am tooo intense and too serious but after work, I do a complete change and become wild and crazy. I tell them that I take my job very seriously and will stay at work all day and all night until I get something perfected. LOL!

I am someone who is capable of working myself to death. Heck, I was rushed to the hospital for heart problems 3 years ago cuz I was working myself to the ground with two 40 hours a week jobs. Yes, I worked 80 hours a week with 2 jobs for 2 years. Many people said I was crazy..I need to stop working so hard sometimes but I am so anal when it comes to my performance at work.
Best wait till 8 weeks old. That's what I did.

You're right, Puppies should not leave their mother until a minimum of 8 to 10 weeks old. I learned that on animal planet. :giggle:
Best wait till 8 weeks old. That's what I did. So good luck finding a new home for each puppies!

Oh damn! I wanna 80 degrees! :giggle: But it will gets here next week or two. YAY!

Same here..want 80 degrees. I still have to remind myself that June is approaching cuz it sure feels like early March here!

Hurry 80 degrees!
It's not my puppies. Should have thought about that before your dog got pregnant. :giggle:

i was only kidding.. :cool:

Cant help if my dog doesnt want to feed them.. she hide from them and bite them when they tried to suck .. so i know she is trying to wean them off milk. so obivously they r ready to go. :)

anyway i dont have to worry about them.. they are at good home now.. so im relieved.. :D
Thanks....my personality is really goofy and laid back but at my job, I am very very anal and very very serious. Many of my friends who ended up working at my workplace saw how different of a person I am at work. They said that I am tooo intense and too serious but after work, I do a complete change and become wild and crazy. I tell them that I take my job very seriously and will stay at work all day and all night until I get something perfected. LOL!

I am someone who is capable of working myself to death. Heck, I was rushed to the hospital for heart problems 3 years ago cuz I was working myself to the ground with two 40 hours a week jobs. Yes, I worked 80 hours a week with 2 jobs for 2 years. Many people said I was crazy..I need to stop working so hard sometimes but I am so anal when it comes to my performance at work.

I think we're twins.
Today was a great day teaching the kids...but I had so much freaking papework after they went home...over 800 pages!!! And all due tomorrow morning. I finally finished...looked up the clock and it was 6:30 PM. I still have four more IEPs and then I have to do Creative Curriculum checkpoints...and then I need to do the Brigance testing on all of the kids, draw up a behavior plan, etc. UGH! Worse part? I'm teaching in a all-year round school...so no end for me. Pffffffft.
Today was a great day teaching the kids...but I had so much freaking papework after they went home...over 800 pages!!! And all due tomorrow morning. I finally finished...looked up the clock and it was 6:30 PM. I still have four more IEPs and then I have to do Creative Curriculum checkpoints...and then I need to do the Brigance testing on all of the kids, draw up a behavior plan, etc. UGH! Worse part? I'm teaching in a all-year round school...so no end for me. Pffffffft.

EEEEKKK!!! 800 pages? Damn!
Lovely to meet the twins here. I think we got a set here don't we?

Shel90 - thats interesting.

Cheri - I'm on the right.
I'm so happy as I have finished typed down a Scientific Report for my assignment. Will have to go to University and drop it in soon.
i went DR this morning, i got happy cuz of i lose 6 lbs now weight 345 yayaya.. it hard to lose weight whew.. then went food shopping and came home and cook out chickens and baked pineapple cake for tmw
I just got home from going to my niece's graduation. after the graduation.. lot of traffic.. whew! but glad to be home.. ha.. :)

I am so proud of my niece Lianna. She did it! She graduated from high school tonight! Hooray!!! Hard to believe it was not that long ago when she was born and refused to smile. everyone tried to tickle her and make her smile. she refused to smile even for the pics. lol heh... i cant believe she will go to college this fall. I will miss her .. wahh..

I saw many people I havent seen in ages. So it was great to see them. :) now I am worn out and ready to crash my bed.. hehe! :P

have a great nite yall~! :)
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