anybody know a good drug dealer around here? I need a pain pill! I just fell down the two steps going into my living room and twisted my leg around to the point where my foot is pointing the other way. I got it popped back into place and got ice on it but I think when hubby gets home I'm gonna make him take me to Urgent Care and go get a prescription for pain pills filled at walmart before the pharmacy closes. this has happened before, I got an appointment on Thursday with my knee doctor and he's going to tell me if he is going to do complete knee replacement on both knees or not. If he decides no then I am going to call the UAB healthline (University of Alabama @ Birmingham hospital) and get a doctor down there to do titanium replacements with his student doctors. one way or another I am gonna get my knees fixed this year so I can quit hurting all the time! If you seriously know of any helpful home pain remedies that wouldn't be too expensive send it my way so I can try it. right now my right knee is turning black and swollen to the point it could almost pass for a basketball.