Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

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Yes, it rained just about all day. It's nice to have a real winter day.

CrzyMeg, thanks. Enjoy your day at college. When do u start, tho?

this monday coming up. :) Oh i am excited.
yeah laketahoe... oreo didnt like it but have to so he will smell like regular as before. now he smell better.. whew! it worked. U are right. Wow! I told this to my mom and she said oh thought tomato juice wuld be better? guess not? lol.. i have tried tomato juice on my dog before and it came out. so i guess both will work either way. :)

Its been raining non-stop 3 days.. woot! I love it! It kept the temperature down! :D The medication I am taking made me feel like I am high then I would crash and felt weak and tense? I dont like it. :( I will tell this to my dr. I even cant sleep either as I kept waking up every 2 hours so gave up and read books or watch movies on tv the last few nights. jeez. this sucks.
Did CrzyMeg ever figure out that insomnia means you can't sleep?
Did CrzyMeg ever figure out that insomnia means you can't sleep?

No, i dont understand doctor terms :) Whenever i get excited about whatever happening on next day, kinda make me stay up all night. I stay until 4am this morning. :(
I arrived in Arkansas and say hello to Dixie and Freaky Cat. but i miss all of you. LOL
Wait a minute... this forum stastics is wierd.
i arrived in Arkansas and say hello to Dixie and Freaky Cat. So i saw sign of The Dixie Cafe at Little Rock but i cant find Dixie there. LOL
Dang my computer is mess up. My mom gonna fix it this weekend. i have to help my cousin to move in.
yea, that. lol.

i was so mad and upset yesterday because of loss in semi final in playoff before head to championship. DANG!!!!

:madfawk::rl: @ my teammate for gambling to run! If he listens to coaches, we will go into championship game! i was so :madfawk: but i moved on. Fall league, here i come and we will make ANOTHER run to be top 4 and get in championship game.

my game:

3-5 AB
4 RBIs
2 doubles
I don't know if I can sleep tonight!! I am excited about going out of town and have a good time! :lol: I guess it is common for everyone get excited about vacation or a trip. :) I am almost done with everything but need to fold blankets and bring pillows..plus bathroom stuff that'll be take care of in the morning. :)
I don't know if I can sleep tonight!! I am excited about going out of town and have a good time! :lol: I guess it is common for everyone get excited about vacation or a trip. :) I am almost done with everything but need to fold blankets and bring pillows..plus bathroom stuff that'll be take care of in the morning. :)

Do your best but dont try to stay until 4am like I did.
I nee-eed, mo-r-r-e sleeeeep

u think u are the only one.. i need more sleep too! i had insomina last night for hundreds time! ugh! i went to bed at 12 but woke up at 430 and tried to go back sleep but couldnt so stayed up to read book.. then finally went back to bed for short time this afternoon. still tired.. :( the medicine i have is not working at all! :P
My alarm didn't wake me up, unfortunately woke up at 8:48am and was only 12 minutes to 9am so I was like -- "Not another WTF moment"
we are in Arkansas near Little Rock. long driving to Austin Tx. we feel to arrive there between 4 and 5. i m little tired but feel fine now.
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