Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

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never mind -- the people who rented the house, the owners of the house are called 'landlord'
Damn, its so quiet in the forum, maybe I will just roam around to find some traps that I can catch :lol:
I have ice on both of my feet cuz they are achy from putting in a 10 hour workday today...I am beyond exhausted!
im pumped! just finished with workout- swing medicine ball. Need to work on my upperbody for slow pitch softball and throwing. No, i dont want to be Barry Bonds or Mark McGwire. Just me and only me.
I have just finished *part of my homework. I completed the Algebra and I am going to revise and format my second english paper for the semester.

Shel - I got a perfect score for the first paper WOOT! He rated the content on a scale of 1 to 10 and I got a 9.5. :dance:

He also added there no major grammar or spelling errors so thats another added plus. The only thing though is that it wasn't in the proper MLA format (oops I didnt think to look under Course Documents for the correct writing format for the course), but he said with it being the first week he would not hold it against me, but now that I know, he expects it to be formatted correctly in the future.

Also my first Algebra assignment went better than expected. I felt that I was a tad rocky on the material but after the grading I only missed 2-3 problems out of nearly 100.

Its been nuts but good around here for the past week. I spoke with one of my daughters teachers at her preschool today and turns out she and I are enrolled in the same online composition course. This lady deserves a margarita. She is taking 13 credit hours on top of working full-time, has two teenagers and a 7 month old child, and is married. If she does well as I expect her to - she will be getting a congrats cake from me at Christmas. :eek:
I gotten horrible 2 days straight. car broke down, getting towed, getting fixed. I getting car back tmw. I got bored with lectures in college 4 hrs straight
yeah, dbarovian, I played oztag for two years now
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