What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?


Active Member
May 1, 2003
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Inquiring minds (me) want to know.
Thinking that ASL will interefere with deaf children's ability to develop oral language or their educational progress.
"Why are you teaching your hearing son sign language, he's not deaf" (my ex mother in law said that to me.) :pissed:
"Why are you teaching your hearing son sign language, he's not deaf" (my ex mother in law said that to me.) :pissed:

My mother in law said the same thing too about my 2 year old. I can undy where u are coming from.
My mother in law said the same thing too about my 2 year old. I can undy where u are coming from.

And the sad part is my son refused to sign in front of others while growing up, but now hes willing to, cause I finally told him how I felt.

Thread moved here from 'General Chat'-- ;)

Hmm...I'll add one: "Can you HEAR me now?"

I once held the same ignorance as any other hearing person. This documentary (below) changed my entire perspective; now I fully understand where the Deaf community is coming from and I agree!

I once held the same ignorance as any other hearing person. This documentary (below) changed my entire perspective; now I fully understand where the Deaf community is coming from and I agree!


I personally haven't seen this movie yet but my sister has. I really want to see it.
I once held the same ignorance as any other hearing person. This documentary (below) changed my entire perspective; now I fully understand where the Deaf community is coming from and I agree!

I saw that movie, I did not even like it at all, I was so surprised to see hearing parents not allowing their cochlear implant children to use sign language, only focus on speech and hearing.
Well it was important for me because it opened my eyes to the Deaf view point.
What ticks me off about hearies are:

When I tell them I'm deaf, their respond would be "Oh I'm sorry" and then walks off. :confused:

When some hearing parents refused to sign with their deaf children. (with or without the use of cochlear implants)

When some hearies shouts while talking to me, It doesn't make me hear any better when they're shouting--they're making me more deafer.

When some hearies turned their face away while talking to me, It's like hello? I have to read your lips.

When some hearies chew on their gum while talking to me, It's like watching a cow eating.
When medical personnel approach parents of a new-born with long sad faces and tell them that they bring the awful, sad news that their baby is deaf. Kinda getting off on the wrong foot, eh?
When you are in bed, the hearing person wants to have the lights off when I want to have the light on.....

Afterall we do like to see the expression of pleasure on your faces. :)
Can you read my lip?! (I hate when some men have long mustache and not trim well to read lip)

Some hearies do make fun of us (deaf), that tick me off

While I tried make a phone call on VRS, some hang up on me.. ugghhh And seem that person don't want to deal with deaf person...

I don't remember what else...
When someone turns away when talking to me-the worst is when they keep turning and talking over and over....I will NOT chase your mouth

When people notice my HA's and start talking as loud as they can and usually over ununciating.

When hearies assume because I have HA's that we cannot communicate, and they look for someone else to help them

When people apologize to me for my deafness!!!

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