What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

Thats very true Kristina, and Moooost of the world is full of idiots. But there are quite a few who understand that
Do any of the hearing posters that venture in here spend as much time looking inside as they do outside?:laugh2:

Pot meet kettle!:P
I have read a lot about people saying Im sorry that ticks deaf people off. But most of the time, the hearing person is saying sorry for not knowing, and not trying to speak so you can understand. Like if someone is talking super fast (you know how when someone gets excited and talks like lightning) so mostly its a sorry not because they feel bad about you being deaf, but more for their ignorance at not knowing how to communicate with you. :D

That's okay, just ask Bottesini to absolve you of your sins.
One guy at our deaf club actually went above duty for me. He signs and speaks during the deaf church, so I can follow along when our terp is not there. Well, he realized I was having a problem reading his lips and without me saying anything, he went into the men's room and promptly shaved off his mustache. He said he never thought about it before and he knocked a good 10-15 years off since his mustache was grey.

How did he happen to have a razor with him??? The mind boggles at possible reasons... :eek3:
I know of quite a few guys who keep an electric shaver in their cars. That's what he did.
Oh, I was thinking of those old fashioned razors..

Well - hubby used to keep a can of shaving cream and a few disposable razors in his tool box that was in the bed of his truck. I made him pitch them all since I saw rust.

My brother keeps an old-fashioned straight razor in his tool kit, but it does not stay in his work truck. This kit is his personal antique tools he uses and he takes them into the house and back to work the next day. He keeps the old fashioned shaving cream, bowl and brush and the shop. (He's a master finish carpenter) He likes to be clean shaven before getting home some nights for his wife.
Ah. None of the gentlemen of my acquaintance have ever kept a shaver that close to hand. Beats the explanations I was thinking up (planning on a nooner with the choir mistress and wanted a clean-shaven chin; was planning on holding up a bank with a straight razor...)
Ah. None of the gentlemen of my acquaintance have ever kept a shaver that close to hand. Beats the explanations I was thinking up (planning on a nooner with the choir mistress and wanted a clean-shaven chin; was planning on holding up a bank with a straight razor...)

Those are good scenarios!
When I think of straight razors and switchblades, I keep thinking of leather clad hoodlums from the 1950s.
When I think of straight razors and switchblades, I keep thinking of leather clad hoodlums from the 1950s.

I think Stephen King even wrote a horror short story about hoodlums who tormented one guy in high school then they died when they hit a telephone pole. Many years later this guy is a high school teacher and one day those hoodlums show up in his class....