What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

a) strangggeee. Never had something like that happen. Did you slap him/her or something?
Even if they did do something to that person, what does deafness and ASL have to do with it? Think about it.
People I play softball with knew I was losing hearing. Some that didn't know me well didn't. When I started wearing a hearing aid people posted on a message board that I was so pretentious and full of myself that they saw me on the field playing with a bluetooth in my ear.......

For real? LOL. I wonder what they'd call my CI?
I actually had several people in high school I've never met come up to me and tell me, "You're the best-looking person with hearing aids I've ever met! I didn't know there were any attractive people who wore hearing aids!".

No lie. I didn't even bother to thank them for their so-called "compliment"! It really had me burning up!! :mad:

What? HAs make people ugly? *peer* I'd be ticked off too. :pissed: Damn, it's just a HA - nothing more.
I hate it when people say "Oh, I'm so soooooooorry" when they find out I'm deaf. Jeez - I don't need your apologies. Just be yourself.

I concur.

I used to hate that too, until I found out that a few people (not culturally Deaf) ENJOYED that attention. What the hell? Either way, you can't really undo what other people has enabled.
I think that it's an age thing. Only old foggies wear HAs, don't ya know?

I'm irritated with hearing people who try to insist that I use my voice at the deaf center. I need practice and speaking slows my progress. If people want to hear voices, they can do that anywhere.
I think that it's an age thing. Only old foggies wear HAs, don't ya know?

I'm irritated with hearing people who try to insist that I use my voice at the deaf center. I need practice and speaking slows my progress. If people want to hear voices, they can do that anywhere.

But then they get medicine. :hmm:
Get medicine? I don't understand.

The deaf center operates on the immersion principle.
Even if they did do something to that person, what does deafness and ASL have to do with it? Think about it.

It's just confusing to me that someone would keep trying to communicate to someone who probably can't hear with trash talk? I mean that's the whole point of trash talk- at least in basketball- to wear down your opponent or make him do something that he normally wouldn't do. I mean, sure you could just let it slide, or you could escalate it with something that's more universally understood to the guy who's trash talking.

I always let it slide in sports, but sometimes there is a nugget of gold behind the trash talk. If someone gives me criticism at work and it seems unwarranted, I question it. If I think there's more to the meaning of the conversation, I elevate it so that I can fully understand where the person is coming from so that I can do my job better.
She is a CODA = hearing child of deaf parents. I don't think she asked for it.
Denture wearers who attempt to talk to me without their dentures in. That's a guaranteed conversation fail.
Denture wearers who don't enunciate are challenging, too.

The other day my hubby was literally talking into the kitchen cabinet. I burst out laughing.
(said by my evil first boyfriend during an argument after he mutters something under his breath): 'You heard me.'

Or- someone says something, I catch bits of it say and say 'What was that?' then I guess from the context and respond, then they say 'See, you did hear me!'- I don't think this is purposely to upset but I have to say, no I didn't, I guessed.