What is Your Pet Peeve?

thanks! i'm especially excited about that fact because of the news i told you about in pm earlier. <jumping up for joy>

my pet peeve are LONG novels that have a disappointing ending.

Yup, thats cool.

Pet peeve: Family not telling me about plans till the last fregging minute.
Yup, thats cool.

Pet peeve: Family not telling me about plans till the last fregging minute.

oh, i HATE that. like they think you don't have a life of your own.

next pet peeve...

people who spend money like there's no tomorrow and then compain that they're broke. HELLO?!
Next pet peeve - people that insist you being friends on Facebook when you have made it clear outside facebook that you do not wish to be friends, period. (My crazy ex-coworker just resent a friend confirmation I declined 3 days ago.....)
if you'd like to chat more via pm, send me a message, okay? more :hug: -- and i'm sorry to hear about your co-worker losing her job in these tough economic times. :([/QUOTE]

Sorry, it's :topic:, al'ders... Hear Again, I did send you an PM yesterday and this am but it sent back to my folder twice. Jake thinks your private messages are full. Maybe it's time for you to clean up. I hope he's right. Or maybe, I was not doing the right thing to send you and other ad'er. Please let me know whether you and other ad'er got my message. Thanks. :)
Sorry, it's :topic:, al'ders... Hear Again, I did send you an PM yesterday and this am but it sent back to my folder twice. Jake thinks your private messages are full. Maybe it's time for you to clean up. I hope he's right. Or maybe, I was not doing the right thing to send you and other ad'er. Please let me know whether you and other ad'er got my message. Thanks. :)

i check my pm's daily and they aren't full, so i don't know why your messages were sent back to you. hmmm.
my pet peeve are late night infomercials -- especially the "get rich quick schemes."
sosie, i just double-checked my pm's and did receive all 3 of your messages. i didn't see them at first because they were below 3 other pm's i received today.
sosie, i just double-checked my pm's and did receive all 3 of your messages. i didn't see them at first because they were below 3 other pm's i received today.

3 messages??? I thought twice. Sorry but I am glad you got my messages. *whew* :)
3 messages??? I thought twice. Sorry but I am glad you got my messages. *whew* :)

i received several pm's today, but haven't been able to respond to all of them. i promise to respond to yours tomorrow though. right now i'm tired, so i think i'm going to log off. until then...
i received several pm's today, but haven't been able to respond to all of them. i promise to respond to yours tomorrow though. right now i'm tired, so i think i'm going to log off. until then...

That's OK. You don't have to reply me today but please reply other ad'ers first before me. This can wait! (It's no big deal.) Thanks!
I hope you got a good sleep this morning but unforunately for me, no... I was not able to sleep. Jeez...