what is your blood type ?

your blood type ?

  • 0+

    Votes: 16 38.1%
  • 0-

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • A+

    Votes: 7 16.7%
  • A-

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • B+

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • B-

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • AB+

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • AB-

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 4.8%

  • Total voters
Mod Edit:

Poll was 'edited' per creator's request--

Mine is A- because I have no antibodies in my blood.
If you have antibodies present in your body, your type is +. I guess Rh is a kind of antibody.

If I need blood transfusion, I need donations that only is A- or O-. Can't get blood with + antibodies or I will be screwed up the river.

Anyone with AB+ can receive any blood type transfusion!
A person with with O- can give blood to anyone with any blood type without problems!

It is easy to get a blood type test - just a prick on the finger, and blood drips onto some card with 4 samples to see how they react to those samples! I carry my blood type card with me in my wallet all the time. You never know when you need it. I guess if you donate blood, they do a free test to find your blood type.
I am AB- and do not cross match with any other type. Only 1/10 of 1% of the world population is AB-.
I am AB- and do not cross match with any other type. Only 1/10 of 1% of the world population is AB-.

I think having AB- is pretty rare, too! You must be special! :) But good news - Actually, you can get other blood types, according to wiki... O-, A-, B-, AB- ... just avoid the blood types with +! I do, cos my type is negative too. Maybe it is better if you ask your doctor about this, to be on the safe side.
Mine is B+..must be kind of rare type, i dont know,
but when i was living in Oklahoma, Tulsa, Okla used to call
me from time to time that they needed me to donate my
blood cuz it is hard to find B+ so maybe it is not that common
type of blood, huh?
mine is O RH +

i remmy when i was preggy.. they asked me i said what r u talking about? she looked at chart and said never mind u are O RH + not - so not need a shot.. i didnt undy then till later i found out for who have RH - will need shot.. i was like OHHH....

my dad have O RH +

my mom have O RH -

lucky i come out ok?? my sister come out ok but she have white hairs on back of her head?

and other sister is ok too?? strange... my son tj is ab.. he got it from his father weird...

need to fix the polls again..

some people have O- or O + and not RH? need to fix that.. ok..

Rh is rare from what i was told...

Now that makes me wonder about my parents' blood types...I have some white hairs on the side of my head.
Mine is B+..must be kind of rare type, i dont know,
but when i was living in Oklahoma, Tulsa, Okla used to call
me from time to time that they needed me to donate my
blood cuz it is hard to find B+ so maybe it is not that common
type of blood, huh?

:lol: Mine is B+ too. I am not sure, if it is rare type. I will let the ADers answer that for us. :D
I think having AB- is pretty rare, too! You must be special! :) But good news - Actually, you can get other blood types, according to wiki... O-, A-, B-, AB- ... just avoid the blood types with +! I do, cos my type is negative too. Maybe it is better if you ask your doctor about this, to be on the safe side.

I have discussed this with my doctor. I cannot take any other blood in a transfusion other than AB-. I will create antibodies to other blood types, and my body will treat the different blood type as a foreign invader and try to destroy it.
Now that makes me wonder about my parents' blood types...I have some white hairs on the side of my head.

If an RH - mother gives birth to an RH + baby, the baby will usually be jaundiced at birth because during the birth process some of the + factor blood mixes with the -factor blood, and the mother's body treats the difference as a disease or foreign invader. If she gets pregnant with a second RH+ baby, the mother's body will reject the baby because she has built up antibodies from the birth of the first Rh+ baby. It used to cause all sorts of problems, but now, after an Rh- mother gives birth to an Rh+ first baby, they give her an injection of something called Rhogam that prevents her body from creatingthe anibodies so she doesn't have complications with other pregnancies, and the babies are not in danger.

Rh just refers to the rhesus factor, either - or +. The blood type is the letter, and the Rh is the - or +. Hope that helps explain it a little.
I have no idea what is my type blood is lol so I will have to find out what is blood type :lol:
hell, I dont even know what my blood type is. I will find out on saturday. Have to get blood drawn. HOw FUN!
What does RH means?

Mine is O+ also. Most common is O+ but I can be wrong.

Rare is AB
You're right. O+ is the most common. O- is rare.

For all types, the negative type is more rare than the positive type.
O+ 38%
A+ 34%
B+  9%
O-  7%
A-  6%
AB+ 3%
B-  2%
AB- 1%
I'm O-.

The sad thing is, I will have to wait longer than most patients since I require O-... nothing else. That includes organ transplants as well.

O- is the only blood type that can be given to anyone.