What is the Obama administration hiding about the oil spill?

If you have been here for at least the last two years, that's a very convenient thing for you to say. Where were you back then?

I kept my mouth shut. Why is that a problem?
It is not a problem; I was asking why you didn't make the same kinds of "appeals" that you have made here.
I did not post in this area. I rarely posted anywhere. I was a lurker, for the most part. Why come out of the dark and into a big fight? Maybe I needed to get my feet wet on lighter things. It was ugly then, ugly now. I was seeing negative threads before Obama was INAUGURATED.
That doesn't mean we should all be like sheep and accept it. We do not need to contribute to it. Are you saying you endorse this, since it happened before?

Do you see me bashing Obama every thread? No. I am just saying that all presidents get bashed. That is how it has been forever and will always be that way.
By the way, I doubt my "appeals" will have any effect on the avalanche ahead...
Do you see me bashing Obama every thread? No. I am just saying that all presidents get bashed. That is how it has been forever and will always be that way.
Then endorse it. No need to pussyfoot around. It has worked out so well so far, why change it? :roll:
No different than people labeling me a Liberal for not being a Conservative. There is another group of us out there.

How am I taking a side in this. I just pointed out that all presidents catch shit. It comes with the job. I really don't care if people want to trash them. Cause I seem to remember a quote "opinions are like assholes, everyones got one"

And just so you know I am not Liberal or Conservative. I think both are garbage.
I missed that part, in bold. Mudslinging does not = disagreeing with policy. I think he goofed in Iraq. I do not care if he was golfing, etc.
No, of course not. Disagreeing with Iraq is fine, but that doesn't make it appropriate to say Bush lied about WMD, he just wanted oil, he just wanted revenge for his daddy, etc. Unless, of course, those things are true, which they aren't.

The "mom jeans" was not the fashion thing I was referring to. It was criticizing his wife for wearing shorts on vacation. Where have you been? It is everything he does. Look, when Bush was attacked, I got tired of that as well. Seems this is a case of "You did this to me first" stuff. Before Bush, it was Clinton having sex. It is tiring. No way other I can say it.
Where have I been? I admit, I don't remember the thing about her shorts so I Googled around for it. All I could find were a bunch of articles kvetching about the "controversy". What I couldn't find was any actual quote from someone criticizing the shorts. The closest thing I could find was an article quoting an anonymous internet comment on another article about the "controversy". It seems there was never any actual controversy to begin with. Newsweek agrees with me: Who, Exactly, Is Outraged At Michelle Obama's Shorts? - Newsweek

So I guess the question is, where have you been?
While I hold the much of the Republican policies responsible for much of the economical mess, I also blame Bill Clinton and some of the Democrats for going down on the corporatist path when he repealed the federal antitrust laws. He helped create the mess that we are in now with the repeals of the laws. I have not voted for anyone since Clinton repealed the laws.

I don't agree on everything the Democrats do. Nancy Pelosi is a good example. I support her on Iqari but I also wonder what she was smoking over that line about unemployment checks and job creation.

I have noticed that I'm more likely to agree with the more libertarian branch of the Republican party on many matters than the conservative branch; I agree with 70% of the Libertarian party's platform.

I'm left-libertarian, probably support 70%-80% of liberal in US.

I do trust Dem more than GOP and Dem is lesser evil to me, it is depends on person, however neither of parties are perfect.
I admit, I don't remember the thing about her shorts so I Googled around for it. All I could find were a bunch of articles kvetching about the "controversy". What I couldn't find was any actual quote from someone criticizing the shorts. The closest thing I could find was an article quoting an anonymous internet comment on another article about the "controversy".
It was about her "lack of respect" for wearing shorts on Air Force One. No need to focus on this one area though. We could break out the bow-o-meter in Japan and see if he bows too low. I mean, there are countless threads devoted to every possible fault a man can have. How dare I complain! After all, it happened to Bush. It happened to Clinton. It happened to Nixon...

I'm talking about war for oil, bushitler, stupidest president ever, illegitimate son of a Bush, Bush lied people died, bushchimphitler, world's worst terrorist, Bush brought down the towers, Darth Cheney, George Bush doesn't care about black people, Bush golfed during a war, Bush vacationed more than any other president, impeach Bush, Bush is an idiot because he commits verbal gaffes, send kids to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president’s amusement, Bush is a dictator, and on and on and on. None of that rings a bell?

I'm not saying you said any of this stuff, but I can't help notice that the left as of late has been posturing themselves as paragons of respectable treatment towards the opposition party president. The collective amnesia is pathetic.

Incidentally, the mom jeans/baseball pitch thing was more light-hearted and I don't think anyone of consequence was trying to score any points off that. But hey, given the current environment, I could be wrong.

Or I suppose it could be the wisdom of hindsight? :P
It was about her "lack of respect" for wearing shorts on Air Force One. No need to focus on this one area though.
It appears that it was about a bunch of people complaining about non-existent people complaining about her "lack of respect".

I mean, there are countless threads devoted to every possible fault a man can have. How dare I complain! After all, it happened to Bush. It happened to Clinton. It happened to Nixon...
My gosh, do you even remember why I jumped into this? Because you originally claimed Bush didn't get this level of mudslinging, which is demonstrably untrue. Now you're playing the "How dare I complain!" victim card when I haven't even commented on the validity of your general point?

I drive down the middle. The ditches are filled with weeds.
Do you ever consider that the truth doesn't lie in the middle just because it's the middle? That perhaps sometimes, the truth lies closer to the one of the extremes of public opinion?

Or I suppose it could be the wisdom of hindsight? :P
Nah. That would be like "Hmm, maybe we shouldn't have been so strident against Bush and blamed everything under the sun on him." What's really happening is "What? We never did that! We're classier than that!"
Do you ever consider that the truth doesn't lie in the middle just because it's the middle? That perhaps sometimes, the truth lies closer to the one of the extremes of public opinion?

Truth? I think we are in the wrong section. There is very little pure truth in politics, IMO. I am not implying the truth is down the center. I am implying that I try to listen to both sides. Does not mean I agree with either side. I lean left for some things, right for others. Does not mean I am finding any truths. It means I am me.

Done beating this old horse. Out.
Truth? I think we are in the wrong section. There is very little pure truth in politics, IMO. I am not implying the truth is down the center. I am implying that I try to listen to both sides. Does not mean I agree with either side. I lean left for some things, right for others. Does not mean I am finding any truths. It means I am me.
There are indeed truths that are greater than any one person. On the one hand, there are truths on a factual level. For instance, either the unemployment rate is 9.5% or it's not. Beyond that, when I talk about truth, I talk about which policies or governing philosophies are best for society. After witnessing different flavors of statism try to compete with capitalism throughout the 20th century and the utter horror that resulted from those attempts, I think it's safe to say that capitalism (aka economic freedom) produces societies that are happier and more productive. That's a truth that I arrive at not because I want it to be true or because it fits me better. It's something that experience (aka history) has forced me to conclude. To say there is very little truth just sounds like a cop out from doing the hard work of studying, sifting through all the information out there, and thinking critically to determine which direction is the best.