What is the Obama administration hiding about the oil spill?

well ... it sure seems like Bush was bashed for everything under the sun ... was he YOUR president too?
He (Bush) was OUR leader. He was the President of OUR country. Whether or not I liked his policies, I respected him. When 9/11 happened, I was proud of his leadership. His policies later on did not agree with me, but I cannot recall stooping to the level of mudslinging I see for Obama. I have seen everything he does criticized: from his golfing, to his throwing, to his bowing, to his wife's vacation attire, to his birth certificate. Everything. What has happened to me is that I feel the need to defend him, even when I am not satisfied with what he does, because I feel the level of attacks have crossed the line to disrespect for the leader of OUR country. It is far more than his policies. It is personal. The other offshoot is that I am starting to lean further away from the right, because the right is starting to sound like a bunch of whining assholes. I prefer to disassociate with that type of crowd.
He (Bush) was OUR leader. He was the President of OUR country. Whether or not I liked his policies, I respected him. When 9/11 happened, I was proud of his leadership. His policies later on did not agree with me, but I cannot recall stooping to the level of mudslinging I see for Obama. I have seen everything he does criticized: from his golfing, to his throwing, to his bowing, to his wife's vacation attire, to his birth certificate. Everything. What has happened to me is that I feel the need to defend him, even when I am not satisfied with what he does, because I feel the level of attacks have crossed the line to disrespect for the leader of OUR country. It is far more than his policies. It is personal. The other offshoot is that I am starting to lean further away from the right, because the right is starting to sound like a bunch of whining assholes. I prefer to disassociate with that type of crowd.

Thank you for clarifying. I know its my country too as much as it is yours.

Bush was also criticized for everything.
Yeah, I saw a picture of her; 10 stories high and the length of 3.5 football fields. Anyway, any idea how they go about something like this? For example, do they work near shore and work their way to the rupture or the other way around?

I found this info on Huffington Post:

'A Whale', World's Largest Oil Skimmer, Being Tested In Gulf Oil Spill

The vessel will cruise a 25-square-mile test site through Sunday, according to TMT Shipping, the company that created A Whale by retrofitting an oil tanker after the explosion sent millions of gallons of crude spilling into the Gulf.

The U.S. Coast Guard, along with BP, are waiting to see if the vessel, which is 10 stories high and as long as 3 1/2 football fields, can live up to its makers' promise of being able to process up to 21 million gallons of oil-fouled water a day.

The ship works by taking in water through 12 vents, separating the oil and pumping the cleaned seawater back into the Gulf.

I would assume if all works out, it will be sent to ground zero.

If it works, they need to send about 5 more to the Gulf if they even exist.

Obama should make a contest, whoever cleans up the oil can keep it.
Yeah, I saw a picture of her; 10 stories high and the length of 3.5 football fields. Anyway, any idea how they go about something like this? For example, do they work near shore and work their way to the rupture or the other way around?

The A Whale will be used closer to the well than to the shore. It is more efffective when the oil concentration is greater.
The A Whale will be used closer to the well than to the shore. It is more efffective when the oil concentration is greater.

In that case, I guess we better have a fleet of skimmers further out from the well, then? Good to see you, btw. Still in NM?
Thank you for clarifying. I know its my country too as much as it is yours.

Bush was also criticized for everything.
Agreed with both parts.

I make my opinions known in the elections, by using my vote. What has happened here is that many of the posters in this site have simply given up trying to debate politics. People can disagree on the policies, but it is getting way out of hand with the "leaving no stone unturned" philosophy.

Maybe the next Republican President will get it worse than Obama gets it now. I cringe at that prospect. In fact, I hate election years, because I will be exposed to mudslinging from both camps, escalating to a climax in November. Then it goes silent....a most beautiful silence.
He (Bush) was OUR leader. He was the President of OUR country. Whether or not I liked his policies, I respected him. When 9/11 happened, I was proud of his leadership. His policies later on did not agree with me, but I cannot recall stooping to the level of mudslinging I see for Obama. I have seen everything he does criticized: from his golfing, to his throwing, to his bowing, to his wife's vacation attire, to his birth certificate. Everything. What has happened to me is that I feel the need to defend him, even when I am not satisfied with what he does, because I feel the level of attacks have crossed the line to disrespect for the leader of OUR country. It is far more than his policies. It is personal. The other offshoot is that I am starting to lean further away from the right, because the right is starting to sound like a bunch of whining assholes. I prefer to disassociate with that type of crowd.

That is exactly how I feel about this all this Obama bashing and I'm not pleased with some of his politics.

I think you're not alone in wanting to dissociate with that type of crowd either.

If the FBs proflies of my nieces and nephews are any example and my discussion regarding Obama with my little sister - plus her FB is any example, you are hardly alone in wanting to disassociate with the far right. Even my parents want to disassociate themselves with the ultra right and they are fairly far right wing.
In that case, I guess we better have a fleet of skimmers further out from the well, then? Good to see you, btw. Still in NM?

Yeah we need a bunch of skimmers in close now too. Hopefully the whale will at least make it manageable for them

I am back in Arlington for a few days......I am selling my house and have paperwork to fill out. Can wait to get back out there though.
Please tell me you're kidding. You're kidding, right?
No joke. Calling out someone for their baseball throwing, clothing, etc, has little to do with how they lead. Sorry to disappoint.
No joke. Calling out someone for their baseball throwing, clothing, etc, has little to do with how they lead. Sorry to disappoint.
I'm talking about war for oil, bushitler, stupidest president ever, illegitimate son of a Bush, Bush lied people died, bushchimphitler, world's worst terrorist, Bush brought down the towers, Darth Cheney, George Bush doesn't care about black people, Bush golfed during a war, Bush vacationed more than any other president, impeach Bush, Bush is an idiot because he commits verbal gaffes, send kids to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president’s amusement, Bush is a dictator, and on and on and on. None of that rings a bell?

I'm not saying you said any of this stuff, but I can't help notice that the left as of late has been posturing themselves as paragons of respectable treatment towards the opposition party president. The collective amnesia is pathetic.

Incidentally, the mom jeans/baseball pitch thing was more light-hearted and I don't think anyone of consequence was trying to score any points off that. But hey, given the current environment, I could be wrong.
I'm talking about war for oil, bushitler, stupidest president ever, illegitimate son of a Bush, Bush lied people died, bushchimphitler, world's worst terrorist, Bush brought down the towers, Darth Cheney, George Bush doesn't care about black people, Bush golfed during a war, Bush vacationed more than any other president, impeach Bush, Bush is an idiot because he commits verbal gaffes, send kids to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president’s amusement, Bush is a dictator, and on and on and on. None of that rings a bell?

I'm not saying you said any of this stuff, but I can't help notice that the left as of late has been posturing themselves as paragons of respectable treatment towards the opposition party president. The collective amnesia is pathetic.

Incidentally, the mom jeans/baseball pitch thing was more light-hearted and I don't think anyone of consequence was trying to score any points off that. But hey, given the current environment, I could be wrong.
I absolutely did NOT agree with invading Iraq; still don't. Bush made mistakes. Economy went into toilet. I blame him, but also others. It is not a right VS left thing. All parties are at fault here. When they squabble, nothing gets done quickly. When nothing gets done quickly, everyone suffers.

You do realize that there are others that dig up everything they can to use in their quest to enlighten the non-Conservatives on the errors of their ways. What comes across as lighthearted about Obama does not come across the same way to others; same as making comments about Bush's mispronounciation of words. I could make fun of Bush's ranch vacations; you could make fun of Obama's golfing. Lighthearted? Or mean-spirited?

It is relentless dirt digging that sets me off. Debate the policies, not the wardrobes.
I absolutely did NOT agree with invading Iraq; still don't. Bush made mistakes. Economy went into toilet. I blame him, but also others. It is not a right VS left thing. All parties are at fault here. When they squabble, nothing gets done quickly. When nothing gets done quickly, everyone suffers.

You do realize that there are others that dig up everything they can to use in their quest to enlighten the non-Conservatives on the errors of their ways. What comes across as lighthearted about Obama does not come across the same way to others; same as making comments about Bush's mispronounciation of words. I could make fun of Bush's ranch vacations; you could make fun of Obama's golfing. Lighthearted? Or mean-spirited?

It is relentless dirt digging that sets me off. Debate the policies, not the wardrobes.
I merely set out to disprove this statement: "...but I cannot recall stooping to the level of mudslinging I see for Obama." Mission accomplished.

The first thing I ever saw about the mom jeans was in this CNN video. Anyone who takes this as anything other than light-hearted is way too sensitive.
CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News
I absolutely did NOT agree with invading Iraq; still don't. Bush made mistakes. Economy went into toilet. I blame him, but also others. It is not a right VS left thing. All parties are at fault here. When they squabble, nothing gets done quickly. When nothing gets done quickly, everyone suffers.

You do realize that there are others that dig up everything they can to use in their quest to enlighten the non-Conservatives on the errors of their ways. What comes across as lighthearted about Obama does not come across the same way to others; same as making comments about Bush's mispronounciation of words. I could make fun of Bush's ranch vacations; you could make fun of Obama's golfing. Lighthearted? Or mean-spirited?

It is relentless dirt digging that sets me off. Debate the policies, not the wardrobes.

While I hold the much of the Republican policies responsible for much of the economical mess, I also blame Bill Clinton and some of the Democrats for going down on the corporatist path when he repealed the federal antitrust laws. He helped create the mess that we are in now with the repeals of the laws. I have not voted for anyone since Clinton repealed the laws.

I don't agree on everything the Democrats do. Nancy Pelosi is a good example. I support her on Iqari but I also wonder what she was smoking over that line about unemployment checks and job creation.

I have noticed that I'm more likely to agree with the more libertarian branch of the Republican party on many matters than the conservative branch; I agree with 70% of the Libertarian party's platform.
Criticizing a president is different from mudslinging a president. Saying that a president's choices for America is stupid/wrong is fine with me but if they talk about things that have nothing to do with him as a president.... It makes me think that they have no credibility.
People really need to get their memories checked. All presidents get ripped apart for everything they do. It is not unique to Obama.
People really need to get their memories checked. All presidents get ripped apart for everything they do. It is not unique to Obama.
That doesn't mean we should all be like sheep and accept it. We do not need to contribute to it. Are you saying you endorse this, since it happened before?
That doesn't mean we should all be like sheep and accept it. We do not need to contribute to it. Are you saying you endorse this, since it happened before?

If you have been here for at least the last two years, that's a very convenient thing for you to say. Where were you back then?
People really need to get their memories checked. All presidents get ripped apart for everything they do. It is not unique to Obama.

It's true. It's really too bad that some people don't refrain from mudslinging and focus on the real issues. Instead they just say "hey everyone did it to the other presidents!" Not to mention that the other side starts fighting back and whimpering saying "omg I cant believe you're talking smack about our president. He gets sooo much smack and he works so hard to pick up this mess. It's because he's black isn't it?!?"

honestly, I think both types of people abovementioned should just HUSH and provide solutions, read more about issues, write congressmen, etc.

(sorry if I sound pissy, I recently got yet another anti-obama email that had no merit whatsoever)
I merely set out to disprove this statement: "...but I cannot recall stooping to the level of mudslinging I see for Obama." Mission accomplished.

The first thing I ever saw about the mom jeans was in this CNN video. Anyone who takes this as anything other than light-hearted is way too sensitive.
I missed that part, in bold. Mudslinging does not = disagreeing with policy. I think he goofed in Iraq. I do not care if he was golfing, etc.

The "mom jeans" was not the fashion thing I was referring to. It was criticizing his wife for wearing shorts on vacation. Where have you been? It is everything he does. Look, when Bush was attacked, I got tired of that as well. Seems this is a case of "You did this to me first" stuff. Before Bush, it was Clinton having sex. It is tiring. No way other I can say it.