What is the Obama administration hiding about the oil spill?


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Jul 9, 2006
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXsmLMV1CrM&feature]YouTube - First Amendment Has been Suspended[/ame]

CC on the main YouTube page does a fair job and you can get the gist of what Cooper was saying by reading the CC.
Obviously, Obama's henchmen (who are Muslim) blew up Deepwater horizon, so that Obama can convince America to green. After research, it's obvious that nuclear power is the only reasonable option. So we go nuclear, then Obama will use it to threaten other first world countries. He shall take over the world and convert it to Muslim and communist/Marxist/socialist. And every corporation will be taken down to create golf courses.

he did banned Christian from white house. I KNEW OBAMA IS EVIL! GUESS NO ONE LISTEN. THEY THINK OBAMA IS SAVIOR!
he did banned Christian from white house. I KNEW OBAMA IS EVIL! GUESS NO ONE LISTEN. THEY THINK OBAMA IS SAVIOR!

Not to mention that he replaced the holy Bible in each guest room in the white house and replaced it with the Koran!!

And, recently, an anonymous person who works in the white house overheard Obama saying "The 4th of July is BS. Americans have too much freedom."

People keep reporting things like that and there is so many of them! How can people of America be so blind!! Obama is obviously evil. Hitler reincarnated??
Not to mention that he replaced the holy Bible in each guest room in the white house and replaced it with the Koran!!

And, recently, an anonymous person who works in the white house overheard Obama saying "The 4th of July is BS. Americans have too much freedom."

People keep reporting things like that and there is so many of them! How can people of America be so blind!! Obama is obviously evil. Hitler reincarnated??

The audio transcription is just awful. I stopped reading after it said something about boozing oil workers. Meh.
The Revelations and misty orb of far seeing Nostradmus who delved into the forbidden occult arts foresaw the coming of the Antichrist and the Man of Blood.

Here I reveal to you that he is none other than Barrak Obama and kokonut is the prophet of all that stands for the gospel of the Republican party and the conservative moment and he has been appointed by his party to warn the unbelievers that if they do not repent of their evil liberal ways, they will drown in a firey pit of BP oil. REPENT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.
Um...oil spill is not one of seven plagues (god's judgment in end) and it haven't begin...yet
YouTube - First Amendment Has been Suspended

CC on the main YouTube page does a fair job and you can get the gist of what Cooper was saying by reading the CC.

Here's the transcript:

ANDERSON COOPER, HOST: But we begin, as we do every night, "Keeping Them Honest".

This time, however, we're not talking about BP. We're talking about the government, a new a rule announced today backed by the force of law and the threat of fines and felony charges, a rule that will prevent reporters and photographers and anyone else from getting anywhere close to booms and oil-soaked wildlife and just about any place we need to be.

By now, you're probably familiar with cleanup crews stiff-arming the media, private security blocking cameras, ordinary workers clamming up, some not even saying who they're working for because they're afraid of losing their jobs.

BP has said again and again that's not their policy. Yet, again and again, it has happened. And we have seen it. But that's BP.

And now the government apparently is getting in on the act, despite what Admiral Thad Allen promised about transparency just nearly a month ago. Here is what he said back then.


ADMIRAL THAD ALLEN (RET.), NATIONAL INCIDENT COMMANDER: I have put out a written directive -- and I can provide it for the record -- that says the media will have uninhibited access anywhere we're doing operations, except for two things, if it's a security or a safety problem. That is my policy.


COOPER: Uninhibited access, unless it's a security or safety problem.

Well, the Coast Guard today announced new rules keeping photographers and reporters and anyone else from coming within 65 feet of any response vessel or booms out on the water or on beaches -- 65 feet.

Now, in order to get closer, you have to get direct permission from the Coast Guard captain of the Port of New Orleans. You have to call up the guy. What this means is that oil-soaked birds on islands surrounded by boom, you can't get close enough to take that picture.

Shots of oil on beaches with booms, stay 65 feet away. Pictures of oil-soaked booms uselessly laying in the water because they haven't been collected like they should, you can't get close enough to see that. And, believe me, that is out there.

But you only know that if you get close to it, and now you can't without permission. Violators could face a fine of $40,000 and Class D felony charges.

What's even more extraordinary is that the Coast Guard tried to make the exclusion zone 300 feet, before scaling it back to 65 feet.

Here is how Admiral Allen defends it.


ALLEN: Well, it's not unusual at all for the Coast Guard to establish either safety or security zones around any number of facilities or activities for public safety or for the safety of the equipment itself. We would do this for marine events, fireworks demonstrations, cruise ships going in and out of port.


COOPER: So, this is the exact same logic that federal wildlife officials used to prevent CNN on two occasions from getting pictures of oiled birds that have been collected, pictures like -- like the -- well, that we're about to show you which are obviously deeply disturbing, pictures of oiled gulls that we just happened to catch. Suddenly, we were told after -- after that day we couldn't catch it anymore. So, keeping prying eyes out of marshes, away from booms, off the beaches is now government policy.

When asked why now, after all this time, Thad Allen said he had gotten some complaints from local officials worried people might get hurt. Now, we don't know who these officials are. We would like to. But transparency is apparently not a high priority with Thad Allen either these days.

Maybe he is accurate and some officials are concerned. And that's their right. But we've heard far more from local officials about not being able to get a straight story from the government or BP. I have met countless local officials desperate for pictures to be taken and stories written about what is happening in their communities.

We're not the enemy here. Those of us down here trying to accurately show what's happening, we are not the enemy. I have not heard about any journalist who has disrupted relief efforts. No journalist wants to be seen as having slowed down the cleanup or made things worse. If a Coast Guard official asked me to move, I would move.

But to create a blanket rule that everyone has to stay 65 feet away boom and boats, that doesn't sound like transparency. Frankly, it's a lot like in Katrina when they tried to make it impossible to see recovery efforts of people who died in their homes.

If we can't show what is happening, warts and all, no one will see what's happening. And that makes it very easy to hide failure and hide incompetence and makes it very hard to highlight the hard work of cleanup crews and the Coast Guard. We are not the enemy here.

We found out today two public broadcasting journalists reporting on health issues say they have been blocked again and again from visiting a federal mobile medical unit in Venice, a trailer where cleanup workers are being treated. It's known locally as the BP compound. And these two reporters say everyone they have talked to, from BP to the Coast Guard, to Health and Human Services in Washington has been giving them the runaround.

We're not talking about a CIA station here. We're talking about a medical trailer that falls under the authority of, guess who, Thad Allen, the same Thad Allen who promised transparency all those weeks ago.

We are not the enemy here.
Obviously, Obama's henchmen (who are Muslim) blew up Deepwater horizon, so that Obama can convince America to green. After research, it's obvious that nuclear power is the only reasonable option. So we go nuclear, then Obama will use it to threaten other first world countries. He shall take over the world and convert it to Muslim and communist/Marxist/socialist. And every corporation will be taken down to create golf courses.


Not to mention that he replaced the holy Bible in each guest room in the white house and replaced it with the Koran!!

And, recently, an anonymous person who works in the white house overheard Obama saying "The 4th of July is BS. Americans have too much freedom."

People keep reporting things like that and there is so many of them! How can people of America be so blind!! Obama is obviously evil. Hitler reincarnated??
Thanks for the good humor here.

Korans placed by the Taliban in every hotel room across the United Socialist States of America!
They will raid all the legal brothels in Nevada, replacing the women that work there with sheep.
Razors will be banned. All men will be required to grow full facial beards. All women will be required to grow beards on their legs and underarms.
The question is why the White House Thursday instituted such strict rules in the effort to prevent the media from showing what's happening with the oil spill in the Gulf Coast? What is the administration hiding? What are they afraid of? Of all news media, CNN is raising their concerns and objections and emphatically plead to the viewers (hoping that the WH hears Anderson's message) "We're not the enemy." Which I think was a bit surreal but certainly can understand his concerns.
The question is why the White House Thursday instituted such strict rules in the effort to prevent the media from showing what's happening with the oil spill in the Gulf Coast? What is the administration hiding? What are they afraid of? Of all news media, CNN is raising their concerns and objections and emphatically plead to the viewers (hoping that the WH hears Anderson's message) "We're not the enemy." Which I think was a bit surreal but certainly can understand his concerns.

What's wrong with the media? They sound like limp-wristed milksops! Why don't they DEMAND access and raise hell, getting jailed if necessary? That would be a sure way to make the public aware of this.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Teq5Og4zm60]YouTube - Arrest For Filming Oil Spill, BY BP CONTRACTORS BP's Rules, NOT OURS[/ame]

skip ahead to 0:17. It has some captions. What is BP hiding about oil spill? Why is Coast Guard enforcing BP's rules?
Not to mention that he replaced the holy Bible in each guest room in the white house and replaced it with the Koran!!

And, recently, an anonymous person who works in the white house overheard Obama saying "The 4th of July is BS. Americans have too much freedom."

People keep reporting things like that and there is so many of them! How can people of America be so blind!! Obama is obviously evil. Hitler reincarnated??

Can you show a link that said Obama replace the bible with a koran?