Yes, I would not bomb the abortion clinic either.Even this!![]()

Yes, I would not bomb the abortion clinic either.Even this!![]()
"My victim" You are the ownership of the victim? Victims are not owned by anyone.
Oh really? Isn't it your job to help them get support, protection, and justice? How many cases of rape that hasn't been reported? and rape victims rarely gets justice unless they know who to look for. You seem to be more cornering about how to get rid of the unborn child. The victim need many kinds of help.
Absolutely not. I respect and admire Jillio for the work that she does, and the person she is. She and I disagree about issues and viewpoints. But I have nothing against her as a person. I'm sorry if it came across that way.
But the "my" point is valid because sometimes people who work in sensitive situations become overly invested in the other people. Sometimes we need to step back from too much influence and control, even when it's well meaning.
How is a minor allowed to make medical decisions without parental permission? In your eyes she's a victim/client but in the eyes of her parents, she's their child. Why do the parents lose their parental rights? Unless the parents are the perpetrators of the crime, why are they stripped of their rights?...And if the girl is a minor, her parents are involved in the process to the degree that she chooses for them to be involved. As a rape victim, she is entitled to complete confidentiality. That is an absolute for any counseling client. By law, the only time that confidentiality can be broken is if a client has revealed intention to do harm to themselves or another. If the child wants parental involvement in a session, then it is granted based on client request. However, if they request that a parent not be privy to the session,then those rights are protected by law and ethical guideline.
It isn't that I don't trust you; but from your posts it sounds like you really push the "get rid of it" viewpoint. That's all I have to go by.Trust me, Reba; my objectivity is intact and functioning.
Cheri;966066[B said:]Pro-lifers are not against mothers they're against mothers killing their unborn child.[/B] If the mother's or the unborn child's life is at risk, and doctors confirm that abortion is the only option, then let it be. Abortion is much more dangerous than giving birth, if we did not care about the mothers, we would not care about their well being when they have the abortion.
Two contractory staements here. Do you care about the embryo, or do you care about the mother? You care about the mother as long as she makes the decision YOU belkeive she should make. I care about the mother whatever decision she makes. That is what pro-choice is.
The danger of abortion, and the danger of given birth are situational. There many times that prgnancy and giving birth are far more dangerous than a first trimester abortion.
And what if that mother's life is so affected by the incident that she is in danger of suicide by being forced to carry the pregnancy to term? That indeed puts her life in danger. What about the issue of quality of life?
And for rape and incest, the person who commit should be punished, not the unborn child. I don't agree in killing the unborn child for the crime of the unborn child's father did. I'm sorry, I don't.
And you are free to believe that. If you get raped violently, and conceive as a result, then you are free to choose to carry that pregnancy to term and raise that child, or give that child up for adoption. That is your choice. However, you cannot make that choice for another, nor can you judge them as having made a "wrong" decision based on your personal beliefs. mIf its wrong for you,then don't do it. But you have no right to decide that for anyone else.
Not all pro-lifers are violent people, I would not stand in front of an abortion clinic and block the doorway, I would not even kill an abortion doctors or their staffs.
I'm just standing up for the unborn child's rights and be their voice, because they were denied the right to life.
Pro-life video: (clean video)
Familial relationships are not the same as professional relationships.
There are some deaf clients with whom I have very close relationships with beyond the working relationship. In a classroom setting, the student "belongs" to the teacher, not the interpreter. In a medical setting, the patient "belongs" to the doctor, not the interpreter.
Sorry for getting :topic:
In that sense, you could say that the girls as your clients "belong" to you; "my clients" would be appropriate. But "my victims"? That sounds very paternalistic and demeaning. In my opinion, that is. I'm sure that's not how you treat them, or introduce them.
As I stated above, neither the deaf client nor the hearing client belong to me. Their relationship is to each other and will continue, regardless of the presence or non presence of the interpreter. But I guess that is :topic:
In a family, members belong to each other. My husband says, "my wife", and my daughter says, "my mom." It's a mutual and exclusive familial relationship, not a professional relationship.
Deaf friends and clients have expressed to me their displeasure at being referred to as "my" this or that, and they don't even like to refer to terps as "my" terp. (It's usually the hearing client who makes that mistake.) They don't like the implication that the deafie and the terp are joined at the hip.
In order to get back on topic, I will concede your terminology is not relevant to this topic. It was only relevant to my perception of your client-counselor relationship.
Do not put words in my mouth, and Do not twisted my words around either, I did not say anything about "force" a victim of rape or incest to carry the pregnancy, I said I DO NOT AGREE in killing the unborn for the crime of the father and I've also said I would not tell her she should get an abortion, and I would also not tell her she shouldn't get an abortion.Jillio said:No, you aren't. You are imposing your personal belief system on others. You have already stated that you would force a victim of rape or incest to carry the pregnancy to term based on your spiritual belief that concception is the beginning of life.
Do not put words in my mouth, and Do not twisted my words around either, I did not say anything about "force" a victim of rape or incest to carry the pregnancy, I said I DO NOT AGREE in killing the unborn for the crime of the father and I've also said I would not tell her she should get an abortion, and I would also not tell her she shouldn't get an abortion.
Do not put words in my mouth, and Do not twisted my words around either, I did not say anything about "force" a victim of rape or incest to carry the pregnancy, I said I DO NOT AGREE in killing the unborn for the crime of the father and I've also said I would not tell her she should get an abortion, and I would also not tell her she shouldn't get an abortion.
But you would consider it as murder and selfish if the victim of rapist or incest decide for abortion.
Everyone has an opinion and a right to express them to a point, there is no right or wrong. You may not like my thoughts, but sometimes I don't like yours either.But you would consider it as murder and selfish if the victim of rapist or incest decide for abortion.
And you never do?Exactly. That is passing judgement on another's choice and belief system.
And you never do?
Wrong, it does not mean I will support her decision.Okay. Then you support her right to choose.
Wrong, it does not mean I will support her decision.
I would share my opinions and my thoughts of what I thought of abortion. It's not the same as using "force".
I'm done, I want to respect Mann's thread by leaving the argument, it's not going nowhere to the point, we keep going in circles.
You still do not understand me, or get my point.You keep going back and forth. First you say that you would not tell her that she should or should not have an abortion, then you say that you would try to impose your belief system on her.