What did you learn today?

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I hope he catches up by the time he's six.. and if not what will you do? :hmm:

Then like any other involved parent with a child who has special needs..work hard with him at home. Give him lots of love and support.
I learned that my son has a language disability and that it will cost an arm and leg to fix my SUV. Not a good day. :(

Sorry. Which disability, if you feel comfortable sharing that.
Processing information..he still continues to struggle with it. Expressively, he is fine. They said they will test him again when he is 6 years old and maybe those problems will be gone. I hope so...

thanks..just a bad day..or bad weekend actually.

You know, that is a disorder that many, many children outgrow as their brain becomes more mature and integrates information more readily.

The plus side of this is that you are a parent who is sooooo well informed regarding language delays, and that puts you in the position of knowing how to help your son, and what red flags to work out for. If anyone had to have a kid with a language disorder, you are the one who is the perfect parent for that child. Nathan has a lot of luck on his side. He is fortunate to have you.
Then like any other involved parent with a child who has special needs..work hard with him at home. Give him lots of love and support.

I have no doubt you'll do just that.. :) and that you'll keep abreast of his issues.. you strike me as the kind of mother who'd do that.
You know, that is a disorder that many, many children outgrow as their brain becomes more mature and integrates information more readily.

The plus side of this is that you are a parent who is sooooo well informed regarding language delays, and that puts you in the position of knowing how to help your son, and what red flags to work out for. If anyone had to have a kid with a language disorder, you are the one who is the perfect parent for that child. Nathan has a lot of luck on his side. He is fortunate to have you.

Awww thanks...I appreciate that. I just dont want him to struggle in school and end up angry like I was.
I have no doubt you'll do just that.. :) and that you'll keep abreast of his issues.. you strike me as the kind of mother who'd do that.

Thanks..I just worry that the regular ed teachers or other kids may give him a hard time. So far, all of his teachers have been wonderful.
Awww thanks...I appreciate that. I just dont want him to struggle in school and end up angry like I was.

He has an advantage you didn't have...you are his mom.

But I know what you mean. It hurts to see our kids struggle. I have shed many a tear about it myself. :hug:
He has an advantage you didn't have...you are his mom.

But I know what you mean. It hurts to see our kids struggle. I have shed many a tear about it myself. :hug:

He is just still a baby to me. :)
He is just still a baby to me. :)

I hear you. My son is still a baby to me, and Nathan will still be a baby to you when he is as old as P.J. We mom's can't seem to let go of that! Especially moms of kids with any kind of special need that interferes with communication with other kids and stuff.
3 years ago, when I recognized that something wasnt right, I wasnt worried and thought because I caught his issues early, he would catch up but now, I am starting to worry a bit.

I don't think I fully understand what kind of language delay he has. :confused:
I dont really know much about this stuff
I hear you. My son is still a baby to me, and Nathan will still be a baby to you when he is as old as P.J. We mom's can't seem to let go of that! Especially moms of kids with any kind of special need that interferes with communication with other kids and stuff.

I always had it easy with my daughter as far as development went...with him, I feel like I have to do twice as much to ensure that he will succeed which I dont mind but it makes me feel more protective of him. Hope I am making sense.
I always had it easy with my daughter as far as development went...with him, I feel like I have to do twice as much to ensure that he will succeed which I dont mind but it makes me feel more protective of him. Hope I am making sense.

You are making perfect sense. I have been there and done that. Heck, I even got the t-shirt.

I'm not minimizing your feelings...they are very valid. Just observing that you could be speaking for me. I truly do understand what you are going through.
I learnt today I knocked myself out for ten minutes when the wardrobe fell on top of me again....*rolls eyes*

I hate hospital....I might as well set up camp here....
I learnt today I knocked myself out for ten minutes when the wardrobe fell on top of me again....*rolls eyes*

I hate hospital....I might as well set up camp here....

Why is your wardrobe falling? Is there a way to fix it so it stays up
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