What did you learn today? Part II

I learned that the mileage to and from my Rock Steady workouts is tax deductible as a therapy expense. Hooray!
I learned that owls feathers aren't waterproof and they can't fly in the rain. I am also learning how to text on my cell phone .:)
Learned one of my neighbors moved this past week. Must have been one of the days that I was out a lot. Unfortunately it wasn't the neighbor with the yappy dog (that one is upstairs).
I learned that you can get sun burned in Northern WI in April! My face is red. I also learned to keep your belongings up/away from your host's pets. My only pair of shoes during vacation, was pee'd in by one of their cats. :mad: I am hoping that, I do not need to throw them away. :dunno:
I learned that you can get sun burned in Northern WI in April! My face is red. I also learned to keep your belongings up/away from your host's pets. My only pair of shoes during vacation, was pee'd in by one of their cats. :mad: I am hoping that, I do not need to throw them away. :dunno:
Yucky ! cat pee is really strong smelling ,maybe you could trying that stuff get rid of pet pee odor . Baking soda help get rid of odors too but it might not work
on cat pee. I just found this link maybe this will help , it said to use baking soda so I guess it will work. Good Luck !

Lol. Been there and done that. I've got 6 words for you.

Buy a new pair of shoes.

Lol. Been there and done that. I've got 6 words for you.

Buy a new pair of shoes.

I will do that. I was beginning to think that everytime my feet sweated, no matter the treatment, it would smell like cat.
I will do that. I was beginning to think that everytime my feet sweated, no matter the treatment, it would smell like cat.
Yeah that could happen, did the cat pee right inside your shoes or only on the outside? Could you put some inner soles from some other shoes into the shoes ?
I will do that. I was beginning to think that everytime my feet sweated, no matter the treatment, it would smell like cat.

I bet. Cat urine smells are tough to get rid of. 409 works really well for us, but I don't know about it for shoes. You could give that a shot if you want to buy some 409. Key: go heavy on it. It really does work for the occasional accident we encounter which thankfully is almost never.
Yeah that could happen, did the cat pee right inside your shoes or only on the outside? Could you put some inner soles from some other shoes into the shoes ?
It pee'd right inside my shoe like a horse.
I bet. Cat urine smells are tough to get rid of. 409 works really well for us, but I don't know about it for shoes. You could give that a shot if you want to buy some 409. Key: go heavy on it. It really does work for the occasional accident we encounter which thankfully is almost never.
Thanks. I do not have any 409, but willing to try it b4 tossing the shoes.
I learned that you can get sun burned in Northern WI in April! My face is red. I also learned to keep your belongings up/away from your host's pets. My only pair of shoes during vacation, was pee'd in by one of their cats. :mad: I am hoping that, I do not need to throw them away. :dunno:

Good Luck at finding a satisfactory solution.

What did your hosts say when they found out what happened?
What did your hosts say when they found out what happened?
They already left for work on Monday, the day we left for home. I will not say a word. They do not need the aggrivation, since they are excellent hosts (wifes cousins). What they do not know, will not hurt them. :)
Thank you for the link!! At this moment, I have sprayed Xtra strength Febreze into that shoe and is now outside baking in the sun! If that does not help, I will try suggestions from that link. :) I spent 7hrs on the return trip home w/ a cat pee soaked shoe and sock! Fun, fun, funnnn....
I hope you didn't a lot of dogs running after you ! LOL !