What did you learn today? Part II

I learned that we might be seeing baby Sandhill cranes soon. I can only hope. They look too cute. Mama Sandhill has been hiding in the marshes infor the last few weeks.
I learned that we might be seeing baby Sandhill cranes soon. I can only hope. They look too cute. Mama Sandhill has been hiding in the marshes infor the last few weeks.
I'm waiting to see goslings. I think the geese have nested so soon, I hope. I did see a momma duck and her ducklings yesterday. They were so small and swimming.
I learned that the mayor is going to have the city buy part of the farm land near my condo and use it for a dog park so the land will still be
open . :) I hope this will happen ,we're losing so much open land in my city . It would be great if the dog park was made so small dogs and big dogs
had their own space.
I learned that I can view and login here on AD w/ my trusty, 8yo, BlackBerry 8330! How cool is that?
I learned that my dog know how to open the cabinet and take a box of matzo out on Passover ! LOL! Marty brought the box over to the couch and
was going to eat some matzo right in front of me. Marty think it's Jewish dog cookies !
I learned that you can get gluten free matzoh... and I also just found this funny story from WDYS! <above> made me smile :)
I learned that you can get gluten free matzoh... and I also just found this funny story from WDYS! <above> made me smile :)
Did you try the gluten free matzo ? My daughter brought me some gluten free taco and they were awful ! I really shouldn't eat so much wheat . Did ever chocolate covered matzo , I didn't .
I haven't tried it ye but I have tried chocolate-covered matzoh and didn't like it that much. That has the gluten in it but what I didn't like was the particular combination. I also tried "everything matzoh" and that was good. Was your gluten free taco with a hard shell or with a soft shell? I had gluten free tacos once when I could still have tomatoes and thought it wasn't bad...
I haven't tried it ye but I have tried chocolate-covered matzoh and didn't like it that much. That has the gluten in it but what I didn't like was the particular combination. I also tried "everything matzoh" and that was good. Was your gluten free taco with a hard shell or with a soft shell? I had gluten free tacos once when I could still have tomatoes and thought it wasn't bad...
I like everything matzo too, I didn't see any this time , I brought egg matzo . I think it was a soft shell gluten free taco . We had a gluten free bakery in my city once and it
didn't last very long.
I haven't tried the soft shell gluten free tacos, though just yesterday I saw a brown rice and teff soft taco shell at the health food store and waas really debtaing about it. I think in many places it'd be hard for a gluten-free only bakery <a place where there is no gluten at all, as opposed to a place where they have gluten-free AND gluten offerings> - would be hard to sustain, except maybe in CA.
I learned a bit about orchids. I was given an orchid plant the other day and I read the instructions. The care for them is far different than most typical flowers/plants.
I learned a bit about orchids. I was given an orchid plant the other day and I read the instructions. The care for them is far different than most typical flowers/plants.

And I read enough about it to know, for how much of a green thumb I *DO NOT* have, that I think I will give this plant to my mom. :)
And I read enough about it to know, for how much of a green thumb I *DO NOT* have, that I think I will give this plant to my mom. :)

LOL :)

You know you are not a green thumb when you manage to kill a cactus plant. Yes I did that... lol. The bigger one I had. The small 'baby' one did pretty well. Wonder what happened to them after I moved...)
I haven't tried the soft shell gluten free tacos, though just yesterday I saw a brown rice and teff soft taco shell at the health food store and waas really debtaing about it. I think in many places it'd be hard for a gluten-free only bakery <a place where there is no gluten at all, as opposed to a place where they have gluten-free AND gluten offerings> - would be hard to sustain, except maybe in CA.
Yeah I agree, the bakery only had gluten free food and that was a bad idea , b/c they should notice that we have a lot pizza shops in our city and they all going very good.
So people aren't into gluten free food here. I use to made rice bread , and I like that , some grocery store sell it but it's frozen and it look like it been there since the ice age ! LOL!
Yes, I was just looking at some rice and millet bread, in the freezer section of the health food store. I was debating about getting some. I'm sure the bread you made would be much better!
I have a new grandniece she is a beautiful German Shepherd 2 yo . She was on death row and my niece and her husband adopted her . She was abused by her last owner some ass of a guy a was so fearful no one wanted her expect for my wonderful niece and nephew in law . :)