I managed to walk a mile on the newly implanted prosthetic kneecap I got on the 15th of last month... smile..I go to PT 3 times a week. Then to be honest I cried. My heart is broken, I can not deny. My disappointment in my judgement has caused me such pain. I responded to Lanapoo's post and Im reading thru AD while I ice the knee. Still crying, hope it stops soon. lol
The rejection I feel is so overwhelming and along with the pain my body is feeling geez. sorry for the whining.....Smile Life does go on...I just feel so isolated for the first time. I am alone again...Oh and I am rereading Othello..
Can someone tell me what happened to Jillio???? I see all the "free Jillio notes"...although we had a "headbang" I wish her no pain or negativity in her life....only happiness and peace as I do you all. Oh and im lugging laundry up and down the steps to my basement...I am loving life today..LOL
Hope you all have a great day, whatever the circumstances..Peace, Midnight