What did you do today? Part II

Stayed at home, recovering from this flu, looks like i'm not the only one!
Linux people are weird.

(damn, I'm running linux at home... I'm weird)
No - not a good idea.

Plenty of fluids and maybe a soft bland diet once you can hold food in the stomach. Try 1 or 2 saltines with water and if they stay, then move on to soft stuff, like jello, mashed potatoes, or something like that. I've been known to take a round of bread and eat the inside but not the crust.

Fluids yes BUT that kind of diet makes me nauseous just to think about! My mother used to make what she called "milk toast". From the time I was a child I have always done better on "real food".
Well - having been a person who got stomach viruses a lot, I go by what my doctor suggested and it has always worked. My mother's answer never worked. She was a "Hot tea will cure what ails you sweetheart" type of person. I hated hot tea for years. My doctor suggested saltines-plain and water for the first 24 hours. Then, move on to the inside of a loaf of fresh bakery bread with water for 24 hours, then move on to jello and broth and bring in Iced tea if wanted or some non-acidic juice. (apple was always suggested) for 24 hours, then move to soft foods for 24 hours then move to a regular diet and slowly re-introduce dairy. He always stressed No Dairy for the First 3 Days. We have done this for me since I was 10, my kids have followed this when needed and also it worked for a number of people we knew.
Now, on to what I did today. I did my usual Wednesday 2 library run with mother and son. Daughter slept in as usual. Came home, fixed lunch, got supplies together for a class, had a quiet private conversation with hubby before his class. Went to the County library for a 1 hour class. Understood everything and I feel confident on the knowledge I gained. Came home to MIL's handyman in the kitchen replacing her faucet and sprayer with another and replacing the pipes under the sink. The new faucet and sprayer is just another cheap version like she had before.
I just finished my Managerial Accounting project due tomorrow! Yahooooo! I have worked on it the entire day because I did not have school due to the professor canelling the class.
Went back to work and then gym afterwards. I couldnt believe how full of energy I was considering that I just recovered from the flu. I think taking Tuesday off to recover was the smart thing to do.
Worked a short day. Put in so much overtime last week and the beginning of this week that I got to take some well-deserved relaxing time off. Back to a busy day tomorrow, though.
worked with students who were "off" today.

Ran two miles at a park with my co-worker.

I liked the running part better than the teaching part.
Had my yearly appt with gp. I intended to get my flu shot - but they had run out the day before. So ran to Target, shopped while waiting to be next in their clinic. Gladly got the nasal flu vaccine since the injection usually makes my arm sore for a couple of days.

I was going to take the day off from health club cycle class - but I realized I could still make it, even if I was a little late. I was pretty pleased with myself for getting it in!
Cut out a blouse to go with the skirt I made last week. Took daughter to store for MIL. Sat and addressed Christmas Cards. 47 for in the US, 1 to Canada, 2 to Australia and 4 to be hand delivered. Post Office is gonna love me. MIL addressed her cards and she had 23 for the US and 5 to the Bahamas.
Cut out a blouse to go with the skirt I made last week. Took daughter to store for MIL. Sat and addressed Christmas Cards. 47 for in the US, 1 to Canada, 2 to Australia and 4 to be hand delivered. Post Office is gonna love me. MIL addressed her cards and she had 23 for the US and 5 to the Bahamas.

That reminds me, Kristina!...Thank you so much for the very nice Xmas card, via email!...Just loved it, and made my spirit much brighter!...Wishing you and ur Family a Very Merry Xmas too!
paid my AT&T phone and cable tv/internet bills, then ordered a few things off Amazon for Christmas gifts. Went to work early, so I'll be getting off early. May swing by the deaf school library and see if my friend is working today, I haven't seen her in a while. Then off to Walmart to do some shopping for cookie and fudge stuff, few groceries, and possibly christmas gifts. Yay for payday!
Brought one my pooches to the groomer for a nail trimming, and went to the audiologist to let them know there is something wrong with my right hearing aid. She looked at it and said "there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.", and then recommended I get a hearing testing. I told her that I know it's something wrong with the hearing aid because 1) The volume comes and goes intermittently, 2) I swapped my right & left and the left one worked better.

The audiologist continued insisting this may just be a decline in my hearing. I wound up insisting that I wanted my right hearing aid sent off for repair anyway.

When she set me up with a loaner hearing aid, Again, that hearing aid worked BETTER, And I told her so - But, she still insisted that her computer test of my hearing aid says there's nothing wrong and that I should get a hearing test instead. :roll:

(I've went through this routine with this audiologist with a pair of my hearing aid before this pair, and was proven that I was correct. And I'm thinking I'll be proven correct this time as well. Just don't quite get the behavior...)