What did you do today? Part II

Sleep puke sleep puke. Repeat.
You have a lot of responsibilities. What about your extended family? do they help?

Brothers are too far away and can't deal with mother. MIL's family wrote her off a long time ago. She went through major personality changes after the first brain tumor was removed and then again after the second was removed.

Luckily, I do get personal time each day. Today was mostly a "me" day. I think it all balances out pretty well. Some days are rough and some are slow, but all in all, it balances out somewhat. I knew when we left Missouri and moved back here that I would have a lot on my plate. My fibromyalgia just added to it. Also, MIL is worse than she thought she would be. She fell 3 times this year bad enough that she had to go to the ER. She had another 3-4 falls, but they weren't very bad. Her first fall was her fault and she admits that, but the other two major falls were more the doctor's fault. They had her overdosed on muscle relaxers. When we first got here, she could handle her own housework and cooking. Now, she can't do the housework and most days, she's in too much pain to cook. She doesn't want me to cook for her since she is on a specific diet that would throw me in a real tizzy, so she just gets something out.
Brothers are too far away and can't deal with mother. MIL's family wrote her off a long time ago. She went through major personality changes after the first brain tumor was removed and then again after the second was removed.

Luckily, I do get personal time each day. Today was mostly a "me" day. I think it all balances out pretty well. Some days are rough and some are slow, but all in all, it balances out somewhat. I knew when we left Missouri and moved back here that I would have a lot on my plate. My fibromyalgia just added to it. Also, MIL is worse than she thought she would be. She fell 3 times this year bad enough that she had to go to the ER. She had another 3-4 falls, but they weren't very bad. Her first fall was her fault and she admits that, but the other two major falls were more the doctor's fault. They had her overdosed on muscle relaxers. When we first got here, she could handle her own housework and cooking. Now, she can't do the housework and most days, she's in too much pain to cook. She doesn't want me to cook for her since she is on a specific diet that would throw me in a real tizzy, so she just gets something out.

Oh, I didn't know. Hope that your plans will come out okay later or sooner.
Dairy with stomach flu???

No - not a good idea.

Plenty of fluids and maybe a soft bland diet once you can hold food in the stomach. Try 1 or 2 saltines with water and if they stay, then move on to soft stuff, like jello, mashed potatoes, or something like that. I've been known to take a round of bread and eat the inside but not the crust.
No - not a good idea.

Plenty of fluids and maybe a soft bland diet once you can hold food in the stomach. Try 1 or 2 saltines with water and if they stay, then move on to soft stuff, like jello, mashed potatoes, or something like that. I've been known to take a round of bread and eat the inside but not the crust.

Sometimes, it is ok to eat a toast with jelly or butter. I think. But, yogurt is still better. I had a stomach ache, and I had an English muffin with natural butter. Then, I ate the yogurt.

I am not sure about the saltines - why is that? I am thinking that saltine contains acidity. Does that help you?
Saltines are easily digested which is why they are good for upset stomachs. All dairy should be avoided during bouts of gastroenteritis (vomiting or diarrhea), as well as at least 24-48 hours after recovery begins. Best to follow a BRAT diet and slowly add foods as you tolerate them.
I eat saltines all the time whenever I have an upset stomach. It works wonders.

Don't eat "buttered" saltines (e.g. "buttered crackers"). The butter does not help one bit.
Installed Linux Mint on my computer early this morning. My computer is dual booted now.
If you take some medicine to stop your diarrhea, the bad stuff is still there for a little longer which is not healthy and it could get infection - but it is not always happen.

I think that you had food poisoning. Unfortunate. But, you will feel better later . Your body fight the germs. If you are worried about the diary, I bet that you don't eat diary often then it is alright for you to eat the yogurt for a while because it contains good bacteria take care of your intestines because it helps your stomach digest easily. For example, the good bacteria is shoveling out the old rotten food that stuck in between the villi (other words like thick organ hair bumps on the intestine surface). Just make sure that you drink water or mixed with grape juice and water.

I haven't thought about the saltine. That's good to know. Actually, you still need to take the yogurt to get rid of the germs.

Can Eating Yogurt Prevent A Stomach Virus? | LIVESTRONG.COM
If you take some medicine to stop your diarrhea, the bad stuff is still there for a little longer which is not healthy and it could get infection - but it is not always happen.

I think that you had food poisoning. Unfortunate. But, you will feel better later . Your body fight the germs. If you are worried about the diary, I bet that you don't eat diary often then it is alright for you to eat the yogurt for a while because it contains good bacteria take care of your intestines because it helps your stomach digest easily. For example, the good bacteria is shoveling out the old rotten food that stuck in between the villi (other words like thick organ hair bumps on the intestine surface). Just make sure that you drink water or mixed with grape juice and water.

I haven't thought about the saltine. That's good to know. Actually, you still need to take the yogurt to get rid of the germs.

Can Eating Yogurt Prevent A Stomach Virus? | LIVESTRONG.COM

that's right. just shit it all out.

Immodium (to stop diarrhea) is just for emergency case where you can't afford to have a case of explosive diarrhea during a certain moment such as important meeting. or first date with a girl :)
No..just caught up on sleep. It was the kind of flu that if I did anything like pick up stuff from the floor, I would get tired quickly and feel like my body was being weighed down. I did think of going to work today but I was afraid that it would make me stay sick longer. I am still a little weak but not like yesterday.


have you taken a flu medication?