What did you do today? Part II

Well - let's see, for today, after a crappy night, fixed breakfast, vacuumed, went to bank with a Christmas check from a neighbor. Got home and started sewing. Finished all the sewing on my skirt, then took MIL to get her monthly blood work done (required due to her blood thinners). Then did about 25 sudoku puzzles and fixed dinner. Finally got my computer this evening.
Gosh! I hope she feels better mighty quick! Don't you get sick too!
I hope I don't get sick! I worked in the chicken house last winter with the flu, sucked big time. Besides if I get sick, I just have to suck it up and deal with it because I don't have the money to go to a doctor nor do I have health insurance. It's one of those things where I have to keep on going until I literally collapse.
me either. and plus - I know nothing about it. :dunno2:
Yeah, I guess we just had to be the weird ones and not know anything about this Thanksgiving movie.
Dixie, that's great about your birthday and that sucks about your daughter. My son just recovered from a 3 day fever. He is still coughing a little.

I went to work, did a 90 minute presentation on the new Math curriculm and exercised with my coworker in a mall after work due to the damn rain.

Nothing exciting to report.

I am seriously thinking about changing my job in the teaching field..I would love to be a curriculm coordinator. I have been taking on mroe and more responsibilities in that field. I am really getting unmotivated with teaching itself.

Thanks Shel. I'm glad your son is finally feeling better. I hope my DD doesn't have a three day fever, I can't afford to miss that much work. It means I will literally have to skip a payment on something or come up short on Christmas again this year.

While I was at the pharmacy, I ran into the manager and asked her if they were currently hiring, and she said no, her regional manager won't allow any stores to hire any new employees. :(

Right now I'm do desperate to get off the farm that I would be willing to scrub toilets for the church just so I could go back to school.

Thing is I've realized, I can't do this thing on my own. Letting go is a hard thing to do. :( Maybe it will return to me in better form later.
Dixie, I meant to mention - I do hope you daughter begins to feel better and I hope you are lucky enough to not get it.
Dixie, I meant to mention - I do hope you daughter begins to feel better and I hope you are lucky enough to not get it.

Thanks Kristina. I hope today has been kinder to you than previous days. I've been thinking about you off and on today.
Hello Alldefa Everyone, I decide I moved new I am work manager I am work I best effort I am best lots of busy i was very
I am not much often I will back around Janruary I will normal because I am busy effort! I am community my own deaf manager update own improve also improve and another lots of hosting support frineds techincal lots of project I am very busy weeks!no times I am not much! I am very busy no times i let know you news! I hope be you inbox your inbox I am not much posts! I am busy oftens I am work I am very manager lots of hard work effort I am busy I don't want to increase too much focus on alldeaf because cause best to pretty I am very best friends I will VP become new manager I am new manager support I am help people fix techincal I am mind! I offer to kindly to people! I am very kindly to people manager I am support I do busy! I too busy lots of not enough alldeaf

Wirelessly posted

I went door to door handing out my resume to different doc offices.
Just returned from a service call. I convinced the owner he needs a new furnace, so I will have a project in the next couple of days. Woot.
I am going to look at the Samsung Galaxy Tab for school, ENt appointment, teach my kids, take kids to swim team, research ASL videos!
Donated blood for the first time in my 56 years. It's the first time I've been eligible to give blood.
Donated blood for the first time in my 56 years. It's the first time I've been eligible to give blood.

Congrats! I've been a regular plasma donor for over 10 years. It's a really easy way to help someone else!
I have been turned away from so many places trying to donate blood since I have baby veins that roll. It's too hard so they get frustrated and give up. Even in the midst of a severe shortage in Columbia, MO, they asked me to not come back since my veins are "touchy".
I have been turned away from so many places trying to donate blood since I have baby veins that roll. It's too hard so they get frustrated and give up. Even in the midst of a severe shortage in Columbia, MO, they asked me to not come back since my veins are "touchy".

I had 4 people work on my arm as they had trouble getting the blood to flow. It may have been more of a "not hydrated enough" issue (though they didn't say anything about that). I'm not one to drink water and wouldn't you know the vending machine here at work was out of water bottles just when I was going to buy one or two (to hydrate before my appt).

I usually don't have problems when I go for lab work, so I was a little surprised that they had problems. I know my husband was always a "hard stick" which wasn't good since he spent a lot of time in the hospital and had blood drawn many times. Every time he went into ER, we would let them know he was a "hard stick" so that they could get someone else to do it if they needed to.
Am currently doing teddy bear surgery. Daughter's beloved teddy bear has been so loved that a lot of fur is missing and now the neck has ripped again. I have stitched it at least three times, but her head fell off this morning. Can't do away with Cathy or DD will totally lose it. Cathy was given by my Uncle and Aunt whose daughter Cathy was murdered in Minnesota. DD got her at birth.
Went to the ENT. They insisted on repeating an audiogram. I just had one in Aug. I hope Iyou dont have to pay for it. Now I need to go back for an ENG. I have a feeling it will not be fun. He is baffled that I have ringing in my ears, and doesn't know why. So I hope the ENG tells him something useful. I asked him why my hearing seems to fluctuate. Some days things seem loud, and I turn my aids down. Other days I have to turn them up because they aren't loud enough. He said he has NEVER heard of hearing fluctuating in ALL his years of practice. I am not thrilled! Have any of you had an ENG, and was it helpful in a diagnosis? Thanks guys.
Went to the ENT. They insisted on repeating an audiogram. I just had one in Aug. I hope Iyou dont have to pay for it. Now I need to go back for an ENG. I have a feeling it will not be fun. He is baffled that I have ringing in my ears, and doesn't know why. So I hope the ENG tells him something useful. I asked him why my hearing seems to fluctuate. Some days things seem loud, and I turn my aids down. Other days I have to turn them up because they aren't loud enough. He said he has NEVER heard of hearing fluctuating in ALL his years of practice. I am not thrilled! Have any of you had an ENG, and was it helpful in a diagnosis? Thanks guys.

My hearing used to fluctuate depending on my migraines. It took me many years to figure this out because I often have painless migraines. It took a Dr at
Johns Hopkins to figure this out for me.
Should I ever post in here?

Seems like my life is all about work and parental duties. I need to go on a cruise or something. Maybe if all of you pay for it. :lol:
Should I ever post in here?

Seems like my life is all about work and parental duties. I need to go on a cruise or something. Maybe if all of you pay for it. :lol:

Man, I feel for you easterners... Cruises from Texas to Cozumel is pretty cheap, and a cheap flight from here to there... $500 for the whole thing.

And you guys... :(
My hearing used to fluctuate depending on my migraines. It took me many years to figure this out because I often have painless migraines. It took a Dr at
Johns Hopkins to figure this out for me.

Cheetah that is good to know. The Dr. Looked at me like I was an idiot. I will keep at it.