What Books Have You Recently Purchased?

Just purchased a pleasure read. (The first one in about a year...money all goes to text books and references!:giggle:) But I'm on break and treating myself. Bought The City of Falling Angels by John Berendt because I loved his first novel Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Now I won't get anything done until I finish the book!
Sadly I must give Oliver Sacks Seeing Voices a thunbs (way) down. I did not like this book at all. I did not gain any insights on Def culture. It was very poorly writen and the author was neither a deaf/hoh or student of Deaf culture which might of been the reason for this bad book. I do not recommend it.

really interesting AB that is good what you have viewed of forms of sign language being used smile

for me i wanted to buy book called doh't let emotions run your life bye Scott E. Spradlin, MA
Sadly I must give Oliver Sacks Seeing Voices a thunbs (way) down. I did not like this book at all. I did not gain any insights on Def culture. It was very poorly writen and the author was neither a deaf/hoh or student of Deaf culture which might of been the reason for this bad book. I do not recommend it.


Gotta disagree with you on this one. Sacks is one of the few medical practitioners who does not hold to the medical model of pathology as applied to deafness. I found him to be consistent in viewing the deaf individual from a contextual standpoint. Likewise, his notations on deaf history and his interpretations of such are right on target. Coming from a neurologist, he offers various insights as to the biological reasons that sign is a more natural language for the deaf.

Likewise, Sacks is one of the most respected and innovative medical practitioners of this century. His innovative treatments are celbrated worldwide. I not only found his book toi be insightful, it has served as a useful reference for me in research design.
Pincher Martin by William Golding
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

"The Vampire Memoirs"
by: Mara McCuniff & Tracy Briery

by: John Steakley

"Bite", "Night In The Lonesome October", "To Wake The Dead"
by Richard Laymon

most of the books I read are written by women so I thought I would even it out a bit by getting a few guy authors at the local new and used bookstore.
yes most of my books are about vampires but what the hey, a girls got to have hobbies right?
I just checked out two ASL books from the library. They are:

Conversational Sign Language II by Willard J. Madsen
Introduction to American Sign Language by Harry W. Hoemann

For One More Day by Mitch Albom


I also purchased several non-fictions books- from home remedies to English text books.
"The Vampire Memoirs"
by: Mara McCuniff & Tracy Briery

by: John Steakley

"Bite", "Night In The Lonesome October", "To Wake The Dead"
by Richard Laymon

most of the books I read are written by women so I thought I would even it out a bit by getting a few guy authors at the local new and used bookstore.
yes most of my books are about vampires but what the hey, a girls got to have hobbies right?

Have you read "The Fat White Vqampire Blues" and "Bride of the Fat White Vampire"?
Have you read "The Fat White Vqampire Blues" and "Bride of the Fat White Vampire"?

haven't heard of them before, do you know the name of the author? I will ask Deb if she has a copy of them and if she doesn't I'll get her to post it on her computer that if she gets them in to call me. she has a really cool tracking software system on her computer. whatever new or used books come in that a person has requested that is logged in as being sold to her or traded to her, the computer alerts her to call the person on the top of the list that has requested that title. also when you buy books from her it logs what you've bought and keeps a record of it so just in case you forget you've bought it, it will tell her to remind you that you got it already. pretty cool! and she is an awesome person to deal with.
i just purchased the new guide book for one game called Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 ^^
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
Women in Love by D. H. Lawrence
Answered Prayers by Truman Capote

Just recently I bought "A Witch's 10 Commandments" by Marian Singer.

It's a really great book...
haven't heard of them before, do you know the name of the author? I will ask Deb if she has a copy of them and if she doesn't I'll get her to post it on her computer that if she gets them in to call me. she has a really cool tracking software system on her computer. whatever new or used books come in that a person has requested that is logged in as being sold to her or traded to her, the computer alerts her to call the person on the top of the list that has requested that title. also when you buy books from her it logs what you've bought and keeps a record of it so just in case you forget you've bought it, it will tell her to remind you that you got it already. pretty cool! and she is an awesome person to deal with.

I can't remember the author, but I found them through interlibrary loan using the title. A friend reccommended them to me.

What a cool software program. I haven't seen it!
'the portable poe'...a collection of edgar allan poe's tales and poems...1968 edition

bought it a couple of days ago...

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