What are you thinking about? Part V

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I'm thinking how I DON'T want to be back at work again. A one week vacation in SC then back to a freezing ass cold MD??? ugh! Perhaps I'm getting old, but spending the summers in Florida is sounding better and better every winter. :cold:
I'm thinking how I DON'T want to be back at work again. A one week vacation in SC then back to a freezing ass cold MD??? ugh! Perhaps I'm getting old, but spending the summers in Florida is sounding better and better every winter. :cold:

The summers??

Doesn't sound as if you are old. Maybe masochistic?

Winters I could understand.
I thinking, the Trick-or-Treaters tonight better know the backstroke or how to swim here. We are under flood advisories again, and the rain is coming down like no tomorrow. I cannot see the house across the street. Kind of like a white-out with snow.
I think how very weird is Hallowe'en no snow yet! First ever my life!
I'm thinking people are bringing kids from out of our general area here for trick-or-treating. My MIL bought more candy than she did last year, and it's almost gone. Kids are slowing down, but still.
I'm thinking I don't want to leave Alabama - it would mean not seeing my boyfriend again for another several weeks, possibly more. Sigh.
Thinking about my experience in church Sunday.
Thinking on how much I could believe I have moved out three weeks ago already and it hasn't sunk in yet :shock:
Thinking how weird it is that my cat is now deaf!

He doesn't respond to verbal commands anymore. Clapping will alert him or touching.

He must sit on me every time I sit down. Curled up sleeping now, he is.
Thinking how weird it is that my cat is now deaf!

He doesn't respond to verbal commands anymore. Clapping will alert him or touching.

He must sit on me every time I sit down. Curled up sleeping now, he is.

you silly.... your cat is not a dog! :giggle:
I'm meeting a guy on Sunday that my friends are setting me up with. He looks like Hugh Jackman....*swoon*
LOL, he is a Ragdoll, and Ragdoll cats has been known to have some dog like qualities. :P

wot??? I have known a cat that looks like Lenin, acts like Lenin, and governs better than Lenin.... but a cat that acts like a dog? nonsense!

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