What are you thinking about? Part V

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I think how Dallas better not expect I will clean up after his sorry drunk ass if he get sick. Not happening! Currently he lay on middle bedroom floor laughing. No idea why. On back, like starfish. Drunk idiot.
Nothing like drunk idiots in the middle of the floor on Saturday night because we know some of them will be in church on Sundah banging their head on the pew for forgiveness or because they are trying to forget they are hungover.
Looks like your going to have one.

Didnt get one...we had snow but it melted as soon as it hit the ground. Ground wasnt cold enough to sustain the snow. Back to colorful Halloween but very very cold!
Thinking how I am not in the mood to to deal with my son about cleaning up his room. I am sooo tired from such a busy few days.
Your pics (on FB) of your son are just so adorable. Take a nap today !!
Your pics (on FB) of your son are just so adorable. Take a nap today !!

I cant...need to watch my son and one of his friends who stayed over. Hubby is working from 10 to 7 at his 2nd job. The house is a huge mess. Need 3 day weekends from now on. grrr!

What a gorgeous day after yesterday!!! Time for me to go thrifting!
Wirelessly posted

I had fun in Hollywood yesterday:)
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I am thinking about the fact that my pastors wife has asked me to teach her some ASL. I'm not fluent by any stretch, however I do know some signs and phrases but that's it. Would this even be right to teach her these or should I steer her towards someone who is more fluent? (not that I know anyone here locally). Opinions?
I am thinking about the fact that my pastors wife has asked me to teach her some ASL. I'm not fluent by any stretch, however I do know some signs and phrases but that's it. Would this even be right to teach her these or should I steer her towards someone who is more fluent? (not that I know anyone here locally). Opinions?

Does she want to become fluent in ASL? If so, why not the both of you find someone who is fluent and learn together?
It is possible, but I will ask her again and see what level of fluency she is after. I can go from there I guess. I told her what my Audi said about my hearing and now she is like "Oh no! How terrible! I'm sorry you are going through this." and I told her I was OK with it even going so far as to say maybe I should just lose the remainder of my hearing just so I wouldnt be stuck in between two worlds. She has a puzzled look on her face and she said she would pray for me. I know she means well, but maybe some education and information could go a long ways?
I am thinking did the Cardinals and Ravens exchange jerseys for Halloween?
Any drug maker must offer a regular dose form for those who need just low-doses.

There's low-dose aspirin for those who take aspirin regularly as a blood thinner. (81mg)

Then there's extra strength aspirin for those who don't take it often but use it primarily as a pain reliever, this is usually a higher but safe dose of aspirin.

Drug companies cannot go over a certain limit per dosage as per FDA which regulates these.

If a company is selling a high dosage medicine that is over the FDA limits, then you can bet your bippy that they're going to get the hammer sooner rather than later.

That is true that they do offer it, but they are not legally mandated to do so. It's marketing.
That is true that they do offer it, but they are not legally mandated to do so. It's marketing.

Thanks. I thought the FDA regulated all OTC and behind the counter medications along with prescription medications. I guess I was wrong. :???:
Thanks. I thought the FDA regulated all OTC and behind the counter medications along with prescription medications. I guess I was wrong. :???:

There are cetain amounts that cannot be contained in OTC's...a maximum level permitted. But they don't have to have minimum doses available, as well. It's kind of like, there is 80 mg of this in there. Dr. says you should only take 40 mg per day. Break it in half. Dr says you need 160 mg. Take two.

They may market a 40 mg tablet, however, so they can sell you two bottles...meaning more profit than if you bought 1 bottle and broke all the pills in half.
One of my meds is scored so that you can take half a pill. I think that this is pretty common for presription drugs. It's an inexpensive drug so the mfgr doesn't want to offer a lower dose.
I came home last night to find my computer kaput. My friends are so embarrassed and defensive, but I forgive them, since the memory was almost full anyway. (This is my brother's laptop.)
Time to buy a new computer, anyway. :giggle:
thinking how I do not want to make two dinners...but gotta do it. dammit!

Done..and I feel better.
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I am thinking it was fun lastnight in Hollywood :)
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