What are you thinking about? Part V

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Thinking that I really should go to bed now, but I'm talking to a new guy so... Maybe it'll turn into something? :) Few more hours until I'm supposed to "wake up" for work. UGH!!! I could just as well stay awake for 3 more hours and then drink TONS of coffee for the rest of today, but my brain function would be significantly slow.

Already pretty slow anyway oh and I have a date tomorrow night with another hearing dude. Yeah, go me.
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Thinking about all the things I need to do today. Lots of errands that needs to be ran.
I am not conversing with him...he is using our daughter as the messenger. Here we go again. :roll:

Why is he burdening your daughter with that? She shouldn't have to deal with that. I think he may be being manipulative with her emotions doing that. :nono:

He's needs get off his lazy duff and deal with you directly. He choose to go down this road himself, so he should just suck it up and deal with the consequences no matter how much he dislikes them.
I'm thinking I really really need to work more on my ASL.
Shel, it's a good idea to have a lawyer send a letter in advance telling him that you intend to take possession of your child on the court-ordered holiday. It would probably make him behave better.
Here's a pic

Cool. I haven't seen that before. Around the holidays (especially Halloween and Christmas) stores (here in the US) make caramel, sticky, colored popcorn so that was what I was envisioning. :)
Cool. I haven't seen that before. Around the holidays (especially Halloween and Christmas) stores (here in the US) make caramel, sticky, colored popcorn so that was what I was envisioning. :)

We don't have sticky coloured popcorn here, although we do have caramel one.

Let me know if you would like me to send you one to try. :)
Thinking that i want to transfer to another college near home..
I am back. Dang snow nabbed the internet. Power is still out in the town but this place is warm n toasty thanks to solar power/geothermal heat.

What'd I miss? Any excitement?

(I see I have 17 notifications to tend to... hmm)
I am back. Dang snow nabbed the internet. Power is still out in the town but this place is warm n toasty thanks to solar power/geothermal heat.

What'd I miss? Any excitement?

(I see I have 17 notifications to tend to... hmm)

Popular! :hmm:

I think the Colorado snow is supposed to melt by tomorrow?
Naw, we held back knowing you were out of the loop, PFH. :roll:
wb PFH. i just got back too, the last 2 days have been extremely busy and i'm so tired!!

did it snow a lot?
lucky, i can't wait for it to start snowing here!
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking how hard it was to leave San Diego, CA. I loved every minute of my adventure, enjoyed good Mexican food and the bus boy was cute heehee
Wirelessly posted

Trying to determine that being told I should be a porn star is considered sexual harassment as well.
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Wirelessly posted

Trying to determine that being told I should be a porn star is considered sexual harassment as well.

indirectly I think, but I would probably take it as compliment. :dunno:

all I can think of is laser, laser, laser, laser, laser.......
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